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#501 - Health management practices and disease prevalence in dairy sheep systems in Argentina, 29(11):931-937

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Suárez V.H. & Busetti M.R. 2009. Health management practices and disease prevalence in dairy sheep systems in Argentina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11):931-937. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria de Anguil, INTA, CC 11, 6326 Anguil, La Pampa, Argentina. E-mail: A cross-sectional survey of 19 dairy sheep farms in Argentina was carried out with the purpose to know farm management, health practices, and occurrence and mortality of diseases. The survey comprised 40% of all sheep milking farms in Argentina. A questionnaire was conducted by way of personal interviews with sheep owners during farm visits. The proportions of farms reporting routine vaccination for clostridial diseases, contagious ecthyma, pneumonia and mineral and vitamin parenteral administration were 63%, 47.3%, 16.6% and 42.1% respectively. Regular treatment against lice was used in 37.5% of the farms, and 89.5% o the farmers treated against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN). The mean number of GIN drenches per farm was 2.26±1.78 annually. In 68.4% of the milking flocks the California Mastitis Test was regularly done and 55.6% of the farmer managers had sampled their flocks once a year for Brucella ovis antibodies. During the pre-mating period respectively 68.4% and 50% of farmers clinically examined their rams and ewe for general health and teeth condition. The udders of ewes were frequently inspected at the start of each milking period. The most important parasite problems noticed were GIN (reported by 57.9% of farmers), lice (57.9%) and scabies (10.5%) and the most frequent infectious diseases were ecthyma (73.7%), pneumonia and other respiratory problems (57.9%), clinical mastitis (55.6%), clostridial diseases (36.9%) and foot lameness (35.2%). Photosensitivity (47.4%) and ruminal acidosis (42.1%) were reported as other frequent toxic or metabolic disorders. Owners mentioned that the mean lifespan or milk productive time per ewe was 4.5±1.4 years. Perinatal lamb mortality was 8.5% and the total flock mortality rates, above the first 24 h of life was 6.9%. The high rates of lamb mortality during the pre-weaning (10.3%) and post-weaning (5.9%) periods indicate that this problem, as well as the most prevalent diseases, should be the subject of further studies.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Suárez V.H. & Busetti M.R. 2009. Health management practices and disease prevalence in dairy sheep systems in Argentina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11):931-937. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria de Anguil, INTA, CC 11, 6326 Anguil, La Pampa, Argentina. E-mail: Foi realizado um levantamento longitudinal em 19 fazendas de ovinos leiteiros na Argentina com o objetivo de conhecer práticas de manejo, medidas sanitárias e ocorrência e freqüência das enfermidades. O levantamento incluiu 40% de todas as fazendas do país que produzem leite ovino. Um questionário foi utilizado com entrevistas pessoais com os ovinocultores durante visita às fazendas. A percentagem de fazendas que relataram vacinação rotineira contra clostridioses, ectima contagioso, pneumonia e administração parenteral de minerais e vitaminas foi 63%, 47,3%, 16,6% e 42,1%, respectivamente. Parte dos produtores (37,5%) realizava tratamento regularmente contra piolhos e 89,5% contra nematódeos gastrintestinais. O número médio de tratamentos anti-helmínticos anuais, por fazenda, era de 2,26+1,78. Em 68,4% dos rebanhos leiteiros o Califórnia Mastite Teste (CMT) era regularmente realizado e 55,6% dos produtores colhiam amostras de seus rebanhos uma vez por ano para diagnóstico de Brucella ovis. Durante o período de pré-acasalamento 68,4% e 50% dos produtores examinavam clinicamente seus carneiros e a condição geral e de dentes de suas ovelhas. O úbere das ovelhas era geralmente inspecionado no início da ordenha. Os principais problemas parasitários eram nematódeos gastrintestinais (mencionado por 57,9% dos produtores), piolhos (57,9%) e sarna (10,5%) e as doenças infecciosas mais frequentes foram ectima contagioso (73,7%), pneumonia e outros problemas respiratórios (57,9%), mastite clínica (55,6%), clostridioses (36,9%) e laminite (35,2%). Fotossensibilização (47,4%) e acidose ruminal (42,1%) foram relatadas como as principais desordens tóxicas ou metabólicas. Na visão dos produtores, a expectativa de vida produtiva ou o tempo de produção de leite por ovelha era de 4,5+1,4 anos. A mortalidade perinatal foi de 8,5% e a taxa de mortalidade total do rebanho, depois das primeiras 24 horas de vida, foi de 6,9%. As altas taxas de mortalidade de cordeiros durante os períodos de pré-desmame (10,3%) e pós-desmame (5,9%) indicam que isto, assim como as doenças mais prevalentes, deve ser tema de mais estudos.

#502 - Renal artery Triplex Doppler and the relationship between kidney ecobiometry with atlanto-coccyges distance (ACD) and height (H) in Canis familiaris, 29(10):809-815

Abstract in English:

RESUMO.- Santana E. Jr M., Beserra P.S., Brito A.B., Miranda S.A., Nikolak E. & Domingues S.F.S. 2009. [Renal artery Triplex Doppler and the relationship between kidney ecobiometry with atlanto-coccyges distance (ACD) and height (H) in Canis familiaris.] Triplex Doppler da artéria renal e a relação entre a ecobiometria dos rins com distância atlanto-coccígea (DAC) e altura (H) em Canis familiaris. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):809-815. Laboratório de Biologia e Medicina de Animais da Amazônia, Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Hernane Lameira 556, Castanhal, PA 68743-050, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo do trabalho foi estabelecer a relação entre a ecobiometria renal com medidas de conformação corporal como a distância atlanto-coccígea (DAC) e a altura (H) de cães adultos saudáveis, obtendo-se parâmetros de normalidade para avaliar o tamanho e volume renal, bem como estabelecer valores de referência para avaliar a perfusão sanguínea dos rins por meio do índice de resistividade (IR) e do índice de pulsatilidade (IP) do ramo principal da artéria renal. No estudo foram utilizados 22 cães adultos sem raça definida, sendo 11 machos e 11 fêmeas. Os animais foram previamente aferidos quanto a DAC e a H. Os exames ultra-sonográficos foram realizados com um aparelho HDI 4000 PHILIPS munido de um transdutor microconvexo multifreqüêncial (5-8 MHz), dispositivos Doppler Colorido e Doppler de Fluxo. Os animais foram posicionados em decúbito lateral direito ou esquerdo, de acordo com o rim a ser avaliado. Os diâmetros longitudinal (DL) e dorsoventral (DDV) dos rins foram mensurados na secção longitudinal e, o diâmetro transversal (DT) foi aferido no plano transversal. O volume (V) foi calculado automaticamente pelo software do ultra-som. Com o uso do Triplex Doppler, o IR e o IP das artérias renais direita e esquerda foram obtidos. Todos os dados foram apresentados em média ± EPM. Análises de regressão linear foram realizadas tendo o DL, DDV, DT e V como variáveis dependentes e a DAC e H como variáveis independentes. Os IR e IP dos rins direito e esquerdo foram comparados pelo teste t de Student. A DAC variou de 54-78cm para machos e 37-71cm para fêmeas e a altura variou entre 34-64 cm para os machos e 24-57cm para as fêmeas. As médias obtidas para DL, DDV, DT e V dos rins esquerdo e direito foram: 5,24±0,27cm, 3,07±0,15cm, 3,07±0,9cm, 28,01±3,4mL e 4,50±0,19cm, 2,88±0,14cm, 2,71±0,15cm, 21,27±2,6mL, respectivamente. As análises de regressão linear entre as medidas lineares e volume renal com a DAC e a H foram significativas para os interceptos e coeficientes de regressão (P<0,01). Houve diferenças estatísticas quando comparado os IR e IP entre os rins direito e esquerdo (P=0,001), sendo que as médias para IR e IP dos rins esquerdo e direito foram 0,62±0,08; 1,34±0,18 e 0,70±0,06; 1,62±0,13; respectivamente. Os dados obtidos no presente trabalho podem auxiliar na avaliação do tamanho, volume e perfusão dos rins de cães adultos.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santana E. Jr M., Beserra P.S., Brito A.B., Miranda S.A., Nikolak E. & Domingues S.F.S. 2009. [Renal artery Triplex Doppler and the relationship between kidney ecobiometry with atlanto-coccyges distance (ACD) and height (H) in Canis familiaris.] Triplex Doppler da artéria renal e a relação entre a ecobiometria dos rins com distância atlanto-coccígea (DAC) e altura (H) em Canis familiaris. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):809-815. Laboratório de Biologia e Medicina de Animais da Amazônia, Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Hernane Lameira 556, Castanhal, PA 68743-050, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this paper was to establish the relation between the kidney ecobiometry with atlanto-coccyges distance (ACD) and height (H) in adult healthy dogs, to obtain normality parameters for assessment of renal size and volume, as well as establish reference values to evaluate kidney blood perfusion by the resistivity index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) of main renal artery. The study was applied at 22 adult dogs, 11 males and 11 females. Previously, the DAC and H of all animals were measured. For ultrasonographic examination, the ultra-sound system HDI 4000 PHILIPS equipped with a multi-frequency microconvex transducer, Color Doppler and Spectral Doppler devices was used. The animals were placed into right or left lateral decubitus position, in agreement with the kidney to be assessed. The longitudinal (LD) and dorsoventral diameters (DVD) of kidney were measured in longitudinal plane, and the transverse diameter (TD) was determined in transversal section. The renal volume (V) was automatically calculated by the ultrasound software. With Triplex Doppler, the RI and PI of right and left main renal arteries were obtained. All data were represented in mean ± SEM. Linear regression analyses were performed with renal LD, DVD, TD and V as dependent variable, and ACD and H as independent variable. RI and PI were compared between right and left renal arteries with Student’s t-test. The LD, DVD, TD (cm) and V (ml) mean measurements for the left and right kidneys were: 5.24±0.27, 3.07±0.15, 3.07±0.9, 28.01±3.4 and 4.50±0.19, 2.88±0.14, 2.71±0.15, 21.27±2.6. All regression analyses were significant for the intercept and regression coefficient (P<0.01). There were statistical differences on RI and PI means between right and left renal arteries (P=0.001). The RI and PI means of left and right renal artery obtained were: 0.62±0.08 and 1.34±0.18; 0.70±0.06 and 1.62±0.13. The data obtained in the present paper can be used as parameters for evaluation of the renal size, volume and perfusion in adult dogs.

#503 - Evaluation of the cardiorrespiratory and hemogasometrics effects and cortisol plasmatic concentration in bovine submitted of electromagnetic immobilization, 29(10):816-822

Abstract in English:

RESUMO.- Rosa A.C., Moraes A.N., Beier S.L., Oleskovicz N., Regalin D., Carneiro R. & Nascimento C.A.F. 2009. [Evaluation of the cardiorrespiratory and hemogasometrics effects and cortisol plasmatic concentration in bovine submitted of electromagnetic immobilization.] Avaliação dos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e da concentração plasmática de cortisol em bovinos submetidos à imobilização eletromagnética. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):816-822. Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: As formas de imobilização em bovinos mais utilizadas levam a uma manipulação excessiva e consequentemente estressante para o animal. A dor é uma experiência emocional de sensação desagradável que vem associada a um prejuízo tecidual. Surge no mercado um método de contenção física para bovinos que propõe a utilização de um aparelho que funciona com ondas eletromagnéticas de baixa intensidade promovendo imobilização sem estresse e ou estímulo doloroso para o animal. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar os parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios e hemogasométricos bem como os níveis de cortisol de bovinos submetidos à imobilização eletromagnética, a fim de observar se tal método é eficaz na diminuição do estresse e/ou estímulo doloroso. Foram utilizados 6 bovinos, mestiços, peso médio de 300,3 kg (±85,76). Os animais foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos (controle dele mesmo): grupo controle (GC), introdução da sonda via retal (desligada); grupo Imobilizador (GI) introdução da sonda e permanência desta ligada por 5 minutos. Análise estatística utilizou o Teste T pareado entre os grupos (P<0,05) e a avaliação entre tempos dentro de cada grupo análise de variância de uma única via com repetições múltiplas (ANOVA - RM). Momentos avaliados M0: basal; M1: imediatamente após a retirada da sonda; M2 e M3 (30 e 60 minutos após M1 respectivamente). Houve um aumento significativo nas variáveis: frequências cardíaca e respiratória em (M1), na Pressão arterial média (M1, M2, M3) e níveis de cortisol nos momentos M1 e M2 no grupo imobilizador quando comparado ao grupo controle. Com relação à resposta ao estímulo, o GI teve resposta negativa no momento da estimulação, comparado ao GC (resposta máxima). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que o imobilizador eletromagnético é um método, exclusivamente, de contenção física, não oferecendo nenhum suporte anestésico, para o conforto ou bem estar ao animal.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Rosa A.C., Moraes A.N., Beier S.L., Oleskovicz N., Regalin D., Carneiro R. & Nascimento C.A.F. 2009. [Evaluation of the cardiorrespiratory and hemogasometrics effects and cortisol plasmatic concentration in bovine submitted of electromagnetic immobilization.] Avaliação dos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e da concentração plasmática de cortisol em bovinos submetidos à imobilização eletromagnética. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):816-822. Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: The ways of immobilization generally used in cattle provide excessive manipulation and stress for the animal. The pain is an emotional experience and unpleasant sensation in combination with tissue damage. The new method of physical restraint for cattle uses low intensity electromagnetic waves, promising immobilization without stress or painful stimulation for the animals. The aim of this study is to evaluate of cardiorespiratory effects and plasmatic cortisol concentration of cattle submitted to electromagnetic immobilization. Six healthy cows with average weight of 300.3 ± 85.76 kg (mean ± SD) were assigned to two treatments in a randomized design with a 15-day interval between experiments GC (control group) and GI (immobilization group). Data are presented as mean + SD. The statistical analyses used the t-Test between groups, and ANOVA random block design between times into same group. All statistical analyses were performed using P<0.05 as a significant level. Evaluation moments: M1 (basal); M1: after withdrawal probe, M2 and M3 (30 and 60 minutes after M1 respectively). There was a significant increase of FC and f in M1, PAM in the moments (M1, M2, M3) and in the levels of plasmatic cortisol concentration in M1 e M2 in the immobilization group when to compared with the control group. It could be concluded that this electromagnetic immobilization is a method of physic restraint only, offers no anesthetic support and favors comfort and animal welfare.

#504 - Biometrics evolution of the embryonic and fetal annexes in cows obtained by natural mating, at 10 to 70 days of gestation

Abstract in English:

RESUMO.- Assis Neto A.C., Morceli J.A.B., Fonseca R., Ambrósio C.E., Pereira F.T.V. & Miglino M.A. 2009. [Biometrics evolution of the embryonic and fetal annexes in cows obtained by natural mating, at 10 to 70 days of gestation.] Evolução morfométrica dos anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos obtidos por monta natural, com 10 a 70 dias da gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):859-862. Faculdade de Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Unidade Experimental de Dracena, Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros Km 651, Dracena, SP 17900-000, Brazil. E-mail: O período inicial da gestação de bovinos é caracterizado por grandes perdas embrionárias. Considerando a importância deste fator no âmbito da reprodução animal foram estudados os anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos fecundados por monta natural de 15-70 dias de gestação, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos da placenta na fase inicial da gestação. Com uso de um paquímetro foram realizadas mensurações do comprimento (crânio caudal), largura (latero lateral) e altura (dorso ventral) das membranas corioalantóide e amniótica. O início da formação dos cotilédones foi observado e quantificado, assim como, o peso placentário. O peso médio do saco gestacional aumentou com o evoluir da idade gestacional, entretanto, o crescimento foi acelerado a partir de 20-30 dias de gestação. O comprimento crânio caudal e dorso ventral da membrana corioalantóide e do âmnio apresentaram crescimento lento e gradual com o evoluir dos períodos gestacionais analisados. Com 30-40 dias de gestação, os primeiro cotilédones já eram visualizados e contatos com facilidade na superfície coriônica. Os períodos de crescimento coincidiram com os maiores índices de perdas gestacionais em bovinos. Os parâmetros aqui analisados poderão servir para futuras investigações dos anexos embrionários de organismos manipulados em laboratório.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Assis Neto A.C., Morceli J.A.B., Fonseca R., Ambrósio C.E., Pereira F.T.V. & Miglino M.A. 2009. [Biometrics evolution of the embryonic and fetal annexes in cows obtained by natural mating, at 10 to 70 days of gestation.] Evolução morfométrica dos anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos obtidos por monta natural, com 10 a 70 dias da gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(10):859-862. Faculdade de Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Unidade Experimental de Dracena, Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros Km 651, Dracena, SP 17900-000, Brazil. E-mail: The main goal of this morphometrical study was to characterize the development of the extra-embryonic membranes of 15 to 70-day-old bovine embryos obtained by natural mating. With a millimeter paquimeter the cranio-caudal, latero-lateral and dorso-ventral measurements of chorion and amnion were determined. The development of the cotyledons and weight of the gestational sac were observed and quantified. The weight of the gestational sac increased during gestation; however, the growth was faster then 20 to 30 days. The cranial-caudal and dorsal-ventral length of the choriallantois and the amnion developed slowly and gradually with progress of the gestational period, and the cranio-caudal length decreased after 50 to 60 days of gestation, increasing in the next period. After 30 to 40 days of gestation, the first cotyledons were visualized and counted easily in the chorionic surface. The growth periods were the same of the main gestational losses in cattle. The parameters analyzed could be useful for investigations of extra-embryonic membranes in organisms manipulated in the laboratory.

#505 - Cellular immune response and hematological parameters of broilers from different age broiler breeders, fed with a sorghum meal with different yeast wall levels, 29(9):725-730

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira S.R., Murakami A.E., Siqueira T.G.V., Santos J.M.G., Potença A. & Santos T.C. 2009. [Cellular immune response and hematological parameters of broilers from different age broiler breeders, fed with a sorghum meal with different yeast wall levels.] Níveis crescentes de parede de levedura sobre a resposta imune celular e perfil hematológico de frangos de corte. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(9):725-730, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo 5790, Maringá, PR 87020-900, Brazil. E-mail: An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect increasing levels of yeast wall and broiler breeders’ age levels on lymphoid organs weight, cellular immune response and hematological parameters in broilers. A total of 3,360 Cobb broilers were allotted, in a completely randomized design and a 2x5 factorial arrangement, and two controls, compound of two broiler breeders age (34 and 57 weeks of age) and five yeast wall levels (zero, one, two, three and four kg of yeast wall/ton of diet). Broiler breeders’ age affected all studied variables. The inclusion of 3kg of yeast wall/ton of meal increased, at 57 weeks age broiler breeders, more intense inflammatory reaction when compared to control diet; however the circulated heterophils and lymphocytes numbers were not increased. In conclusion, the use of yeast wall, associated or not to sorghum on broilers diet still needs complementary studies, for example, purified components of yeast wall (MOS and ß-glucano).

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Ferreira S.R., Murakami A.E., Siqueira T.G.V., Santos J.M.G., Potença A. & Santos T.C. 2009. [Cellular immune response and hematological parameters of broilers from different age broiler breeders, fed with a sorghum meal with different yeast wall levels.] Níveis crescentes de parede de levedura sobre a resposta imune celular e perfil hematológico de frangos de corte. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(9):725-730, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo 5790, Maringá, PR 87020-900, Brazil. E-mail: Um experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito de níveis crescentes de parede de levedura e idade das matrizes reprodutoras sobre o peso dos órgãos linfóides, a resposta imune celular e o perfil hematológico de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 3.360 pintos de corte da linhagem Cobb, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualisado, em esquema fatorial 2x5, mais dois controles, sendo duas idades de matrizes (34 e 57 semanas de idade) e cinco níveis de suplementação de parede de levedura (zero, um, dois, três e quatro kg de parede de levedura/tonelada de ração). A idade das matrizes influenciou a resposta de todas as variáveis. A inclusão de 3kg de parede de levedura/tonelada de ração promoveu, na progênie de reprodutoras de 57 semanas, reação inflamatória mais intensa quando comparada a dieta controle, no entanto não houve aumento significativo no número de heterófilos e linfócitos circulantes. Conclui-se que a utilização da parede de levedura associada ao sorgo ou não em rações de frangos de corte ainda necessita de estudos complementares, que incluam, por exemplo, os componentes purificados da parede de levedura (MOS e ß-glucano).

#506 - Histomorphometric analysis of the extracellular matrix of popliteal lymph nodes from dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (L.) chagasi, 29)8):610-616

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Kondo K.R.J., Fonseca C.C., Da Matta S.L.P. & Viloria M.I.V. 2009. [Histomorphometric analysis of the extracellular matrix of popliteal lymph nodes from dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (L.) chagasi.] Análise histomorfométrica da matriz extracelular do linfonodo poplíteo de cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania (L.) chagasi. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(8):610-616. Departamento de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. Peter Henry Rolfs s/n, Campus Universitário, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil. E-mail: In the Americas, canine visceral leishmaniasis is caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, an obligatory intracellular parasite of the phagocytic-monocytic system; the main histological changes associated with this disease occur in the lymphoid organs. Although dogs are considered to be the main carriers and disseminators of leishmaniasis in urban areas, there are few studies on the histopathologic and histomorphometric aspects in dogs naturally infected by L.chagasi analyzing the interaction between parasite and extracellular matrix. The current study characterize and quantify changes in the cellular and extracellular matrix (collagens type I and III) components of the popliteal lymph node from of 22 dogs with the natural infection by L. chagasi confirmed by indirect immuno-fluorescence assay (IFA) and compare theses findings with those fund in the popliteal lymph node from 10 non-infected dogs, that reacted negative in the IFA, and were clinically healthy. Lymph node fragments were longitudinally sliced and sections were processed for routine histopathology and stained by hematoxylin and eosin. For histomorphometry, additional sections from the same lymph node were fixed in glycol methacrylate and stained with toluidine blue. Lymph nodes from affected dogs were systemically enlarged, had increased numbers of lymphoid follicles, capsule hyperplasia and hypertrophy, and significant hyperplasia of lymphoid cells. In the lymph nodes from infected dogs, quantitative analyses of collagen fibers revealed predominance of type I collagen over type III fibers. These results demonstrate that dogs infected by L.chagasi experience degradation of the extracellular matrix components and consequently destruction of the lymphoid framework, thus altering nodal morphology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Kondo K.R.J., Fonseca C.C., Da Matta S.L.P. & Viloria M.I.V. 2009. [Histomorphometric analysis of the extracellular matrix of popliteal lymph nodes from dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (L.) chagasi.] Análise histomorfométrica da matriz extracelular do linfonodo poplíteo de cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania (L.) chagasi. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(8):610-616. Departamento de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. Peter Henry Rolfs s/n, Campus Universitário, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil. E-mail: Nas Américas, a leishmaniose visceral canina é causada por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, um protozoário intracelular obrigatório do sistema fagocítico mononuclear; as principais alterações histológicas associadas a essa doença ocorrem nos em órgãos linfóides. Apesar de o cão ser considerado o principal mantenedor e disseminador da leishmaniose no ambiente urbano, são escassos estudos dos aspectos histopatológicos e histomorfométricos, em cães naturalmente infectados com L. chagasi, que investiguem a interação entre o parasito e a matriz extracelular. Este estudo visou caracterizar e quantificar as alterações dos componentes celulares e da matriz extracelular (colágenos I e III) do linfonodo poplíteo de 22 cães com infecção natural por L. chagasi detectada através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIF) e compará-las com as alterações encontradas no linfonodo poplíteo de 10 cães não-infectados, negativos na RIF e clinicamente saudáveis. Fragmentos dos linfonodos foram seccionados longitudinalmente, processados rotineiramente para exame histológico e corados por hematoxilina-eosina. Cortes adicionais do mesmo linfonodo incluídos em glicol metacrilato foram corados pelo azul de toluidina para histomorfometria. Linfonodos de cães infectados apresentaram linfadenopatia generalizada, aumento do tamanho e do número dos folículos linfóides, hipertrofia da cápsula e hiperplasia linfóide significativa. Nos linfonodos de cães do grupo infectado, a análise quantitativa de fibras colágenas mostrou significativo predomínio do colágeno I sobre o colágeno III. Esses resultados demonstram que cães infectados por L. chagasi apresentam degradação dos constituintes da matriz extracelular e conseqüente destruição do arcabouço linfóide, alterando a morfologia do órgão.

#507 - Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos, p.515-525

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Gabriel A.L., Kommers G.D., Masuda E.K, Fighera R.A., Piazer J.V.M., Barros C.S.L., Martins T.B. & Rosa F.B. 2009. [Clinical and hematological aspects and urinary bladder lesions in chronic spontaneous poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle.] Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):515-525. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Spontaneous cases of chronic poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle were studied. The clinical forms of the disease were squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) of the upper digestive tract (UDT) and bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH). The cases were from the midland Region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and were submitted to the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Clinical signs and blood work were evaluated at terminal phase of disease. Cattle with UDT SCCs had progressive weigth loss, ruminal atony, cough, dysphagia, bloating, and regurgitation. In cattle with BEH, hematuria was observed in all cases, followed by progressive weight loss. Non-regenerative anemia was detected in 33.33% of the cattle with UDT SCCs form and in 66.66% of the cattle with BEH form. Changes in white blood count occurred in some cases but drop in lymphocyte numbers was uncommon in both forms of disease. For the morphological study, urinary bladders from 46 cattle with UDT SCCs and 11 cattle with BEH were analyzed. Grossly, 16/46 bladders from the UDT SCCs form had gross lesions (red or pale vesical nodules, hemorrhages, and papilomas; red urine was detected at necropsy of only three cases). In BEH form, the bladder had nodules, large neoplastic masses, red urine, papilomas, and hemorrhages. Pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis were seen in a few cases. Microscopically, in the UDT SCCs form, 44/46 (95.65%) bladders had 22 different types of morphological changes, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/22) and non-neoplastic lesions (17/22); the latter were subdivided in non-neoplastic epithelial changes (6/17), general changes of the lamina propria (6/17), and inflammatory changes (5/17). The bladder changes in BEH form were of 19 different types, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/19) and non-neoplastic lesions (14/19), which were subdivided in non-neoplastic epitelial changes (9/14), general changes of the lamina propria (3/14), and inflammatory changes (2/14). In BEH, mesenchymal neoplasms were more observed than epithelial ones, and most of them were malignant. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to characterize the histogenesis of poorly differentiated neoplasms. In conclusion, the morphological study demonstrated that urinary bladder lesions identical to the those seen in cattle with BEH, are very often present in cattle with the UDT SCCs form.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Gabriel A.L., Kommers G.D., Masuda E.K, Fighera R.A., Piazer J.V.M., Barros C.S.L., Martins T.B. & Rosa F.B. 2009. [Clinical and hematological aspects and urinary bladder lesions in chronic spontaneous poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle.] Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):515-525. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Spontaneous cases of chronic poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle were studied. The clinical forms of the disease were squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) of the upper digestive tract (UDT) and bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH). The cases were from the midland Region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and were submitted to the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Clinical signs and blood work were evaluated at terminal phase of disease. Cattle with UDT SCCs had progressive weigth loss, ruminal atony, cough, dysphagia, bloating, and regurgitation. In cattle with BEH, hematuria was observed in all cases, followed by progressive weight loss. Non-regenerative anemia was detected in 33.33% of the cattle with UDT SCCs form and in 66.66% of the cattle with BEH form. Changes in white blood count occurred in some cases but drop in lymphocyte numbers was uncommon in both forms of disease. For the morphological study, urinary bladders from 46 cattle with UDT SCCs and 11 cattle with BEH were analyzed. Grossly, 16/46 bladders from the UDT SCCs form had gross lesions (red or pale vesical nodules, hemorrhages, and papilomas; red urine was detected at necropsy of only three cases). In BEH form, the bladder had nodules, large neoplastic masses, red urine, papilomas, and hemorrhages. Pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis were seen in a few cases. Microscopically, in the UDT SCCs form, 44/46 (95.65%) bladders had 22 different types of morphological changes, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/22) and non-neoplastic lesions (17/22); the latter were subdivided in non-neoplastic epithelial changes (6/17), general changes of the lamina propria (6/17), and inflammatory changes (5/17). The bladder changes in BEH form were of 19 different types, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/19) and non-neoplastic lesions (14/19), which were subdivided in non-neoplastic epitelial changes (9/14), general changes of the lamina propria (3/14), and inflammatory changes (2/14). In BEH, mesenchymal neoplasms were more observed than epithelial ones, and most of them were malignant. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to characterize the histogenesis of poorly differentiated neoplasms. In conclusion, the morphological study demonstrated that urinary bladder lesions identical to the those seen in cattle with BEH, are very often present in cattle with the UDT SCCs form.

#508 - Principais processos neoplásicos encontrados em psitacídeos mantidos em cativeiro, p.445-451

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Godoy S.N., Alves V.A.F., Kanamura C.T. & Matushima E.R. 2009. [Main neoplasic processes in psittacines birds kept in captivity.] Principais processos neoplásicos encontrados em psitacídeos mantidos em cativeiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):445-451. Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis, SHIN CA 02, Bloco D, Apto 408, Ed. Spazio Uno, Brasilia, DF 71.503-502, Brazil. E-mail: An anatomopathologic study of 130 captivy psittacines from zoos, breeders and rehabilitation centers showed the presence of neoplastic disease in seven birds, totalizing 5.4% of the cases. The neoplasms were identified like cholangiocarcinoma, cholangioma, lymphoma, haemangiosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinoma was the tumor most commonly observed. it was present in birds. This study describes the macro and microscopic findings of these tumors; also reports diagnostic methods employed to identify these neoplasms.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Godoy S.N., Alves V.A.F., Kanamura C.T. & Matushima E.R. 2009. [Main neoplasic processes in psittacines birds kept in captivity.] Principais processos neoplásicos encontrados em psitacídeos mantidos em cativeiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):445-451. Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis, SHIN CA 02, Bloco D, Apto 408, Ed. Spazio Uno, Brasilia, DF 71.503-502, Brazil. E-mail: An anatomopathologic study of 130 captivy psittacines from zoos, breeders and rehabilitation centers showed the presence of neoplastic disease in seven birds, totalizing 5.4% of the cases. The neoplasms were identified like cholangiocarcinoma, cholangioma, lymphoma, haemangiosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinoma was the tumor most commonly observed. it was present in birds. This study describes the macro and microscopic findings of these tumors; also reports diagnostic methods employed to identify these neoplasms.

#509 - Prevalência e fatores de risco para a leptospirose em bovinos do Mato Grosso do Sul, p.375-381

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Figueiredo A.O., Pellegrin A.O., Gonçalves V.S.P., Freitas E.B., Monteiro L.A.R.C., Oliveira J.M. & Osório A.L.A.R. 2009. [Prevalence and risk factors for bovine leptospirosis in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Prevalência e fatores de risco para a leptospirose em bovinos do Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):375-381. Programa Mestrado em Ciência Animal, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: The prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies was estimated for female cattle aged 24 months or older. The sample comprised 178 herds from 22 counties in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The risk factors associated with the presence of infeccion were investigated. A total of 2,573 blood serum samples were tested against 10 leptospira serovars using the microagglutination test (MAT). Titers of 100 or higher for one or more serovars were detected in 1,801 females (98.8%) from 161 herds (96.5%). Serovar Hardjo (65.6%) was the most frequent, followed by serovar Wolffi (12.3%). These results suggest that bovine leptospirosis is widespread in all the counties under study, with a high prevalence both at the animal and the herd level. Beef farms and the Zebu breed were associated to the higher risk of herd infection by leptospiras.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Figueiredo A.O., Pellegrin A.O., Gonçalves V.S.P., Freitas E.B., Monteiro L.A.R.C., Oliveira J.M. & Osório A.L.A.R. 2009. [Prevalence and risk factors for bovine leptospirosis in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Prevalência e fatores de risco para a leptospirose em bovinos do Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):375-381. Programa Mestrado em Ciência Animal, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail: The prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies was estimated for female cattle aged 24 months or older. The sample comprised 178 herds from 22 counties in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The risk factors associated with the presence of infeccion were investigated. A total of 2,573 blood serum samples were tested against 10 leptospira serovars using the microagglutination test (MAT). Titers of 100 or higher for one or more serovars were detected in 1,801 females (98.8%) from 161 herds (96.5%). Serovar Hardjo (65.6%) was the most frequent, followed by serovar Wolffi (12.3%). These results suggest that bovine leptospirosis is widespread in all the counties under study, with a high prevalence both at the animal and the herd level. Beef farms and the Zebu breed were associated to the higher risk of herd infection by leptospiras.

#510 - Enterite granulomatosa associada a larvas de ciatostomíneos em eqüinos no Rio Grande do Sul, p.382-386

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pierezan F., Rissi D.R., Oliveira Filho J.C., Lucena R.B., Tochetto C., Flores M.M., Rosa F.B & Barros C.S.L. 2009. [Granulomatous enteritis associated with larval cyathostomiasis in horses in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Enterite granulomatosa associada a larvas de ciatostomíneos em eqüinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):382-386. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Five cases of granulomatous enteritis associated with cyathostomes are described in horses from three farms in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The cases occurred from January 1999 to December 2007. The clinical course in two cases in which clinical follow-up was available was 10-14 days. Clinical signs presented by two horses were similar and included diarrhea (3/3), weight loss (2/3), pyrexia (1/3), tachycardia (1/3), and tachypnea (1/3). Gross changes consisted of thickening of the wall of large colon and cecum by edema and the occurrence of numerous 1-4mm, dark-tan, slightly raised multifocal pinpoints disseminated throughout the mucosa. Up on the incision of these pinpoints, brown-reddish, small (1-2mm) nematode larvae emerged. Large numbers of parasites with morphology compatible with small strongyles were observed in the lumina of large colon and cecum or adhered to the mucosae of these organs. Histologically, multiple granulomas were seen in the mucosa and submucosa of large colon and cecum. These granulomas consisted of moderate to severe inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, epithelioid macrophages, and eosinophils surrounded by fewer lymphocytes and plasma cells. In the center of these granulomas, transversal cut sections of parasites with morphology compatible with cyathostomes larvae were observed. Additionally, there was edema and moderate to marked lymphohistioplasmacytic and eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate throughout the mucosa and submucosa of the large colon and cecum; necrosis and lymphohistiocytic proliferation in the submucosal lymphoid follicles, with hyperplasia of goblet cells in the epithelial lining of these organs were also observed. The diagnosis of granulomatous enteritis associated with larval cyathostomiasis was made based on epidemiological, clinical, and gross findings which were confirmed by histopathology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Pierezan F., Rissi D.R., Oliveira Filho J.C., Lucena R.B., Tochetto C., Flores M.M., Rosa F.B & Barros C.S.L. 2009. [Granulomatous enteritis associated with larval cyathostomiasis in horses in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Enterite granulomatosa associada a larvas de ciatostomíneos em eqüinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):382-386. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Five cases of granulomatous enteritis associated with cyathostomes are described in horses from three farms in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The cases occurred from January 1999 to December 2007. The clinical course in two cases in which clinical follow-up was available was 10-14 days. Clinical signs presented by two horses were similar and included diarrhea (3/3), weight loss (2/3), pyrexia (1/3), tachycardia (1/3), and tachypnea (1/3). Gross changes consisted of thickening of the wall of large colon and cecum by edema and the occurrence of numerous 1-4mm, dark-tan, slightly raised multifocal pinpoints disseminated throughout the mucosa. Up on the incision of these pinpoints, brown-reddish, small (1-2mm) nematode larvae emerged. Large numbers of parasites with morphology compatible with small strongyles were observed in the lumina of large colon and cecum or adhered to the mucosae of these organs. Histologically, multiple granulomas were seen in the mucosa and submucosa of large colon and cecum. These granulomas consisted of moderate to severe inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, epithelioid macrophages, and eosinophils surrounded by fewer lymphocytes and plasma cells. In the center of these granulomas, transversal cut sections of parasites with morphology compatible with cyathostomes larvae were observed. Additionally, there was edema and moderate to marked lymphohistioplasmacytic and eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate throughout the mucosa and submucosa of the large colon and cecum; necrosis and lymphohistiocytic proliferation in the submucosal lymphoid follicles, with hyperplasia of goblet cells in the epithelial lining of these organs were also observed. The diagnosis of granulomatous enteritis associated with larval cyathostomiasis was made based on epidemiological, clinical, and gross findings which were confirmed by histopathology.

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