Resultado da pesquisa (51)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Treatment

#41 - Treatment of ununited anconeal process in 8 dogs by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna, p.352-356

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Sterman F.A. & Lincoln J. 2007. Treatment of ununited anconeal process in 8 dogs by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):352-356. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: A surgical technique for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs treated by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna using a linear external skeletal fixator was evaluated. In all cases the osteotomy was distracted 1mm each day after the surgery until desired distraction had been achieved. Eight dogs and 9 joints diagnosed with ununited anconeal process were treated. The success of the procedure was determined by comparing clinical signs of lameness and degree of arthrosis at the time of diagnosis to 6 months after the surgical intervention. Radiographic union occurred in 88.9% of the affected joints between 21 and 42 days after the surgical procedure. Clinically, six elbows were classified as good, two as satisfactory and one as unsatisfactory. Six months after surgery two elbows had no arthrosis, one had Grade 1, two Grade 2 and one Grade 3. It is concluded the combination of ulnar osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the olecranon by a linear external skeletal fixator is a feasible procedure for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A., Schmaedecke A., Sterman F.A. & Lincoln J. 2007. Treatment of ununited anconeal process in 8 dogs by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):352-356. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: A surgical technique for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs treated by osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the proximal part of the ulna using a linear external skeletal fixator was evaluated. In all cases the osteotomy was distracted 1mm each day after the surgery until desired distraction had been achieved. Eight dogs and 9 joints diagnosed with ununited anconeal process were treated. The success of the procedure was determined by comparing clinical signs of lameness and degree of arthrosis at the time of diagnosis to 6 months after the surgical intervention. Radiographic union occurred in 88.9% of the affected joints between 21 and 42 days after the surgical procedure. Clinically, six elbows were classified as good, two as satisfactory and one as unsatisfactory. Six months after surgery two elbows had no arthrosis, one had Grade 1, two Grade 2 and one Grade 3. It is concluded the combination of ulnar osteotomy and dynamic distraction of the olecranon by a linear external skeletal fixator is a feasible procedure for the treatment of ununited anconeal process in dogs.

#42 - Efeitos da everminação de matrizes e de bezerros lactentes em sistema de produção de bovinos de corte na região de Cerrado, p.188-194

Abstract in English:

Catto J.B., Bianchin I., Torres Junior R.A.A. 2005. [Effects of deworming of cow-calf beef herds in brazilian savannas.] Efeitos da everminação de matrizes e de bezerros lactentes em sistema de produção de bovinos de corte na região de Cerrado. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):188-194. Embrapa Gado de Corte, Rodov. 162, Km 4, Campo Grande, MS 79002-950, Brazil. E-mail: The effect of deworming with ivermectin of cows before calving and of suckling calves on fecal egg counts (EPG) and productive performance of two beef cattle herds in Central Brazil was studied. Four groups of pregnant cows received the following treatments: T1- cows and calves not treated, T2- only calves treated, T3- only cows treated, and T4- cows and calves treated. The calves of T2 and T4 were distributed in the following treatments: A- calves treated at 3 to 5 months of age with long action ivermectin, B- treated with ivermectin, and C- control. For the cows, the deworming did not diminish the EPG during lactation and also did not have significant effect on the conception rate, live weight gain and the body weight of their calves at 3 to 5 months of age. The calves of treatment A gained, from the time of treatment to weaning (84 to 108 days), an average of 4.2kg (P=0.0003) and 7.1kg (P<0.0001) more than those of treatment B and C, respectively. The average difference in live weight gain of 2.9kg between the animals of treatment B and C was not significant. The EPG before treatment was not significantly different from the treatments (P=0.8665); but at weaning, the average EPG of the calves from treatment A was lower than for treatment B (P=0.0004) and C (P<0.0001). There was no significant difference in the mean EPG for the calves from treatment B and C.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Catto J.B., Bianchin I., Torres Junior R.A.A. 2005. [Effects of deworming of cow-calf beef herds in brazilian savannas.] Efeitos da everminação de matrizes e de bezerros lactentes em sistema de produção de bovinos de corte na região de Cerrado. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):188-194. Embrapa Gado de Corte, Rodov. 162, Km 4, Campo Grande, MS 79002-950, Brazil. E-mail: The effect of deworming with ivermectin of cows before calving and of suckling calves on fecal egg counts (EPG) and productive performance of two beef cattle herds in Central Brazil was studied. Four groups of pregnant cows received the following treatments: T1- cows and calves not treated, T2- only calves treated, T3- only cows treated, and T4- cows and calves treated. The calves of T2 and T4 were distributed in the following treatments: A- calves treated at 3 to 5 months of age with long action ivermectin, B- treated with ivermectin, and C- control. For the cows, the deworming did not diminish the EPG during lactation and also did not have significant effect on the conception rate, live weight gain and the body weight of their calves at 3 to 5 months of age. The calves of treatment A gained, from the time of treatment to weaning (84 to 108 days), an average of 4.2kg (P=0.0003) and 7.1kg (P<0.0001) more than those of treatment B and C, respectively. The average difference in live weight gain of 2.9kg between the animals of treatment B and C was not significant. The EPG before treatment was not significantly different from the treatments (P=0.8665); but at weaning, the average EPG of the calves from treatment A was lower than for treatment B (P=0.0004) and C (P<0.0001). There was no significant difference in the mean EPG for the calves from treatment B and C.

#43 - Comparison of tripaflavina and dimetridazole in the treatment of bovine trichomoniasis

Abstract in English:

From 115 cattle herds 15 (13.04%) were infected by Tritrichomonas foetus. From 85 bulls 25 (29.07%) were positive for the infection: 12 bulls were treated with the topic use of 1% tripaflavina, anel to the other 13 animals oral doses of 15g/100kg of 30% dimetridazole were administered. Post-treatment examination revealed that both groups of bulls were then free of infection. The results showed that the two treatments were equally efficient.

Abstract in Portuguese:

De 115 rebanhos bovinos, quinze (13,04%) estavam contaminados com Tritrichomonas Joetus. Dos 85 reprodutores examinados pela técnica da microscopia direta do lavado prepucial, 25 (29,07%) estavam infectados: estes animais foram afastados da reprodução e submetidos ao tratamento. Um grupo foi medicado com tripaflavina a 1 % (uso tópico), o outro com dimetridazole a 30%, na dose de 15g/100kg ("per os"). Conseguiu-se a recuperação de todos os touros tratados, comprovado pela realização de três lavados prepuciais consecutivos pós-tratamento e pelos resultados negativos e retorno destes reprodutores à monta natural. A duração entre o início do tratamento e a recuperação do touro infectado levou de 45 a 115 dias. Foi demonstrado pelo teste estatístico do qui-quadrado ao nível de 5%, haver diferença não significativa entre os dois métodos de tratamento.

#44 - Efficiency of Virginiamycin for the recovery of calves from the periodontal disease "Cara inchada"

Abstract in English:

"Cara inchada" of young bovines (CI) is an important economic and health problem for cattle raising in certain areas of newly cultivated pastures in Brazil. Affected calves develop a purulent periodontitis that leads to loss of premolar teeth, mainly of the upper jaw, to emaciation and frequently to death. To study the efficiency of Virginiamycin for the recovery of calves kept on a farm under conditions which led to an prevalence of 61.5% of CI, an experiment was performed. Seventy seven calves with progressive periodontal lesions received orally during 8 consecutive weeks 0.032g of Virginiamycin/animal 3 times a week. Two control groups of diseased non-treated calves were used: the first consisting of 10 calves maintained within the treated group of CI animals and a second group of 95 calves affected by the disease. After the 8 week period the treated calves showed a very good recovery, but there was aggravation of symptoms in the 2 groups of nontreated animals, such as bad odor from the buccal cavity, weight loss, diarrhea and shedding of premolar teeth. It was concluded that Virginiamycin was efficient for the treatment of calves with CI.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A "cara inchada" dos bovinos (CI) constitui-se num importante problema econômico-sanitário da pecuária em determinadas áreas de pastagens recém-formadas no Brasil. Bezerros acometidos desenvolvem uma periodontite purulenta progressiva, levando à perda de dentes pré-molares maxilares. Quando mantidos em propriedades com alta incidência da doença, um considerável número dos animais afetados vem a morrer por emaciação. O presente experimento teve por finalidade verificar a eficácia da Virginiamicina na recuperação de bezerros com CI mantidos sob as condições que levaram a 61,5% de incidência da doença. Assim, 77 bezerros com lesões peridentárias progressivas receberam durante 8 semanas consecutivas, por via oral, 0,032g de Virginiamicina por dose, 3 vezes por semana. Como controle foram utilizados dois grupos: um constituído por 10 bezerros que permaneceram no mesmo lote de tratamento, porém sem receber a Virginiamicina, e outro, por 95 bezerros, todos mantidos nas mesmas condições sob as quais ocorreu a doença na propriedade. Ao final do período de administração do antibiótico, o lote tratamento apresentou melhora acentuada, ao passo que os animais dos outros dois lotes tiveram agravamento do quadro, com perda de dentes, mau odor da cavidade bucal, diarréia e emagrecimento progressivo. Concluiu-se que a Virginiamicina foi eficiente na recuperação de bezerros acometidos pela CI, quando estes parâmetros foram considerados.

#45 - Intermittent treatment of bovine tuberculosis with isoniazid

Abstract in English:

An intennittent treatment regímen for bovine tuberculosis with isoniazid was used. Fifty five positive and 13 suspect reactors were treated orally with cristalized isoniazid (25 mg/kg bw) mixed in a concentrated ration given 3 times a week, during 6 months. The cure of the tuberculosis was evaluated after the treatment by allergic desensitization with comparative tuberculinizations performed in 3 months intervals, during a year. The monitoring showed progressive reduction of the allergic sensitivity until definitive disappearance, At 90 days pos-treatment there were 31 negative, 19 suspect and 18 positive reactors; at 180 days, 47 were negative, 10 suspect and 11 positive; at 270 days, 51 were negative, 12 suspect and 5 weakly positive, and at 360 days, 63 were negative, 5 suspect and no one anymore positive. As it was demonstrated experimentally, the pos-treatment suspect reactors may be considered infection-free and so the cure rate was 100 percent. This experiment showed that the intennittent 3 week dosages were as good as the continuous regímen with the advantage of about 40 percent cost reduction.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Foi adotado um regime de tratamento intermitente da tuberculose com isoniazida em 55 bovinos reagentes positivos e 13 suspeitos, A isoniazida em forma de sal cristalizado foi fornecida aos animais misturada em ração concentrada, em doses de 25 mg/kg p.v., nas 2. as, 4. as e 6. as feiras, durante 6 meses. A cura da tuberculose foi avaliada pela dessensibilização alérgica, após o término do tratamento através de tuberculinizações comparativas realizadas de 3 em 3 meses, durante um ano. Este monitoramento revelou progressiva redução da sensibilidade alérgica até o desaparecimento definitivo. Aos 90 dias pós-tratamento já havia 31 (45,5%) bovinos negativos, 19 (27,9%) suspeitos e 18 (26,4%) positivos; aos 180 dias, 47 (69,1%) negativos, 10 (14,7%) suspeitos e 11 (15,1%) positivos; aos 270 dias, 51 (75,0%) negativos, 12 (17,6%) suspeitos e 5 (7,3%) positivos e aos 360 dias, 63 (92,6%) negativos, 5 (7,3%) suspeitos e nenhum mais positivo. Como os reagentes suspeitos, no final do tratamento podem ser considerados livres da infecção, o percentual de curas foi de 100%, mostrando que o tratamento intermitente com 3 dosagens de isoniazida semanais foi tão eficiente quanto o regime contínuo. O regime intermitente reduziu de 120 para 80 o número de doses administradas e reduziu o custo em 40%.

#46 - Massal treatment of bovine tuberculosis with isoniazid

Abstract in English:

There were 409 bovines in a Swiss Brown-cattle herd in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, reacting positively to the tuberculin test. The tuberculosis was confirmed by necropsy, histopathological and bacteriological procedures. The infected animals were treated with purê crystalised isoniazid, administered orally at a dose of about 25 mg/kg/day, during 60 days consecutively and other 60 doses 3 times a week. The large number of reactors did not allow individual medication. Therefore treatment at a large scale was used in groups of animals varying in weight up to 100 kg. Isoniazid was mixed mechanically, daily, and applied at 12 g per 1 kg of high palatable concentrated ration, furnished in long double troughs. The quantity of feed was calculated based on the media of live weight and the numbers of animals in each group. The clinically affected animals showed recuperation starting with the second month of treatment. Thirty days after the end of the treatment the allergic monitoration began by comparative tuberculinizations at intervals of 2 to 3 months. The cure was evaluated by the gradual tuberculin desensitization. In most animals the tuberculin reactions became negative after 2 to 4 months post-treatment. At the end of this experiment 96.4% of the treated animals were cured. In slaughtered animals no lesions were found.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Num rebanho de bovinos da raça suíça parda, em Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, foram encontrados 409 animais reagentes positivos na tuberculinização comparativa com tuberculinas PPDs bovina e aviária. A tuberculose foi confirmada por exames necroscópicos, histopatológicos e bacteriológicos em animais vitimados pela doença. Os bovinos infectados foram submetidos ao tratamento com isoniazida pura, cristalizada, administrada por via oral, na dose de aproximadamente 25 mg/kg pv, durante 60 dias consecutivos e mais 60 doses dadas, em dias alternados, 3 vezes por semana. Face ao grande número, não foi possível medicar cada animal individualmente, optando-se pelo tratamento massal, em lotes de até 80 animais cujo peso variava até 100 kg. A isoniazida era misturada mecanicamente na proporção de 12 g para 1 kg de ração concentrada com alta palatibilidade, fornecida aos animais em cochos coletivos duplos em que cada animal livremente procurava o alimento. A quantidade de ração era calculada a base do peso médio e do número de animais do lote, de modo que cada animal, ao comer o alimento, estava ingerindo sua dose terapêutica de isoniazida. Durante o período da medicação, os animais clinicamente portadores de sintomas de tuberculose, mostravam sua recuperação a partir do segundo mês em diante. Trinta dias após o término da medicação foi iniciado o monitoramento alérgico pela tuberculinização comparativa com intervalos de 2 a 3 meses. A cura da tuberculose foi avaliada pela gradual dessensibilização à tuberculina. Na maioria dos animais tratados a reação caiu para níveis negativos entre 2 e 4 meses após o término da medicação. No final do trabalho experimental verificou-se que 96,4% dos animais tratados estavam curados. A cura foi confirmada pela inspeção sanitária em animais abatidos em matadouro.

#47 - Susceptibility of Haemonchus spp. in cattle to anthelmintic treatment with Albendazole and Oxfendazole

Abstract in English:

Sixteen holstein male calves, 6-10 months old, were allocated according to fecal egg counts to four treatments with four animals each and were treated as follows: Oxfendazole 2.5 mg/kg, Albendazole 5 mg/kg, Albendazole 7.5 mg/kg and undrenched controls. Seven days after treatment all animals were slaughtered for worm counting. The anthelmintic efficacy of the drugs were superior to 90% against Trichostrongylus axei, Ostertagia spp. and Cooperia spp. However, against Haemonchus the worm reduction was only 60% to Oxfendazole 2.5 mg/kg and 81% and 88% to Albendazole 5 and 7.5 mg/kg, respectively. The commercial suspensions used were found to have the concentrations indicated on the label and considering their low efficacies on Haemonchus it is concluded that this strain is partially resistant to these benzimidazoles.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Dezesseis bezerros machos da raça holandesa, com 6 a 10 meses de idade, foram distribuídos de acordo com as contagens de ovos nas fezes em quatro tratamentos compostos de quatro animais cada. Os animais foram submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: Oxfendazole 2,5 mg/kg, Albendazole 5 mg/kg, Albendazole 7,5 mg/kg e lote controle. A eficácia anti-helmíntica dos produtos foi superior a 90% contra Trichostrongylus axei, Ostertagia spp. e Cooperia spp. Entretanto, contra Haemonchus a redução foi somente de 60% para o Oxfendazole 2,5 mg/kg e de 81% e 88% para o Albendazole a 5 e 7,5 mg/kg, respectivamente. Os produtos comerciais usados estavam na concentração indicada pelos fabricantes e a baixa eficácia em Haemonchus permite concluir que esta estirpe é parcialmente resistente àqueles benzimidazóis.

#48 - Vampiricides for topical use on domestic aminals and vampire bats

Abstract in English:

This study was undertaken as an attempt to adapt the basic formulation of Vampirinip II, a vampiricide developed at the "Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecuárias de México" to fiel d conditions in Brazil. The original product presented as a paste to be use d both for topical application on vampire bats and for use on wounds caused by these bats in domestic animals. Two modified pastes were developed: MH-I for use on bites caused by vampire bats, and MH-II, to be used directly on the back of vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus. The Technical Warfarin used was 3(α-acetonyl-benzyl)-4-hydroxycumarin, and the concentration was maintained at 1% in MH-II, but increased to 2% in MH-I. Paraffin was added to both pastes: 5% for MH-I and 2,5% for MH-II. One topical application of the MH-I paste reduced by 80% the number of new bites, while the MH-II paste caused a reduction in the vampire bat population of approximately 95%. The advantages of both vampiricides are discussed. The production and commercialization of the MH-II paste are recommended and its use by farrners is encouraged as a means of reducing governamental expenditures in rabies contrai programs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Foram procedidas modificações na formulação básica original do produto Vampirinip II, à base de Warfarina Técnica 3(α -acetonil- benzil)-4-hidroxicumarina, desenvolvido no "Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecuárias de México". O produto era apresentado em uma única formulação sob. A forma de pasta, tanto para tratamento tópico em morcegos hematófagos, como para uso em ferimentos por eles provocados nos animais. A reformulação do Vampirinip II foi baseada em observações a nível de campo, incialmente, tranformando-o em duas pastas vampiricidas de uso tópico: em ferimentos nos animais domésticos (MH-I) e outra em morcegos hematófagos (MH-II). Na pasta MH-I foi alterada a concentração referente à Warfarina, possuindo 2% ao invés de 1% como na MH-II, além da inclusão de parafina, com 5% na MH-I e 2,5% na MH-II. A pasta para animais domésticos quando usada em um único tratamento tópico reduziu em cerca de 80% o número de morde- duras frescas e o uso em morcegos hematófagos Desmodus rotundus alcançou uma redução em torno de 95% nas suas populações. Discute-se as vantagens das duas pastas e propõe-se a sua industrialização e comercialização, sendo a pasta para uso em morcegos hematófagos restrita ao uso oficial. Deste modo, pretende-se minimizar os custos operacionais do governo nas campanhas de Controle da Raiva dos Herbívoros.

#49 - The effect of antibiotic treatment on the periodontal lesions of "cara inchada" in cattle

Abstract in English:

Two similar experiments were conducted in two different regions to test the efficiency of antibiotic treatment on the periodontal lesions of "cara inchada" (CI) in calves. In the first trial (170 days duration), 39 calves, 8-19 months of age, were kept in are a of fertile soil in the region of Rondonopolis, Mato Grosso. In the second trial 64 calves, 34 months old, were kept in Brachiaria decumbens pasture on poor sandy cerrado soil till weaning at 8-9 months of age. The treatments consisted of 3 intramuscular injections of two antibiotic preparations of prolonged action (Tardomycel - Penicillin G + Streptomycin, and TM/LA - Tetracyclin) at 5 day intervals. Animals were periodically examined and observations conceming their general status and condition of the periodontal lesions were registered in appropriate protocol. At the end of experimental periods data of clinical examination were put together and final evaluation· was made for each treatment. Results of the evaluatión indicated no benefits of antibiotic treatment on the periodontal changes of CI or the general condition of the animals. The authors discuss their finding and offer possible explanations for the negative results obtained.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Dois experimentos semelhantes foram realizados com o fim de observar o efeito de injeções de antibióticos sobre lesões peridentárias de "cara inchada" em bezerros. No pimeiro experimento, com duração de 170 dias, foram utilizados 39 bezerros nelorados desmamados (8-10 meses de idade) mantidos em área de solos férteis na região de Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso; no segundo ensaio, com duração de 190 dias, foram utilizados 64 bezerros nelorados de 34 meses de idade, que foram mantidos em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens em solo arenoso de cerrado até a desmama (8-9 meses). Dois preparados antibióticos de ação prolongada (Tardomycel e TM/LA) à base de Penicilina G + Estreptomicina o primeiro e Tetraciclina o segundo, foram ministrados intramuscularmente em 3 doses a intervalos de 5 dias e os animais foram periodicamente examinados quanto à sua condição geral e estado das lesões peridentárias, anotando-se os resultados de cada exame em ficha apropriada. A avaliação final da evolução do quadro clínico de cada animal, feita com base nas anotações das fichas, não mostrou, ao término do período experimental, qualquer benefício evidente decorrente dos tratamentos com antibióticos em relação aos animais que não receberam tratamento. Os autores discutem os resultados e sugerem explicações para a ineficiência dos tratamentos com antibióticos.

#50 - Etiology and treatment of bovine mastitis with the help of dimethyl sulfoxide

Abstract in English:

A study was performed in 2 dairy farms on the etiology of bovine mastitis, its control by sanitary measures as well as by treatment with drugs, alone or in combination with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Staphylococci, streptococci and coliform bacteria were responsible for 79,7% of the cases of mastitis; staphylococci alone caused 55,6%. The measures adopted reduced levels of mastitis from 38 and 21% respectively to 2,7 and 3,1% on the 2 farms. Statistical analysis showed that the combination of drugs with 20% DMSO significantly improved treatments with nitrofurantoin (P < 0.01), chloranphenicol (P < 0.05) and penicilin+streptomycin (P=0,1-0,2). recommending the use of DMSO as vehicle for drugs in the treatment of mastitis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Em duas granjas leiteiras procedeu-se à Pesquisa sobre a etiologia das mastites bovinas, seu controle por medidas de manejo sanitário e terapêutico com drogas comuns e por sua associação ao dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), durante 9 trimestres. Os principais agentes foram estafilococos, estreptococos e bactérias coliformes que foram responsáveis por 79 ,7% dos casos, devendo-se aos estafilococos 55 ,6% das mastites. As medidas adotadas reduziram as taxas de mastites de 38 e 21 % respectivamente, para 2,7 e 3,1% em ambas as granjas. A análise estatística mostrou que a associação das drogas ao DMSO a 20% melhorou o índice de curas, com significância (P < 0,01) para o furacin, (P < 0,05) para o cloranfenicol e (P = 0,1-0,2) para a penicilina +estreptomicina, recomendando seu uso como veículo para drogas antimastíticas.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV