Resultado da pesquisa (169)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa horse

#151 - Relação parasito-hospedeiro entre Psoroptes equi e eqüinos, p.207-209

Abstract in English:

Tancredi M.G.F., Faccini J.L.H., Tancredi I.P., Martins I.V.F. & Scott F.B. 2005. [The host-relationship between Psoroptes equi and horses.] Relação parasito-hospedeiro entre Psoroptes equi e eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):207-209. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Horses, abandoned by their owners (stray horses) along the main roads in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, and brought by the Federal Police to a quarantine station at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, were included in the study. A total of 1,121 horses were examined from November 1998 to November 2000. Skin scrapings from 107 (9.5%) horses with signs of psoroptic mange resulted in 37 (34.6%) positive animals for Psoroptes equi. There was no statistical correlation between prevalence and host age or sex (c2, p>0,05). P. equi was diagnosed in animals with different hair color. The dorsal region (withers to hip) was the most affected area of the body.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Tancredi M.G.F., Faccini J.L.H., Tancredi I.P., Martins I.V.F. & Scott F.B. 2005. [The host-relationship between Psoroptes equi and horses.] Relação parasito-hospedeiro entre Psoroptes equi e eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):207-209. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Horses, abandoned by their owners (stray horses) along the main roads in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, and brought by the Federal Police to a quarantine station at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, were included in the study. A total of 1,121 horses were examined from November 1998 to November 2000. Skin scrapings from 107 (9.5%) horses with signs of psoroptic mange resulted in 37 (34.6%) positive animals for Psoroptes equi. There was no statistical correlation between prevalence and host age or sex (c2, p>0,05). P. equi was diagnosed in animals with different hair color. The dorsal region (withers to hip) was the most affected area of the body.

#152 - Sinais clínicos, distribuição das lesões no sistema nervoso e epidemiologia da raiva em herbívoros na região Nordeste do Brasil, p.250-264

Abstract in English:

Lima E.F., Riet-Correa F., Castro R.S., Gomes A.A.B. & Lima F.S. 2005. [Clinical signs, distribution of the lesions in the central nervous system and epidemiology of rabies in northeastern Brazil.] Sinais clínicos, distribuição das lesões no sistema nervoso e epidemiologia da raiva em herbívoros na região Nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):250-264. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Campus de Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty four outbreaks of rabies in cattle, 4 in horses, 2 in sheep, and 2 in goats are reported in northeastern Brazil. All outbreaks occurred in the state of Paraíba, except one in horses that occurred in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. All outbreaks, except one in sheep, were probably transmitted by vampire-bats, but the transmission by foxes (Dusicyon vetulus) is also possible. Clinical signs were characteristic for distribution of the lesions in the central nervous system (CNS). In cattle, signs were mainly of the paralytic form of rabies, caused by lesions on the spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum; but some animals showed also depression, excitation and other signs due to cerebral lesions. In 3 out of 5 horses, the main clinical signs were due to lesions in the cerebrum, and 2 had the paralytic form. From 4 sheep and 2 goats affected, 4 showed clinical signs of the paralytic form; but in 1 goat and 1 sheep the main clinical signs were caused by cerebral lesions. All affected animals, except 1 goat, had a clinical manifestation period of 2-8 days. The only gross lesions were distention of the urinary bladder in 4 cattle and distention of the rectum in 2 others. Two horses had skin lesions due to traumatic injury. Histologic lesions were diffuse non-suppurative encephalomyelitis and meningitis. In the horses, and in one goat with a clinical manifestation period of 35 days, the lesions were more severe, with neuronal necrosis, neuronophagia, and presence of axonal spheroids. Negri bodies were found in 87% (20/23) of the cattle cases examined histologically. In small ruminants Negri bodies were found in 83% (5/6) of the cases. In sheep, goats and cattle, Negri bodies were more frequent in the cerebellum, but they were found also in brain stem, spinal cord and cerebrum. In horses, Negri bodies were found in small amounts only in the cortex of one animal, and in the cortex and hippocampus of another. Histologic lesions and Negri bodies in the trigeminal ganglia were less frequent than in the CNS. These results show that in rabies of herbivores, clinical signs and distribution of lesions in the CNS are variable, so that for the diagnosis and adequate clinical evaluation and the histologic study of different areas of the CNS are necessary. This also suggests that when the fluorescent antibody test and mouse inoculation test are negative, they should be repeated with samples from different areas of the brain and spinal cord. Frequency data of diseases from 4 diagnostic laboratories were used to estimate cattle deaths due to rabies in 3 Brazilian states. In Paraíba, with a population of 918,262 cattle, the annual death rate is estimated in 8,609 heads. In Mato Grosso do Sul, with a population of 23 millions cattle, deaths caused by rabies are estimated in 149,500 heads, and in Rio Grande do Sul, with a cattle population of 13 millions, cattle deaths due to rabies are estimated in 13,000 to 16,250 heads. If these data are used to estimate cattle losses in Brazil, with a cattle population of 195 millions, it can be estimated that 842,688 deaths are caused annually by rabies.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Lima E.F., Riet-Correa F., Castro R.S., Gomes A.A.B. & Lima F.S. 2005. [Clinical signs, distribution of the lesions in the central nervous system and epidemiology of rabies in northeastern Brazil.] Sinais clínicos, distribuição das lesões no sistema nervoso e epidemiologia da raiva em herbívoros na região Nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(4):250-264. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Campus de Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty four outbreaks of rabies in cattle, 4 in horses, 2 in sheep, and 2 in goats are reported in northeastern Brazil. All outbreaks occurred in the state of Paraíba, except one in horses that occurred in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. All outbreaks, except one in sheep, were probably transmitted by vampire-bats, but the transmission by foxes (Dusicyon vetulus) is also possible. Clinical signs were characteristic for distribution of the lesions in the central nervous system (CNS). In cattle, signs were mainly of the paralytic form of rabies, caused by lesions on the spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum; but some animals showed also depression, excitation and other signs due to cerebral lesions. In 3 out of 5 horses, the main clinical signs were due to lesions in the cerebrum, and 2 had the paralytic form. From 4 sheep and 2 goats affected, 4 showed clinical signs of the paralytic form; but in 1 goat and 1 sheep the main clinical signs were caused by cerebral lesions. All affected animals, except 1 goat, had a clinical manifestation period of 2-8 days. The only gross lesions were distention of the urinary bladder in 4 cattle and distention of the rectum in 2 others. Two horses had skin lesions due to traumatic injury. Histologic lesions were diffuse non-suppurative encephalomyelitis and meningitis. In the horses, and in one goat with a clinical manifestation period of 35 days, the lesions were more severe, with neuronal necrosis, neuronophagia, and presence of axonal spheroids. Negri bodies were found in 87% (20/23) of the cattle cases examined histologically. In small ruminants Negri bodies were found in 83% (5/6) of the cases. In sheep, goats and cattle, Negri bodies were more frequent in the cerebellum, but they were found also in brain stem, spinal cord and cerebrum. In horses, Negri bodies were found in small amounts only in the cortex of one animal, and in the cortex and hippocampus of another. Histologic lesions and Negri bodies in the trigeminal ganglia were less frequent than in the CNS. These results show that in rabies of herbivores, clinical signs and distribution of lesions in the CNS are variable, so that for the diagnosis and adequate clinical evaluation and the histologic study of different areas of the CNS are necessary. This also suggests that when the fluorescent antibody test and mouse inoculation test are negative, they should be repeated with samples from different areas of the brain and spinal cord. Frequency data of diseases from 4 diagnostic laboratories were used to estimate cattle deaths due to rabies in 3 Brazilian states. In Paraíba, with a population of 918,262 cattle, the annual death rate is estimated in 8,609 heads. In Mato Grosso do Sul, with a population of 23 millions cattle, deaths caused by rabies are estimated in 149,500 heads, and in Rio Grande do Sul, with a cattle population of 13 millions, cattle deaths due to rabies are estimated in 13,000 to 16,250 heads. If these data are used to estimate cattle losses in Brazil, with a cattle population of 195 millions, it can be estimated that 842,688 deaths are caused annually by rabies.

#153 - Intoxicação por Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) em eqüídeos no semi-árido da Paraíba

Abstract in English:

Nobre V.M.T., Riet-Correa F., Barbosa Filho J.M., Dantas A.F.M., Tabosa I.M. & Vasconcelos J.S. 2004. [Poisoning by Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) in Equidae in the semiarid region of Paraíba.] Intoxicação por Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) em eqüídeos no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):132-143. Depto Clínicas Veteri-nárias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: verô From 2000 to 2003 eight cases of poisoning by Crotalaria retusa L. were observed in horses on 8 farms in the semiarid region of Paraíba and Ceará. C. retusa was found in all farms. The main clinical signs were characteristic of hepatic encephalopathy, with dullness or hyperexcitability, head pressing, compulsive walking or circling and, occasionally, violent uncontrollable galloping. Decreased cranial nerve reflexes, ataxia and weakness were also observed. Other clinical signs were anorexia, weight loss, photosensitization and jaundice. The clinical manifestation period varied from 4 to 40 days, but most horses had a previous history of weight loss. At necropsy the livers were hard, with irregular surface and white areas mixed with dark red areas and increased lobular pattern. Mild jaundice, ascitis, hydropericardium and hydrothorax were also observed. Edema and moderate congestion were seen in the lungs. Histologic changes of the liver were characterized by fibrosis, mainly periportal, megalocitosis and bile duct cell proliferation. Multifocal areas of centrilobular or midzonal hemorrhages were also observed. Centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis was present in two horses. Alzheimer type II astrocytes were observed, isolated or in groups, mainly in the caudate nucleus and cortex in 4 horses. The poisoning was experimentally produced in 1 adult horse and 3 adult donkeys. The horse received daily 100 g of C. retusa seeds and died 52 days after the beginning of the experiment. The dried whole C. retusa was mixed with grass and given to the 3 experimental donkeys at daily doses of 10g/kg, 5g/kg and 2.5g/kg, respectively. The donkey treated with 5g per kg died 48 days after beginning of the experiment and the other two were sacrificed at 120 days. Clinical signs and pathology were similar to those observed in spontaneous cases, but Alhzeimer type II astrocytes were observed only in the donkey that died 48 days after the beginning of ingestion of the plant material. The concentration of monocrotaline in the whole plant given to the donkeys was 0.5%.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Nobre V.M.T., Riet-Correa F., Barbosa Filho J.M., Dantas A.F.M., Tabosa I.M. & Vasconcelos J.S. 2004. [Poisoning by Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) in Equidae in the semiarid region of Paraíba.] Intoxicação por Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) em eqüídeos no semi-árido da Paraíba. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):132-143. Depto Clínicas Veteri-nárias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: verô From 2000 to 2003 eight cases of poisoning by Crotalaria retusa L. were observed in horses on 8 farms in the semiarid region of Paraíba and Ceará. C. retusa was found in all farms. The main clinical signs were characteristic of hepatic encephalopathy, with dullness or hyperexcitability, head pressing, compulsive walking or circling and, occasionally, violent uncontrollable galloping. Decreased cranial nerve reflexes, ataxia and weakness were also observed. Other clinical signs were anorexia, weight loss, photosensitization and jaundice. The clinical manifestation period varied from 4 to 40 days, but most horses had a previous history of weight loss. At necropsy the livers were hard, with irregular surface and white areas mixed with dark red areas and increased lobular pattern. Mild jaundice, ascitis, hydropericardium and hydrothorax were also observed. Edema and moderate congestion were seen in the lungs. Histologic changes of the liver were characterized by fibrosis, mainly periportal, megalocitosis and bile duct cell proliferation. Multifocal areas of centrilobular or midzonal hemorrhages were also observed. Centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis was present in two horses. Alzheimer type II astrocytes were observed, isolated or in groups, mainly in the caudate nucleus and cortex in 4 horses. The poisoning was experimentally produced in 1 adult horse and 3 adult donkeys. The horse received daily 100 g of C. retusa seeds and died 52 days after the beginning of the experiment. The dried whole C. retusa was mixed with grass and given to the 3 experimental donkeys at daily doses of 10g/kg, 5g/kg and 2.5g/kg, respectively. The donkey treated with 5g per kg died 48 days after beginning of the experiment and the other two were sacrificed at 120 days. Clinical signs and pathology were similar to those observed in spontaneous cases, but Alhzeimer type II astrocytes were observed only in the donkey that died 48 days after the beginning of ingestion of the plant material. The concentration of monocrotaline in the whole plant given to the donkeys was 0.5%.

#154 - Natural and experimental poisoning by amitraz in horses and donkey: Clinical aspects, 23(3):105-118

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Duarte M.D., Peixoto P. V., Bezerra P. S., Oliveira K. D., Loretti A. P. & Tokarnia C.H. 2003. [Natural and experimental poisoning by amitraz in horses and donkey: Clinical aspects.) Intoxicações natural e experimental por amitraz em eqüídeos: aspectos clínicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(3):105-118. Hospital Veterinário, Setor Grandes Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica. RJ 23835-000, Brazil. E-mail: marcos Poisoning by amitraz was experimentally reproduced in 17 horses and a donkey. First symptoms were observed between 15 min. and 2 h 5 min. after oral administration, and between 6 h 28 min. and 8 h 38 min. after spraying with amitraz. The course of poisoning after oral administration was 4 to 9 days, and after spraying 5 to 6 days. Death of experimental animais occurred only after oral administration. One animal was euthanized after spraying. Doses of 5.5 mg/kg (1 administration), 5.8 mg/kg (2 administrations) and doses which varied between 7.2 and 36.4 mg/kg (5 administrations) were used when amitraz was given by mouth, ali causing symptoms of poisoning. When the administration of amitraz was by spraying, poisoning was reproduced with solutions of 0.1 and 0.2 %. Regarding the nervous system, the main signs observed were recumbency, somnolence, palpebral and auriculár ptosis, difficulties in apprehension, chewing and swallowing of food, dragging of the hooves, exposure of the penis, diminished or absent cutaneous sensibility, instability, abduction of the legs, lowering of the head, incoordination, jawning, labial flacity, exposure of the tongue, crossing of the legs when walking, diminished postural response after crossing or abducting the legs, diminished/absent reflex of the upper lip, palatal, tongue, flexor and swallowing reflex, diminished auricular, palpebral and menace reflex. The ambulatory response was diminished when tested by walking in circles of small radius. Regarding the digestive system, the signs were mainly intestinal hypomotility/atony, edema of the lips, abdominal distention, frequente lying down and standing up, rolling on the ground, looking at the flancs, groaning and impaction of the large bowel. Regarding the circulatory system, the main clinical signs were tachycardia, increase of the refilling time of capillaries, congested mucosa and splitting of the cardiac sounds. Regarding the respiratory system, stridor, tachypnoea, dyspnoea, nasal discharge, bradypnoea and abdominal respiration was observed. Beside these signs, there were alterations of the general condition, as apathy and hypothermia. Ali natural cases occurred after spraying with amitraz. First symptoms were seen 2 to 3 days after the application of amitraz. The course was 6, 7 and 17 days. One animal showed mainly the nervous signs as seen in the experiments, with exception of the signs of crossing the legs when walking, yawning and exposure of the penis. Another animal had only digestive symptoms as rolling, pawing, intestinal hypomotility/atony and impaction of the large bowel. A third animal initially showed digestive symptoms characterized by pawing, rolling, intestinal atony and impaction of the Iarge bowel, followed by laminitis; in the final stage this animal showed severe nervous signs as pressing the head against obstacles, incoordination with crossing the legs when walking and reluctance to move. Possible Iocation of lesions in the nervous system according to the clinical signs are suggested.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Duarte M.D., Peixoto P. V., Bezerra P. S., Oliveira K. D., Loretti A. P. & Tokarnia C.H. 2003. [Natural and experimental poisoning by amitraz in horses and donkey: Clinical aspects.) Intoxicações natural e experimental por amitraz em eqüídeos: aspectos clínicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(3):105-118. Hospital Veterinário, Setor Grandes Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica. RJ 23835-000, Brazil. E-mail: marcos A administração oral e a aspersão com amitraz reproduziram experimentalmente em 17eqüinos e uin asinino um quadro de intoxicação muito similar a outro que vinha ocorrendo em cavalos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O início dos sintomas após a administração oral variou entre 15min. e 2h05min., na aplicação por aspersão variou entre 6h28min. e 8h38min. A evolução nos casos de administração oral foi de 4 a 9 dias, nos de aspersão de 5 a 6 dias. Somente morreram animais que receberam a administração oral. Um animal aspergido com o amitraz foi sacrificado. Por via oral foram usadas dosagens de 5,5 mg/kg (uma administração), 5,8 mg/kg (duas administrações) e num terceiro animal, doses que variaram entre 7,2 e 36,4 mg/kg (cinco administrações). Nas aplicações por aspersão, a intoxicação foi reproduzida com soluções nas concentrações de O, 1 e 0,2%. Com relação ao sistema nervoso, os principais sinais observados foram apatia, sonolência, ptoses palpebral e auricular, dificuldade de apreensão, mastigação e· deglutição do alimento, arrastar das pinças dos cascos no solo, exposição do pênis, sensibilidade cutânea diminuída/ausente, instabilidade em estação, abdução dos membros, cabeça baixa, incoordenação, bocejos, flacidez labial, exposição da língua, cruzamento dos membros ao caminhar, resposta postural diminuída após cruzar e abduzir os membros, reflexos do lábio superior, palatal, lingual, de deglutição e flexor diminuídos/ausentes, reflexos auricular, palpebral e de ameaça diminuídos e resposta ambulatória diminuída ao teste de girar em círculo de pequeno raio. No que se refere ao sistema digestivo, foram evidenciados, principalmente, hipomotilidade/atonia intestinal, edema dos lábios, distensão abdominal, deitar e levantar com freqüência, rolar no solo, olhar para o flanco, gemer e impactação do intestino grosso. Observaram-se ainda taquicardia, aumento do tempo de preenchimento capilar e mucosas congestas, estridor, taquipnéia, dispnéia, secreção nasal, bradipnéia e respiração abdominal. Todos os três casos naturais ocorreram após aspersão do amitraz. Os primeiros sintomas foram observados 2 e 3 dias após o banho. A evolução foi de 6, 7 e 17 dias. Um animal manifestou a maioria dos sinais referentes ao sistema nervoso observados nos experimentos, com exceção dos sinais de cruzamento dos membros ao caminhar, bocejos, lábios flácidos e exposição do pênis. Outro animal, intoxicado espontaneamente, manifestou somente sintomas digestivos como rolar, "patear", hipomotilidade/atonia intestinal e impactação do intestino grosso. Um terceiro animal, inicialmente manifestou sintomas digestivos caracterizados por patear, rolar, atonia intestinal e impactação do intestino grosso, com consequente desenvolvimento de laminite; na fase final exibiu acentuada sintomatologia nervosa mostrando compressão da cabeça contra obstáculos, incoordenação motora com cruzamento dos membros ao caminhar e relutância em se movimentar. Baseados no quadro clínico observado, são sugeridos possíveis locais de lesão no sistema nervoso.

#155 - Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental poisoning by sodium selenite in horses, 21(3):109-116

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Néspoli P.B., Duarte M.D., Bezerra Jr P.S., Döbereiner J. & Peixoto P.V. 2001.[Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental poisoning by sodium selenite in horses] Aspectos clínico-patológicos da intoxicação experimental por selenito de sódio em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(3):109-116. Depto Clínica Médica Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Correa s/nº, Cuiabá, MT 78065-200, Brazil. E-mail: Due to the numerous contradictions on selenium poisoining, and in arder to improve knowledge about the clinical, pathological and toxicological aspects, experiments were performed with intramuscular injections of sodium selenite in 9 horses. Peracute, acute, subacute and chronic poisoning was reproduced; some nervous symptoms observed in acute cases were similar to those described for "blind staggers". In spite of this, the conflicting and dubious feature of this formerly described disease tums very difficult any comparison. On the other hand, the chronic poisoning was the first experimental reproduction of "alkali disease" by the parenteral route in horses. When administered as one injection, the lethal dose for sodium selenite was 1.49 mg/kg. Various clinical and pathological observations regarding the cardiovascular and nervous system, not previously mentioned in the literature for horses, are described. There have to be mentioned especially, (1) as to clinical aspects, cardiac murmurs, arrythmia, splitting of the heart sounds and convulsions, (2) regarding post-mortem findings, flattening of the cerebral gyri and increase of the liquor, and (3) conceming histopathology, lysis and necrosis of neurons in the cortex, oedema of astrocytes, as well as activation of endothelial and glia cells. It is suggested, that the degenerative-necrotic alterations in the central nervous system could be due to the oedema caused by an increase in vascular permeability through the action of the selenite.

Abstract in Portuguese:

SINOPSE.- Néspoli P.B., Duarte M.D., Bezerra Jr P.S., Döbereiner J. & Peixoto P.V. 2001.[Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental poisoning by sodium selenite in horses] Aspectos clínico-patológicos da intoxicação experimental por selenito de sódio em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(3):109-116. Depto Clínica Médica Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Correa s/nº, Cuiabá, MT 78065-200, Brazil. E-mail: Dadas as controvérsias sobre a intoxicação por selênio, foram realizados nove experimentos com a administração de selenita de sódio, por via intramuscular, em eqüinos, com o intuito de estudar e melhor fundamentar os aspectos clínico-patológicos e toxicológicos sobre esse tema. Conseguiram-se produzir quadros com evoluções supiraguda, aguda, subaguda e crônica; alguns sinais clínicos de origem nervosa observados nos quadros agudos foram similares aos descritos para "blind staggers"; a despeito disto, o carácter conflitante e duvidoso das descrições sobre essa pretensa entidade historicamente descrita, não permite uma comparação mais exata. O quadro crônico, por outro lado, configurou claramente a primeira reprodução de "alkali disease", por via parenteral, em eqüinos. Estabeleceu-se 1,49 mg/kg de selenito de sódio como a dose única letal para essa espécie. Descrevem-se diversos achados clínico-patológicos relativos aos sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso, antes não mencionados na literatura relativa aos eqüinos intoxicados por selênio. Entre eles, destacam-se, clinicamente, sopro e arritmia cardíacos, desdobramento de bulhas e convulsão. À necropsia, um animal apresentou nítido achatamento das circunvoluções cerebrais e, em relação à histopatologia, lise e necrose de neurônios do córtex, edema de astrócitos, bem como ativação endotelial e gliose. Em relação à patogénese, postula-se que as alterações degenerativo-necróticas observadas no sistema nervoso central, devam-se ao edema, por sua vez consequente ao aumento da permeabilidade vascular, determinada pelo selenito de sódio.

#156 - Glanders in horses and mules of the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas, Brazil, 20(4):155-159

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Mota R.A., Brito M.F., Castro F.J.C. & Massa M. 2000. [Glanders in horses and mules of the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas, Brazil.] Mormo em eqüídeos nos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas_ Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(4):155-159. Depto Med. Vet., Univ. Fed. Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/nº, Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE 52171- 900, Brazil. Based on clinical-pathological, epidemiological and serological aspects, as well as by the isolation of Burkholderia mallei, foci of glanders were diagnosed in equids of the "Zona da Mata" in the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas. Clinically there was hyperthermia, noisy respiration, loss of appetite, progressive loss of weight leading to emaciation, nasal congestion and muco-purulent discharge, erosions, ulcers and scars of the nasal mucosa. The size of submaxillary and cervical lymphonodes was increased, which contained abscesses and fistules exudating purulent material. In the skin, accompanying the lymph vessels, there were firm nodules and abscesses which in chronic cases fistulated and ulcerated Ieaving stellar scars. The histopathology of the nodules at various sites, from the horses as well as from the guineapigs used for the Strauss test, showed granulomatous lesions and pyogranulomas. The results of this study showed that glanders in the region was emerging and further sero-epidemiological studies are urgent for the eradication of the disease.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Mota R.A., Brito M.F., Castro F.J.C. & Massa M. 2000. [Glanders in horses and mules of the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas, Brazil.] Mormo em eqüídeos nos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas_ Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(4):155-159. Depto Med. Vet., Univ. Fed. Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/nº, Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE 52171- 900, Brazil. Com base em aspectos clínico-patológicos, epidemiológicos e sorológicos, bem como pelo isolamento de Burkholderia mallei, diagnosticaram-se focos de mormo em eqüídeos na Zona da Mata dos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas. Clinicamente observaram-se hipertermia, respiração ruidosa, inapetência, emagrecimento progressivo até caquexia, congestão nasal e descarga mlicopurulenta, erosões, úlceras e cicatrizes na mucosa nasal. Os linfonodos mandibulares e cervicais superficiais apresentavam-se aumentados de volume, com abscessos e fistulas exsudando material purulento. Na pele, ao longo dos vasos linfáticos, havia formação de nódulos firmes e abscessos que, nos casos crônicos, fistulavam e ulceravam deixando cicatrizes estrelares. A histopatologia dos nódulos de diversos sítios, tanto dos eqüídeos como dos cobaios utilizados na prova de Straus, revelou lesões granulomatosas e piogranulomas. Os dados deste estudo evidenciam a emergência da doença nesta área e permitem recomendar inquéritos soro-epidemiológicos nos Estados de ocorrência dos surtos e nos Estados limítrofes.

#157 - Experimental monensin poisoning in horses, 20(3):102-108

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bezerra Jr P.S., Ilha M.R.S., Langohr I.M. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Experimental monensin poisoning in horses.] Intoxicação experimental por monensina em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):102-108. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Seven horses were experimentally treated with sodium monensin. Two of them were fed 3-4 kg/horse/daywith a commercial ration (containing 180 ppm±20) known to be implicated in natural outbreaks of monensin poisoning in horses. A third horse was fed a single dose of 5 mg/kg and another one received four daily doses of 1 mg/kg of sodium monensin (from a premix source). These four horses died or were euthanitised in extremis 3-8 days after the beginning of administration of the drug. A fifth horse was fed a single dose of 5 mg/kg of monensin, became mildly ill but recovered. Two experimental horses did not develop signs of the toxicosis. One of them was fed 40 daily doses of 0.5 mg/kg of monensin. The other was fed 3 kg/day of the sarne brand of ration used in farms where outbreaks of monensin poisoning in horses have been reported (but from another batch later determined to have monensin leve Is of only < 5 ppm). The onset of clinical signs varied from 2 to 5 days after administration of the drug, and clinical courses lasted from 24 to 76 hours. Clinical signs included tachycardia and cardiac arythmia, groaning, incoordination, sudoresis, sternal or lateral recumbency, paddling and death. Ma.rked increases in the plasmatic activity of creatine phosphokinase were observed in five poisoned horses, and a mild increase in the aspartate aminotransferase plasmatic activity was detected in one of the animals. Main necropsy findings were in the skeletal muscles and consi_sted of focal to focally extensive white or yellow areas of discoloration with bilateral symmetric distribution. These lesions were associated with gelatinous transluscent edema in the intermuscülar fasciae. More intensively affected muscles included quadriceps femoris, adductor, pectineus, gracilis, semimembranous, supraspinatus, subscapularis and brachycephalic. Histopathological findings consisted of segmentar, multifocal to coalescent, degenerative myopathy. Both gross and microscopic lesions were absent in the skeletal muscles from two of the horses fed the monensin premix [5 mg/kg (single dose) and 4 mg/kg (four daily doses of 1 mg/kg)]. Neither gross nor microscopic lesions were observed in the myoéardium of any of these horses.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Bezerra Jr P.S., Ilha M.R.S., Langohr I.M. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Experimental monensin poisoning in horses.] Intoxicação experimental por monensina em eqüinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):102-108. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105- 900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Sete eqüinos foram tratados experimentalmente com monensina sódica. Dois desses animais receberem 3-4 kg/eqüino/dia de uma ração comercial sabidamente implicada em surtos naturais da intoxicação por monensina em equinos e que continha 180 ppm±20 da droga. Um eqüino recebeu uma única dose de 5 mg/kg e um outro recebeu 4 doses diárias de 1 mg/kg de monensina sódica originária de um premix. Esses quatro eqüinos morreram ou foram sacrificados in extremis, 3-8 dias após o início da administração da droga. Um quinto eqüino recebeu dose única de 5 mg/kg de monensina, ficou levemente doente e se recuperou. Dois eqüinos não desenvolveram sinais da intoxicação. Um desses eqüinos tinha recebido 40 doses diárias de 0,5 mg/kg de monensina e o outro recebeu 3 kg/dia de uma ração da mesma marca que a usada nas fazendas onde surtos de intoxicação por monensina foram detectados (mas de uma outra partida, mais tarde determinada como contendo menos de 5 ppm de monensina). O aparecimento dos sinais clínicos ocorreu de 2 a 5 dias após a administração da droga e a duração do quadro clínico variou de 24 a 76 horas. Os sinais clínicos incluíam taquicardia, arritmia, gemidos, incoordenação, sudorese, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral, pedaleios e morte. Em cinco dos eqüinos intoxicados observaram-se marcadas elevações da atividade plasmática de creatina fosfoquinase e, em um eqüino, houve leve aumento da atividade plasmática de aspartato aminotransferase. Os principais achados de necropsia consistiram em áreas brancas ou amarelas, focais ou focalmente extensas e bilateralmente simétricas nos músculos esqueléticos. Essas lesões eram associadas a edema gelatinoso e translúcido das fáscias intermusculares. Quadríceps femoral, adutor, pectíneo, grácil, semimembranáceo, supra-espinhal, subescapular, braquicefálico e quadríceps femoral estavam entre os músculos esqueléticos mais afetados. Os exames histológicos revelaram miopatia segmentar, multifocal a coalescente. Em dois eqüinos que receberam o premix de monensina [5 mg/kg (dose única) e 4 mg/kg (quatro doses diárias de 1 mg/kg)] não se observaram lesões macroscópicas ou microscópicas. Em nenhum dos dois eqüinos se observaram lesões macro ou microscópicas no miocárdio.

#158 - Salmonella serovars in meat of horses slaughtered in northeastern Brazil., 20(2):80-84

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Hofer E., Zamora M.R.N., Lopes A.E., Moura A.M.C:, Araújo H.L., Leite M.D.D. & Silva Filho S.J. 2000. [Salmonella serovars in meat of horses slaughtered in northeastern Brazil.] Sorovares de Salmonella. em carne de eqüídeos abatidos no nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):80-84. Depto Bacteriologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ, Rio de janeiro, RJ 21045-900, Brazil. In the sixties and seventies there was an extraordinary increase in export of horse meat products to Europe andjapah. This favored an increase in risk of Salmonella outspread through those products to human and animal consumer populations. Thus, from an exporting company dealing with horse meat located in northeastern Brazil (state of Pernambuco), 19,238 fragments of more external muscles, Salmonella was isolated from 666 samples colleted from 433 animals (horses and donkeys). The serotyping of 745 isolates showed 98 serovars pertaining to 14 serogroups, predominantly classified into subspecies 1 (98.9%). S. Anatum, S. Carrau, S. Saintpaul, S. Agona, and S. Typhimurium were the most frequent serovars isolated. Preliminary data indicate that the primary causes for the presence of Salmonella in the meats probably was contact with feces from slaughtered animals, as well a.s possible contamination of environments, in view of the absence of human carriers researched in part of the personnel.

Abstract in Portuguese:

SINOPSE.- Hofer E., Zamora M.R.N., Lopes A.E., Moura A.M.C:, Araújo H.L., Leite M.D.D. & Silva Filho S.J. 2000. [Salmonella serovars in meat of horses slaughtered in northeastern Brazil.] Sorovares de Salmonella. em carne de eqüídeos abatidos no nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):80-84. Depto Bacteriologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ, Rio de janeiro, RJ 21045-900, Brazil. Nas décadas de 60 e 70, houve um extraordinário incremento da exportação de produtos cárneos de equídeos dos países da América do Sul para a Europa e Japão. Este acontecimento favoreceu o aumento de risco da veiculação de Salmonella através desses produtos, para as populações humana e animal, consumidoras. Assim, num estabelecimento industrial e exportador de carne de eqüídeos localizado no nordeste do Brasil (Pernambuco), foram analisados bacteriologicamente, 19.238 fragmentos de músculos mais externos, que revelaram 666 exames positivos referentes a 433 animais (eqüinos e asininos) e resultando no isolamento de 745 cepas de Salmonella. Na amostragem foram·caracterizados do ponto de vista antigénico 98 sorovares, predominantemente classificados na subespécie 1 (98,9%) e tendo como os mais freqüentes S. Anatum, S. Carrau, S. Saintpaul, S. Agona e S. Typhimurium. Pelas análises efetuadas admite-se que as causas primordiais da presença de Salmonella nas carnes, provavelmente decorreu do contato com os excretas dos animais abatidos, bem como pela possível contaminação ambiental resultante, tendo em vista a ausência de portadores humanos, pesquisados numa parcela do pessoal.

#159 - Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactive astrocytes in the Central Nervous System of normal horses and horses with leukoencephalomalacia, 19(3/4):104-108

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Lemos K.R. & Alessi A.C. 1999. [Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactive astrocytes in the Central Nervous System of normal horses and horses with leukoencephalomalacia.] Astrócitos imunorreativos à proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) em sistema nervoso central de equinos normais e de equinos com leucoencefalomalácia. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(3/4):104-108. Depto Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp, Rod. Carlos Tonanni Km 5, Jaboticabal, SP 14870-000, Brazil. The glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), subunit of the intermediary filaments of the cellular cytoskeleton, exists in the cytoplasm of astrocytes. Immunohistochemistry utilizing primary antibodies anti-GFAP is generally chosen to identify astrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS), allowing also to verify their hypertrophy. Several studies show the distribution, morphology and cytoarchitecture of the astrocytes in several areas of the CNS of humans and laboratory animals. However, in domestic animals, especially in horses, little information is available. In the present study the density ánd morphology of GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes in the white matter of the cerebral cortex of horses with leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) has been compared with such aspects in normal horses. In animals with LEM hypertrophic astrocytes in areas dose to the lesions were observed. There was enlargement of the perikarion, nucleus and the cytoplasmic extension. The astrocytes were reduced in number and the immunoreactivity was increased. In the normal animals constant distribution of immunoreactive cells characteristic of fibrous astrocytes was seen. Vascular changes in the animals with LEM, as for example degeneration of vascular endothelium, were also observed and could be correlated with the astrocytic alterations.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Lemos K.R. & Alessi A.C. 1999. [Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactive astrocytes in the Central Nervous System of normal horses and horses with leukoencephalomalacia.] Astrócitos imunorreativos à proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) em sistema nervoso central de equinos normais e de equinos com leucoencefalomalácia. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(3/4):104-108. Depto Patologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp, Rod. Carlos Tonanni Km 5, Jaboticabal, SP 14870-000, Brazil. A proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP), subunidade dos filamentos intermediários do citoesqueleto celular, está presente no citoplasma de astrócitos. Técnicas imunohistoquímicas com anticorpos primários anti-GFAP são geralmente empregadas para identificar astrócitos no sistema nervoso, permitindo verificar também sua hipertrofia. Vários estudos mostram a distribuição, á morfologia e a citoarquitetura de astrócitos em várias regiões do SNC do homem e de animais de laboratório. No entanto, em animais domésticos e, especialmente em equinos, poucas informações estão disponíveis. No presente trabalho, verificou-se a densidade e a morfologia de astrócitos imunorreativos à GFAP na substância branca da córtex cerebral de equinos com leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) comparando-se esses aspectos com o de equinos normais. Animais com LEM apresentaram hipertrofia de astrócitos em áreas próximas às lesões, representada pelo aumento do corpo celular, do núcleo e dos prolongamentos citoplasmáticos. O número de astrócitos apresentou-se reduzido e a imunorreatividade foi mais acentuada. Nos animais normais, verificou-se distribuição constante de astrócitos imunorreagentes com características de fibrosos. Alterações vasculares nos animais com LEM, como por exemplo degeneração de endotélio vascular, também foram observadas, podendo estar associadas às alterações astrocíticas.

#160 - Seroepidemiology on Rhodococcus equi in horses from Bagé county, RS, by using the synergistic hemolysis inhibition test

Abstract in English:

Rhodococcus equi seroepidemiological studies were conducted. Sera used were collected from 290 apparently clinically normal mares and foals. The samples originated from 6 horsebreeding farms, located in the county of Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which had diferente histories of Rhodococcus equi infections. To correlate the serological results with the presence of the agent in the intestine 123 fecal samples were collected. The synergistic hemolysis inhibition test was used. The test detects antibody against the "equi factor". Neutralizing antibodies against the equi factor were verified in 87.93% (255/290) of the animales tested. The geometric mean titer (GMT) of antibodies was higher in the foals when comparad with the mares. The serological results had a correlation with the isolation of R-. equi in the feces. The rate of R. equi isolation and GMT titers was higher at the horse-breeding farm where clinical cases were registered. Further studies need to be done to establish the relation among the importance of serological titers and disease detection.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Com o objetivo de avaliar a situação soroepidemiológica da infecção por Rhodococcus equi na região de Bagé, RS, foram testadas 290 amostras de soro sanguíneo de éguas e potros aparentemente sadios, obtidos de 6 haras com diferentes histórias de rodococose. Para relacionar o resultado sorológico com a presença deste agente bacteriano no trato intestinal destes animais, foram coletadas 123 amostras de fezes. O teste sorológico utilizado foi a inibição da hemólise sinérgica (IHS) que detecta anticorpos neutralizantes contra o "fator equi". Um percentual de 87,93% (255/290) dos animais amostrados apresentaram estes anticorpos. O título médio geométrico (GMT) destes anticorpos foi mais elevado nos potros do que nas éguas. A soropositividade destes equinos ao teste sorológico teve correlação com o isolamento do R. equi nas fezes dos respectivos animais. A maior taxa de isolamento de R. equi das fezes dos equinos e o maior GMT, ocorreu no único haras com casos clínicos recentes de enfermidade causada por esta bactéria. No entanto, todos os animais deste e dos demais haras, encontravam-se aparentemente sadios, sendo necessário, estabelecer em trabalho futuro, a possível relação entre títulos de anticorpos e sua importância na detecção da enfermidade.

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