Resultado da pesquisa (6)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa practice

#1 - Tylosin injectable for the treatment of porcine proliferative enteropathy in experimentally inoculated pigs

Abstract in English:

Porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE) is one of the most common enteric diseases in growing and finishing pigs. PPE is characterized by reduced growth performance, accompanied or not by diarrhea. PPE is highly prevalent in several countries of the Americas, Europe and Asia, causing high economic losses in swine herds. The most common form of PPE control in pigs is antibiotic therapy. The objective of this study was to evaluate a new product based on tylosin injectable (Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.) to control PPE in experimentally inoculated animals. Sixty 5-week-old pigs with mean weight of 9.5kg were divided into two experimental groups of 30 animals: medication and control. All pigs were challenged with Lawsonia intracellularis, the etiologic agent of PPE, on day zero. Fecal score, body condition score, and behavior were daily evaluated. Pigs were weighted on days -2, 13 and 21 of the experiment. Pigs in the Medication Group received tylosin injectable 13 days after inoculation, in three doses with a 12-hour interval between them. Pigs in the Control Group received injectable saline solution following the same protocol. In the Control Group, 23pigs presented with diarrhea before day 13. After day 13, the number of diarrheic animals in this group was reduced to 17. In the Medication Group, 26 pigs presented with diarrhea in the initial period, and in the period after medication, only 11 animals had diarrhea. The score of gross intestinal PPE lesions in the Medication Group was lower than that in the Control Group (p=0.031). The Medication Group also showed lower score for Lawsonia intracellularis antigen-labeling by immunohistochemistry compared with that of the Control Group (p=0.032), showing lower level of infection. These results demonstrate that tylosin injectable (Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.), administrated in three doses (1mL/20kg) every 12 hours, was effective for the control of PPE in experimentally inoculated pigs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Enteropatia proliferativa suína (EPS), causada pela bactéria Lawsonia intracellularis, é uma das doenças entéricas mais comuns em suínos de recria e terminação. A EPS caracteriza-se por redução no desempenho dos animais, acompanhada ou não por diarreia. É uma doença altamente prevalente em diversos países da América, Europa e Ásia, provocando elevados prejuízos econômicos nos rebanhos suínos. A forma de controle da EPS mais adotada em rebanhos suínos é a antibioticoterapia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar um novo produto à base de tilosina (Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.) na forma injetável para controlar a EPS em animais experimentalmente inoculados. Foram utilizados 60 leitões, de cinco semanas de idade, com peso médio de 9,5kg, divididos em dois grupos experimentais (n=30), medicados e não medicados. Todos os leitões foram desafiados com Lawsonia intracellularis no dia zero. Avaliações clínicas de escore fecal, escore corporal e comportamento foram realizadas diariamente além da pesagem individual dos animais realizada nos dias -2, 13 e 21 do experimento. Os leitões do grupo medicado receberam tilosina injetável 13 dias após a inoculação em três doses com intervalo de 12 horas cada. Já os leitões do grupo não medicado receberam solução salina injetável com o mesmo protocolo. O grupo não medicado apresentou 23 animais com diarreia antes do dia 13 e 17 após este período. No grupo medicado, 26 animais apresentaram diarreia previamente à medicação e apenas 11 após a medicação a partir do dia 13. Os leitões medicados apresentaram extensão de lesão macroscópica, caracterizada por espessamento de mucosa intestinal, menor em comparação com o grupo não medicado (p=0,031). A imunomarcação para Lawsonia intracellularis foi menor no grupo medicado (p<0,032), mostrando redução no grau de infecção por L. intracellularis nos animais medicados. Estes resultados demonstram que a tilosina injetável (Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.) (1mL/20kg) em três doses, a cada 12 horas, foi eficaz no tratamento da enteropatia proliferativa suína em animais experimentalmente inoculados.

#2 - Anatomical techniques in the animal anatomy practice teaching, 33(5):688-696

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Cury F.S., Censoni J.B. & Ambrósio C.E. 2013. [Anatomical techniques in the animal anatomy practice teaching.] Técnicas anatômicas no ensino da prática de anatomia animal. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(5):688-696. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, Pirassununga, SP 13635-000, Brazil. E-mail: The concern about preservation of anatomical specimens in existence for over 5000 years, since the use of anatomical parts, are indispensable for teaching and contribute for the improvement of applicative, assimilative skills and understanding of the discipline. This paper proposes better use of techniques in anatomy laboratories, to abolish the use of formaldehyde as preservative, allowing a pleasant environment for the practice of teaching/learning relationship. For this purpose, we used four anatomical techniques, (1) the cryodehydration, (2) glycerin conservation, (3) latex injection and (4) vinylite injection followed corrosion, we executed using dogs, cats and organs from donations. With cryodehydration and glycerin conservation the anatomical materials were considerably lighter than when kept in formaldehyde, odorless unlike in the use of formaldehyde and other preservatives. The structures to be studied were kept intact, easily to view, and the specimens could be stored in closed boxes without any liquid, thus remaining for up to 3 years. The Injection techniques (latex and vinylite followed by corrosion) showed total efficiency to inject filling systems, and allowed a clear view of all ramifications and paths of the circulatory system. The four anatomical techniques studied were shown to be sufficient to meet the needs of students to study anatomy due to the perfect disclosure of external and internal animal structures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Cury F.S., Censoni J.B. & Ambrósio C.E. 2013. [Anatomical techniques in the animal anatomy practice teaching.] Técnicas anatômicas no ensino da prática de anatomia animal. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(5):688-696. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, Pirassununga, SP 13635-000, Brazil. E-mail: A preocupação quanto a conservação de peças anatômicas existe a mais de 5 mil anos, pois o uso de peças cadavéricas são indispensáveis para o ensino, contribuindo com a melhora das habilidades aplicativas, assimilativas e compreensivas da disciplina. Esse trabalho propõe maior utilização das técnicas apresentadas em laboratórios de anatomia, visando abolir o uso do formol como conservante, permitindo um ambiente agradável para a prática da relação ensino-aprendizagem. Para isso foram utilizadas quatro técnicas anatômicas, a criodesidratação, glicerinação, injeção de látex e injeção de vinilite seguido de corrosão, que foram executadas utilizando cães, gatos e órgãos provenientes de doações. Com a criodesidratação e glicerinação os materiais anatômicos ficaram consideravelmente mais leves do que eram quando mantidos em formol, mantendo-se inodoros, diferente do evidenciado na utilização de formol e outros conservantes. As estruturas de estudo das peças ficaram intactas, de fácil visualização e o armazenamento passou a ser feito em caixas fechadas sem qualquer tipo de liquido, mantendo-se assim por até 3 anos. As técnicas de injeção de látex e vinilite seguido de corrosão mostraram total eficiência preenchendo os sistemas injetados, podendo visualizar as ramificações e todo caminho percorrido no sistema circulatório. As quatro técnicas anatômicas estudadas nesse trabalho mostraram ser suficientes para atender as necessidades dos estudantes quanto ao estudo da anatomia, devido à perfeita evidenciação de estruturas externas e internas dos animais.

#3 - Management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep farms in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, 33(4):464-468

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Gouveia A.M.G., Molento M.B., Silva M.X., Brandão H.M., Gouveia G.C., Morlán J.B. & Guimarães A.S. 2013. Management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep farms in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(4):464-468. Emprapa Gado de Leite, Rua Eugênio do Nascimento 610, Dom Bosco, Juiz de Fora, MG 36038-330, Brazil. E-mail: Parasite related problems are considered one of the major health problems for sheep breeding, causing considerable economic losses to commercial husbandry. The aim of this study was to determine the technological level and the level of knowledge of farmers regarding management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep in Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. The analysis was based on 213 questionnaires applied by official veterinarians of the State Government Agency for Animal Health (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária, IMA), covering 16.6% of all counties. From two hundred and thirteen sheep farms sampled, 117 farms had their technological level determined. From the samples, 0.9% were characterized as high level, 45.3% as medium, and 53.0% as low technological level. The flock size ranged from 2 to 1843 with an average of 80.5 sheep per farm. The majority of the sheep production systems was extensive/semi-extensive (74.5%). The management practices adopted by the farmers to reduce parasitism were: split young and adult animals (5.6%), change pasture after deworm the animals (5.2%), use quarantine for incoming animals (2.3%), deworm newly arrived sheep (1.5%), and have regular technical assistance (31.9%). Although 76.5% of the farmers medicate the animals, treatments were performed without any major technical criteria, with an average interval of 4.6 months. The most commonly used drug families were macrocyclic lactones (38.5%) and benzimidazoles (24.9%). The management practices adopted in Minas Gerais are based on old recommendations and may not return in a good set of strategies to prevent parasite infections. Field observations reinforce the finding where farmers have obtained unsatisfactory results in maintaining the health and productivity level of their enterprises.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Gouveia A.M.G., Molento M.B., Silva M.X., Brandão H.M., Gouveia G.C., Morlán J.B. & Guimarães A.S. 2013. Management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep farms in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. [Práticas de manejo para controle de parasitas gastrointestinais em fazendas com ovinos em Minas Gerais, Sudeste do Brasil.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(4):464-468. Emprapa Gado de Leite, Rua Eugênio do Nascimento 610, Dom Bosco, Juiz de Fora, MG 36038-330, Brazil. E-mail: Problemas relacionados com parasitas são considerados um dos principais problemas sanitários na criação de ovinos, causando consideráveis &#8203;&#8203;perdas econômicas para criação comercial. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o nível tecnológico e o nível de conhecimento dos criadores sobre práticas de manejo para o controle de parasitas gastrintestinais em ovinos no estado de Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil. A análise foi baseada em 213 questionários aplicados pelos veterinários oficiais da Agência de Governo Estudal de Saúde Animal (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária, IMA), cobrindo 16,6% de todos os municípios. Duzentos e treze propriedades com ovinos foram amostradas e 117 tiveram o seu nível tecnológico determinado. A partir da amostra, 0,9% foi caracterizado como nível elevado, de 45,3%, como de médio e 53,0% como baixo nível tecnológico. O tamanho do rebanho variou de 2 a 1843 com uma média de 80,5 ovinos por propriedade. A maioria dos sistemas de produção de ovinos eram extensivos/semi-extensivos (74,5%). As práticas de manejo adotadas pelos criadores para reduzir o parasitismo foram: separar animais jovens e adultos (5,6%), mudança de pastagem após vermifugar os animais (5,2%), uso de quarentena para animais recem adiquiridos (2,3%), vermifugação de ovelhas recém-chegadas (1,5%) e assistência técnica regular (31,9%). Apesar de 76,5% dos criadores vermifugarem os animais, os tratamentos foram realizados sem qualquer critério técnico importante, com um intervalo médio de 4,6 meses. As famílias de drogas mais comumente usadas foram lactonas macrocíclicas (38,5%) e benzimidazóis (24,9%). As práticas de manejo adotadas em Minas Gerais são baseadas em recomendações antigas e não em estratégias para prevenir infecções parasitárias. As observações de campo reforçam os achados em que os proprietários obtiveram resultados insatisfatórios na manutenção dos níveis de saúde e produtividade de seus empreendimentos.

#4 - Health management practices and disease prevalence in dairy sheep systems in Argentina, 29(11):931-937

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Suárez V.H. & Busetti M.R. 2009. Health management practices and disease prevalence in dairy sheep systems in Argentina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11):931-937. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria de Anguil, INTA, CC 11, 6326 Anguil, La Pampa, Argentina. E-mail: A cross-sectional survey of 19 dairy sheep farms in Argentina was carried out with the purpose to know farm management, health practices, and occurrence and mortality of diseases. The survey comprised 40% of all sheep milking farms in Argentina. A questionnaire was conducted by way of personal interviews with sheep owners during farm visits. The proportions of farms reporting routine vaccination for clostridial diseases, contagious ecthyma, pneumonia and mineral and vitamin parenteral administration were 63%, 47.3%, 16.6% and 42.1% respectively. Regular treatment against lice was used in 37.5% of the farms, and 89.5% o the farmers treated against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN). The mean number of GIN drenches per farm was 2.26±1.78 annually. In 68.4% of the milking flocks the California Mastitis Test was regularly done and 55.6% of the farmer managers had sampled their flocks once a year for Brucella ovis antibodies. During the pre-mating period respectively 68.4% and 50% of farmers clinically examined their rams and ewe for general health and teeth condition. The udders of ewes were frequently inspected at the start of each milking period. The most important parasite problems noticed were GIN (reported by 57.9% of farmers), lice (57.9%) and scabies (10.5%) and the most frequent infectious diseases were ecthyma (73.7%), pneumonia and other respiratory problems (57.9%), clinical mastitis (55.6%), clostridial diseases (36.9%) and foot lameness (35.2%). Photosensitivity (47.4%) and ruminal acidosis (42.1%) were reported as other frequent toxic or metabolic disorders. Owners mentioned that the mean lifespan or milk productive time per ewe was 4.5±1.4 years. Perinatal lamb mortality was 8.5% and the total flock mortality rates, above the first 24 h of life was 6.9%. The high rates of lamb mortality during the pre-weaning (10.3%) and post-weaning (5.9%) periods indicate that this problem, as well as the most prevalent diseases, should be the subject of further studies.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Suárez V.H. & Busetti M.R. 2009. Health management practices and disease prevalence in dairy sheep systems in Argentina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11):931-937. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria de Anguil, INTA, CC 11, 6326 Anguil, La Pampa, Argentina. E-mail: Foi realizado um levantamento longitudinal em 19 fazendas de ovinos leiteiros na Argentina com o objetivo de conhecer práticas de manejo, medidas sanitárias e ocorrência e freqüência das enfermidades. O levantamento incluiu 40% de todas as fazendas do país que produzem leite ovino. Um questionário foi utilizado com entrevistas pessoais com os ovinocultores durante visita às fazendas. A percentagem de fazendas que relataram vacinação rotineira contra clostridioses, ectima contagioso, pneumonia e administração parenteral de minerais e vitaminas foi 63%, 47,3%, 16,6% e 42,1%, respectivamente. Parte dos produtores (37,5%) realizava tratamento regularmente contra piolhos e 89,5% contra nematódeos gastrintestinais. O número médio de tratamentos anti-helmínticos anuais, por fazenda, era de 2,26+1,78. Em 68,4% dos rebanhos leiteiros o Califórnia Mastite Teste (CMT) era regularmente realizado e 55,6% dos produtores colhiam amostras de seus rebanhos uma vez por ano para diagnóstico de Brucella ovis. Durante o período de pré-acasalamento 68,4% e 50% dos produtores examinavam clinicamente seus carneiros e a condição geral e de dentes de suas ovelhas. O úbere das ovelhas era geralmente inspecionado no início da ordenha. Os principais problemas parasitários eram nematódeos gastrintestinais (mencionado por 57,9% dos produtores), piolhos (57,9%) e sarna (10,5%) e as doenças infecciosas mais frequentes foram ectima contagioso (73,7%), pneumonia e outros problemas respiratórios (57,9%), mastite clínica (55,6%), clostridioses (36,9%) e laminite (35,2%). Fotossensibilização (47,4%) e acidose ruminal (42,1%) foram relatadas como as principais desordens tóxicas ou metabólicas. Na visão dos produtores, a expectativa de vida produtiva ou o tempo de produção de leite por ovelha era de 4,5+1,4 anos. A mortalidade perinatal foi de 8,5% e a taxa de mortalidade total do rebanho, depois das primeiras 24 horas de vida, foi de 6,9%. As altas taxas de mortalidade de cordeiros durante os períodos de pré-desmame (10,3%) e pós-desmame (5,9%) indicam que isto, assim como as doenças mais prevalentes, deve ser tema de mais estudos.

#5 - Survey on control and management practices of equine helminths infection, p.253-257

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Martins I.V.F., Verocai G.G., Correia T.R., Melo R.M.P.S., Pereira M.J.S., Scott F.B. & Grisi L. 2009. Survey on control and management practices of equine helminths infection. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):253-257. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Cx. Postal 16, Alegre, ES 29500-000, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty-nine stud farms were selected in the Medium Paraíba region of the Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. After an interview with the person responsible for the animals, faecal samples were collected from mares and analyzed via the EPG technique, faecal cultures, Sedimentation-centrifugo-flotation, and modified Ueno and Baermann techniques. The prevalence of helminths in the mares and in the stud farms was calculated. The stocking rates of pasture, change of horse bedding, absence of pasture rotation, absence of technology in the property, and less frequent treatment of the animals were associated with a greater prevalence of helminths, showing that these variables must be considered in equine control programs. The intensity of the parasitism was also associated with the stocking rate of pasture, absence of dunghill, presence of the animals only in paddocks, lack of technology in the property, less frequent treatment of the animals, and absence of the use of rotation regarding the anthelmintic class.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Martins I.V.F., Verocai G.G., Correia T.R., Melo R.M.P.S., Pereira M.J.S., Scott F.B. & Grisi L. 2009. Survey on control and management practices of equine helminths infection. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):253-257. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Cx. Postal 16, Alegre, ES 29500-000, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty-nine stud farms were selected in the Medium Paraíba region of the Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. After an interview with the person responsible for the animals, faecal samples were collected from mares and analyzed via the EPG technique, faecal cultures, Sedimentation-centrifugo-flotation, and modified Ueno and Baermann techniques. The prevalence of helminths in the mares and in the stud farms was calculated. The stocking rates of pasture, change of horse bedding, absence of pasture rotation, absence of technology in the property, and less frequent treatment of the animals were associated with a greater prevalence of helminths, showing that these variables must be considered in equine control programs. The intensity of the parasitism was also associated with the stocking rate of pasture, absence of dunghill, presence of the animals only in paddocks, lack of technology in the property, less frequent treatment of the animals, and absence of the use of rotation regarding the anthelmintic class.

#6 - Celiac artery in New Zealand rabbit: Anatomical study of its origin and arrangement for experimental research and surgical practice, p.237-240

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Abidu-Figueiredo M., Xavier-Silva B., Cardinot T.M., Babinski M.A. & Chagas M.A. 2008. Celiac artery in New Zealand rabbit: Anatomical study of its origin and arrangement for experimental research and surgical practice. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):237-240. Departamento de Anatomia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Rabbits have been used as an experimental model in many diseases and for the study of toxicology, pharmacology and surgery in many universities. However, some aspects of their macro anatomy need a more detailed description, especially the abdominal and pelvic arterial vascular system, which has a huge variability in distribution and trajectory. Thirty cadaveric adult New Zealand rabbits, 13 male and 17 female, with an average weight and rostrum-sacral length of 2.5 kg and 40cm, respectively, were used. The thoracic aorta was cannulated and the vascular system was filled with stained latex S-65. The celiac artery and its proximal branches were dissected and lengthened in order to evidence origin and proximal ramifications. The celiac artery emerged between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebra in 11 (36.7%) rabbits; at the level of the 13th thoracic vertebra in 6 (20%) rabbits; between the 13th thoracic vertebra and the 1st lumbar vertebra in 12 (40%) rabbits; and at the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra in only one (3.3%) rabbit. The mean length of the celiac artery was 0.5cm. The celiac artery first branch was the lienal artery, the second branch was the left gastric artery and the hepatic artery arose from the left gastric artery in all the dissected rabbits. No relation was observed between the celiac artery length and the rostrum-sacral length in rabbits. The number of left gastric and lienal artery branches and the distribution of celiac artery origin are not gender dependent.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Abidu-Figueiredo M., Xavier-Silva B., Cardinot T.M., Babinski M.A. & Chagas M.A. 2008. Celiac artery in New Zealand rabbit: Anatomical study of its origin and arrangement for experimental research and surgical practice. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(5):237-240. Departamento de Anatomia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Rabbits have been used as an experimental model in many diseases and for the study of toxicology, pharmacology and surgery in many universities. However, some aspects of their macro anatomy need a more detailed description, especially the abdominal and pelvic arterial vascular system, which has a huge variability in distribution and trajectory. Thirty cadaveric adult New Zealand rabbits, 13 male and 17 female, with an average weight and rostrum-sacral length of 2.5 kg and 40cm, respectively, were used. The thoracic aorta was cannulated and the vascular system was filled with stained latex S-65. The celiac artery and its proximal branches were dissected and lengthened in order to evidence origin and proximal ramifications. The celiac artery emerged between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebra in 11 (36.7%) rabbits; at the level of the 13th thoracic vertebra in 6 (20%) rabbits; between the 13th thoracic vertebra and the 1st lumbar vertebra in 12 (40%) rabbits; and at the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra in only one (3.3%) rabbit. The mean length of the celiac artery was 0.5cm. The celiac artery first branch was the lienal artery, the second branch was the left gastric artery and the hepatic artery arose from the left gastric artery in all the dissected rabbits. No relation was observed between the celiac artery length and the rostrum-sacral length in rabbits. The number of left gastric and lienal artery branches and the distribution of celiac artery origin are not gender dependent.

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