Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa jiboia

#1 - Use of ketamine by colon-rectal route for chemical restraint in Boa constrictor Linnaeus, 1758 with test of influence of the drug on renal system

Abstract in English:

It is necessary to deal with Boa constrictor snakes because they are frequently treated in wild and exotic animal clinics and the knowledge about the required procedures in the treatment of the possible affections becomes imperative. When the choice for chemical restraint or sedation for surgical procedures is made, one of the drugs used in snakes is ketamine. We believed it was necessary to look for an alternative route of drug administration as effective as the regular ones, but with minimum risks and less adverse effects in its execution. Therefore thirteen snakes were submitted to the administration of 70mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride, with an urethral tube, through the cloaca into the colon-rectum. After this, they were evaluated during the 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 120 next minutes from the administration time using the following parameters: heart rate, muscle relaxation and mobility, handling or restraint resistance and righting reflex. Blood samples were collected from each snake by cervical paravertebral venous sinus punction, before the drug administration, on the next day and nine days after. Serum concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and uric acid were measured in order to check the renal biochemical profile and the possibility of influence of the drug on this system. It was possible to provoke chemical restraint in Boa constrictor snakes, with ketamine hydrochloride administered by the colon-rectal route.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Por serem frequentes na clínica de animais silvestres, faz-se necessária a manipulação de jiboias e para isso, indispensável o conhecimento sobre as manobras precisas para o tratamento das possíveis afecções. Quando se opta pela contenção química, ou pela realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos, um dos fármacos utilizados na anestesia de serpentes é a cetamina. Viu-se a necessidade de buscar uma via alternativa, semelhante em eficácia às tradicionais para a contenção química, porém que minimizasse os riscos e efeitos adversos encontrados na sua execução. O presente trabalho sugere que a via retal seja esta alternativa, por isso, treze jiboias foram submetidas à administração de 70mg/kg de cloridrato de cetamina, com sonda uretral, através da cloaca até o cólon-reto. Foram avaliados, nos tempos 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 e 120 minutos, a partir da administração do fármaco, os seguintes parâmetros: frequência cardíaca, relaxamento muscular e mobilidade, resistência à contenção ou manipulação e reação postural de endireitamento. Foi realizada coleta de 0,5mL de sangue por punção do seio venoso paravertebral cervical, antes da administração do fármaco, no dia seguinte e após nove dias. Foram dosadas as concentrações plasmáticas de cálcio, fósforo e ácido úrico de todos os exemplares a fim de verificar o perfil bioquímico renal e avaliar a influência do fármaco neste sistema. Não foram observadas alterações bioquímicas plasmáticas durante o período de avaliação. Foi possível promover a contenção química das jiboias Boa constrictor, utilizando cloridrato de cetamina pela via cólon-retal.

#2 - Ultra-sonografia do fígado, aparelho renal e reprodutivo da jibóia (Boa constrictor), p.317-321

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Neto F.C.P., Guerra P.C., Costa F.B., Araújo A.V.C., Miglino M.A., Bombonato P.P.,Vulcano L.C. & Alves F.R. 2009. [Ultrasonography of the liver, renal and reproductive apparatus of Boa constrictor Snake.] Ultra-sonografia do fígado, aparelho renal e reprodutivo da jibóia (Boa constrictor). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):317-321. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Currently, wild animals have been received special attention for domestic breeding. In Wild Animal Medicine, ultrasonographic exams could be considered as a tool to diagnose and prevent disease. Ultrasonographic examination of twenty snakes (Boa constrictor) was performed in order to describe the morphological and ultrasonography appearance of their coelomic structures. Examination by ultrasonography revealed the parechymal liver ranging from slightly hypoechogenic to hyperechogenic, with echogenic margins and homogeneous echotexture in total scanning of this organ. The kidney was accessible for examination by sagittal ultrasound, showing an ellipsoid shape, a hyperechogenic capsule with a thin and regular wall. Ultrasonographic scanning of ovarian follicle showed an ovoid shape, as well as a thin, regular and slightly hyperechogenic edge. No evident structures from male reproductive system were identified by ultrasound examination because of their similar echogenic appearance to the tissues around and the “body fat” that lies in this region. Examination by ultrasound of the coelomic structures was a fast and repeatable technique, which provides useful data to recognize the morphology, sintopy and ultrasonographic appearance of organs such as liver, kidneys and vitellogenic follicles.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Neto F.C.P., Guerra P.C., Costa F.B., Araújo A.V.C., Miglino M.A., Bombonato P.P.,Vulcano L.C. & Alves F.R. 2009. [Ultrasonography of the liver, renal and reproductive apparatus of Boa constrictor Snake.] Ultra-sonografia do fígado, aparelho renal e reprodutivo da jibóia (Boa constrictor). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):317-321. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Currently, wild animals have been received special attention for domestic breeding. In Wild Animal Medicine, ultrasonographic exams could be considered as a tool to diagnose and prevent disease. Ultrasonographic examination of twenty snakes (Boa constrictor) was performed in order to describe the morphological and ultrasonography appearance of their coelomic structures. Examination by ultrasonography revealed the parechymal liver ranging from slightly hypoechogenic to hyperechogenic, with echogenic margins and homogeneous echotexture in total scanning of this organ. The kidney was accessible for examination by sagittal ultrasound, showing an ellipsoid shape, a hyperechogenic capsule with a thin and regular wall. Ultrasonographic scanning of ovarian follicle showed an ovoid shape, as well as a thin, regular and slightly hyperechogenic edge. No evident structures from male reproductive system were identified by ultrasound examination because of their similar echogenic appearance to the tissues around and the “body fat” that lies in this region. Examination by ultrasound of the coelomic structures was a fast and repeatable technique, which provides useful data to recognize the morphology, sintopy and ultrasonographic appearance of organs such as liver, kidneys and vitellogenic follicles.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV