Resultado da pesquisa (3)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa acetamide

#1 - Protective effect of acetamide in cattle indicates that monofluoroacetate is the toxic principle of Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae), 32(4):219-328

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Peixoto T.C., Nogueira V.A., Caldas S.A., França T.N., Anjos B.L., Aragão A.P. & Peixoto P.V. 2012. [Protective effect of acetamide in cattle indicates that monofluoroacetate is the toxic principle of Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae).] Efeito protetor da acetamida em bovinos indica monofluoroacetato como princípio tóxico de Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(4):219-328. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the protective effect of acetamide in experimental poisoning by fresh leaves of Palicourea marcgravii and monofluoroacetate (MF) in catlle, in order to prove in a practical way that this compound is the toxic principle responsible for the clinical signs and death of animals that ingested the plant. MF was administered orally in single doses of 0.5mg/kg to three cows; a few minutes later, two of these cows received, orally, single doses of acetamide (0.38 or 2.0g/kg). Two other cows ingested 1.0g/kg of P. marcgravii, and one of these cows received some minutes later 1.0g/kg of acetamide. Adequate doses of acetamide, administered right after the poisoning by P. marcgravii or MF, were able to prevented the onset of clinical signs and avoid the death of all animals. One week later, the experiments were repeated, but without the antidote. All animals not treated with acetamide showed symptoms of poisoning and died suddenly. MF and P. marcgravii caused the same clinical and pathological picture of “sudden death” in cattle. Clinically, the cattle presented palpitation, abdominal breathing, muscle tremors, engorged jugular vein with positive pulse, pollakiuria, slight loss of balance with sometimes swaying gait, the animals laying down and with the head on their flank. In the “dramatic phase”, all the animals fell into lateral decubitus, stretched the limbs, made paddling movements, presented opistotonus, arrhythmia, nystagmus, and died. The “dramatic phase” lasted from 2 to 26 minutes. At postmortem examination, the heart auricles, jugulars and pulmonary veins were slightly to moderately ingurgitated; slight to marked edema of the subserosa was seen in fixation sites of gall bladder to the liver. In one cow, pulmonary edema was observed. Histopathology revealed in all cows slight to marked hydropic-vacuolar degeneration of the epithelial cells of the distal convoluted uriniferous tubules associated with nuclear pyknosis. Coagulation necrosis of individual or groups of hepatocytes and slight to moderate hepatic congestion with numerous shock corpuscles were also observed. The experimental results showed in practice that MF is the toxic principle responsible for the clinical-pathological picture and death of the cattle that ingested P. marcgravii, since acetamide acts as an efficient antidote (antagonistic effect), identical in both poisonings.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Peixoto T.C., Nogueira V.A., Caldas S.A., França T.N., Anjos B.L., Aragão A.P. & Peixoto P.V. 2012. [Protective effect of acetamide in cattle indicates that monofluoroacetate is the toxic principle of Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae).] Efeito protetor da acetamida em bovinos indica monofluoroacetato como princípio tóxico de Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(4):219-328. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar o efeito protetor da acetamida nas intoxicações experimentais por monofluoroacetato (MF) e por folhas frescas de Palicourea marcgravii em bovinos, no intuito de confirmar, de forma prática, que esse composto é o princípio tóxico responsável pelo quadro clínico-patológico e pela morte dos animais intoxicados por essa planta. Três bovinos receberam MF, por via oral, na dose de 0,5mg/kg e, em seguida, a dois desses animais administraram-se acetamida, por via oral, nas doses de 0,38 e 2,0g/kg. Outros dois bovinos receberam 1,0g/kg de P. marcgravii, em seguida, a um deles administrou-se 1,0 g/kg de acetamida. Acetamida, quando administrada em quantidades suficientes (maior dose), evitou o aparecimento dos sinais clínicos e a morte de todos os animais que receberam MF ou P. marcgravii. Tal efeito protetor foi, de fato, confirmado após uma semana, quando o mesmo protocolo experimental foi repetido, para cada bovino, porém sem a administração de acetamida. Todos os bovinos não tratados com acetamida manifestaram sinais clínicos e morreram subitamente. O quadro clínico-patológico manifestado pelos bovinos intoxicados por MF ou P. marcgravii foi semelhante e, caracterizou-se por “morte súbita”. Os animais em geral, apresentaram taquicardia, taquipnéia, tremores musculares, jugular repleta com pulso venoso positivo, polaquiúria, instabilidade, perda de equilíbrio, por vezes, cambaleavam e apoiavam a cabeça no flanco. Na fase final, todos os animais deitavam-se e levantavam-se com maior frequencia, deitavam ou caíam em decúbito lateral, esticavam os membros, faziam movimentos de pedalagem, apresentavam respiração ofegante, arritmia, opistótono, nistagmo, mugiam e morriam. A duração da “fase dramática” variou de 2 a 26min. À necropsia verificaram-se, em geral, aurículas, jugulares, ázigos e pulmonares leve a moderadamente ingurgitadas, leve a acentuado edema da subserosa da vesícula biliar, sobretudo, na sua inserção no fígado, bem como moderada quantidade de líquido espumoso róseo na traquéia e brônquios. O exame histopatológico revelou, no rim de todos os animais, leve até acentuada degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar das células epiteliais dos túbulos uriníferos contornados distais associada à picnose nuclear; no fígado, havia leve a moderada congestão, discreta a moderada tumefação e moderada vacuolização de hepatócitos, predominantemente, centrolobular, necrose de coagulação individual ou de grupos de hepatócitos e corpúsculos de choque. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho comprovam, de forma prática, que MF é o princípio tóxico de P. marcgravii responsável pelo quadro clínico-patológico e a morte dos animais que ingerem e se intoxicam naturalmente por essa planta, uma vez que a acetamida atua como antídoto eficaz (efeito antagônico) de forma idêntica em ambas as intoxicações.

#2 - The protective effect of acetamide on experimental poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate and Brazilian sudden death causing plants in rats, 31(11):938-952

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Peixoto T.C., Oliveira L.I., Caldas S.A, Catunda Junior F.E.A., Carvalho M.G., França T.N. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [The protective effect of acetamide on experimental poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate and Brazilian sudden death causing plants in rats.] Efeito protetor da acetamida sobre as intoxicações experimentais em ratos por monofluoroacetato de sódio e por algumas plantas brasileiras que causam morte súbita. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):938-952. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: The protective effect of acetamide in poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate (MF) and by eight Brazilian sudden death causing plants (BSDCP) (Palicourea marcgravii, P. juruana, Pseudocalymma elegans, Arrabidaea bilabiata, Amorimia (Mascagnia) rigida, M. pubiflora, Amorimia (Mascagnia) exotropica and M. aff. rigida) was studied using rats. Additionally the clinical and pathological picture of the poisoning was described. In these experiments 33 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were used. Nine rats ate spontaneously the fresh leaves of P. marcgravii at amounts of 2.0 and 4.0g/kg. Two of the rats received orally single doses of acetamide (2.0 and 4.0g/kg) one minute before the plant was supplied. A third rat received 4.0g/kg of acetamide after consumption of 4.0g/kg of the plant and showed severe symptoms of poisoning. In the experiments with MF, doses of 4.0 and 8.0mg/kg were administered to four rats. The interval between the administration of either acetamide and concentrated plant extracts or MF ranged from 2 to 4 hours; the dose of acetamide ranged from 2.0 to 8.0g/kg. In the experiments with concentrated extracts of eight BSDCP, 20 rats were orally poisoned with single or repeated doses. Acetamide, when previously administered, prevented the appearance of clinical signs and death in all of the rats poisoned by MF, as well as of the ones poisoned by fresh P. marcgravii leaves and by the concentrated extracts of each of the other BSDCP. These rats were re-subjected to the same experimental protocol, yet without the administration of acetamide. In these experiments, all of the rats evidenced clinical signs and death (except M. aff. rigida). All of the rats showed mild to markedly engorged atria, and sometimes also of the cranial and caudal vena cava. In three of the rats, there was a moderate right and left cardiac dilatation. The liver of all rats was slightly or markedly congested, with lobular pattern in some. There was frothy liquid on the cut surface of the lungs in three of the rats. The histopathology of the kidneys in six rats showed slight cytoplasmic swelling of the distal convoluted tubules and sometimes also of the collecting tubules. But only in four rats a vacuolar-hydropic degeneration with nuclear pyknosis was seen. Twenty-six rats showed liver congestion, three of them with compressive narrowing of the hepatic cords, and in eight rats shock corpuscles were observed; another three rats showed slight to moderate focal liver necrosis. A slight to moderate vacuolation of hepatocytes was observed in 16 rats. It can be concluded that acetamide had a protective effect, capable to prevent clinical signs and death of the rats poisoned by MF, and by fresh P. marcgravii leaves and concentrated extracts of seven other BSDCP. The clinical and pathological picture observed in the rats poisoned by MF and BSDCP, associated with the protective effect of acetamide, indicate that MF is the toxic principle responsible for death of the rats, and by extension, for the death of cattle that ate BSDCP.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Peixoto T.C., Oliveira L.I., Caldas S.A, Catunda Junior F.E.A., Carvalho M.G., França T.N. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [The protective effect of acetamide on experimental poisoning by sodium monofluoroacetate and Brazilian sudden death causing plants in rats.] Efeito protetor da acetamida sobre as intoxicações experimentais em ratos por monofluoroacetato de sódio e por algumas plantas brasileiras que causam morte súbita. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):938-952. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar o efeito protetor da acetamida nas intoxicações por monofluoroacetato de sódio (MF) e por oito plantas brasileiras que causam “morte súbita” (PBCMS) (Palicourea marcgravii, P. juruana, Pseudocalymma elegans, Arrabidaea bilabiata, Amorimia (Mascagnia) rigida, M. pubiflora, Amorimia (Mascagnia) exotropica e M. aff. rigida) em ratos, bem como descrever o quadro clínico-patológico nos animais intoxicados. Foram utilizados 33 ratos da linhagem Wistar (Rattus norvegicus albinus), nove dos quais ingeriram espontaneamente folhas frescas de P. marcgravii nas doses de 2,0 e 4,0g/kg. Dois desses ratos receberam doses únicas de acetamida de 2,0 e 4,0g/kg, por via oral um minuto antes do fornecimento da planta. Outro rato recebeu 4,0g/kg de acetamida após ingerir 4,0g/kg da planta e manifestar sintomas graves. Nos experimentos com MF, foram administradas a quatro ratos doses de 4,0 e 8,0mg/kg; o intervalo de tempo entre a administração da acetamida e dos extratos concentrados ou do MF variou entre 2 a 4 horas. A dose de acetamida utilizada variou de 2,0 a 8,0g/kg. Nos experimentos com extratos concentrados das oito PBCMS, 20 ratos foram intoxicados por via oral com doses únicas ou repetidas. A acetamida, quando previamente administrada em doses suficientemente altas, evitou o aparecimento dos sinais clínicos ou morte dos animais intoxicados por MF, bem como pelas folhas frescas de P. marcgravii e com os extratos concentrados de cada uma das sete outras PBCMS utilizadas. Todos esses ratos foram novamente submetidos ao mesmo protocolo experimental, porém sem administração de acetamida. Nesses experimentos posteriores todos os ratos manifestaram sinais clínicos e morte (exceto M. aff. rigida, cuja amostra não se revelou tóxica). Todos os ratos apresentaram aurículas de leve a acentuadamente ingurgitadas e, por vezes, também as veias cava cranial e caudal. Havia moderada dilatação cardíaca direita e esquerda em três animais. O fígado de todos os animais apresentava-se de leve a acentuadamente congesto, e em alguns ratos, verificou-se evidenciação do padrão lobular. Observou-se ainda discreta a leve presença de líquido espumoso na superfície de corte dos pulmões em três ratos. O exame histopatológico evidenciou nos rins de seis dos 30 ratos leve a moderada tumefação citoplasmática dos túbulos uriníferos contornados distais e, por vezes, também nos túbulos coletores, mas somente em quatro (dois intoxicados por P. marcgravii, um por P. elegans e outro por A. exotropica) havia a clássica lesão de degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar com picnose nuclear evidente. No fígado de 26 animais havia congestão e, destes, três apresentaram estreitamento compressivo dos cordões hepáticos, oito corpúsculos de choque; em outros três, necrose focal de discreta a moderada. Observou-se ainda, de discreta a moderada vacuolização de hepatócitos em 16 animais. Este trabalho demonstra que a acetamida possui acentuado efeito protetor, capaz de prevenir os sinais clínicos e evitar a morte dos ratos intoxicados por MF, folhas frescas de P. marcgravii e extratos concentrados de outras sete PBCMS. O quadro clínico-patológico observado nos ratos intoxicados pelo MF e pelas PBCMS deste estudo, associado ao efeito protetor da acetamida, confirma que o MF é o princípio tóxico responsável pela morte dos ratos, e, por extensão, também dos bovinos que ingeriram PBCMS.

#3 - Antagonism of acetamid in experiments with sheep, goats and rabbits indicates that monofluoroacetate is the toxic principle of Pseudocalymma elegans Bignoniaceae, 31(10):867-874

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Helayel M.A., Caldas S.A., Peixoto T.C., França, T.N., Tokarnia C.H., Döbereiner J., Nogueira V.A. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [Antagonism of acetamid in experiments with sheep, goats and rabbits indicates that monofluoroacetate is the toxic principle of Pseudocalymma elegans Bignoniaceae.] O antagonismo com acetamida em experimentos com ovinos, caprinos e coelhos indica monofluoroacetato como princípio tóxico de Pseudocalymma elegans Bignoniaceae. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(10):867-874. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of acetamid in experimental poisoning by Pseudocalymma elegans in sheep, goats and rabbits, in order to prove indirectly that monofluoroacetate (MF) is responsible for the clinical signs and death of animals that ingested the plant. Experiments were performed to determine for sheep and goats the lethal dose of P. elegans collected in Rio Bonito, RJ, in different seasons, and to adjust the dose of acetamid to be administered. - In the first experiment, two sheep and two goats received 1.0g/kg of fresh P. elegans, and two (one sheep and one goat) were pretreated with 2.0g/kg of acetamid. None of the animals showed clinical signs or died. Possibly, the plant could be less toxic, since it was collected at the end of the rainy season. - In the second experiment, two sheep and two goats received 0.67 and 1.0g/kg of the dried plant, after pretreatment with 2.0 and 3.0g/kg of acetamid, respectively. All animals died, as the administered doses of P. elegans were very high. - In the third experiment, two sheep and two goats received 0.333g/kg of dried P. elegans after previous administration of 2.0g/kg of acetamid; a week later, the protocol above was repeated, but without the antidote. In experiments with rabbits, doses of 0.5 and 1.0g/kg of dried P. elegans were given after administration of 3.0g/kg of acetamid; seven days later, the same protocol was repeated, except the administration of acetamide. This procedure, when acetamid was administered before, prevented the appearance of clinical signs and death of sheep, goats and rabbits. But the animals not treated with acetamid showed symptoms of poisoning and died. Clinically, the sheep and goats had tachycardia, engorged jugular vein, positive venous pulse, lateral recumbence, and muscle tremors. In the “dramatic phase”, the animals fell into lateral position, stretched the limbs, were paddling and died within minutes. The rabbits showed apathy, muscle tremors, vocalization and lateral decumbence minutes before death. At postmortem examination, the sheep and goats had engorged jugular veins and atria, dilated vena cava cranialis and caudalis, as well as pulmonary edema, hepatic congestion and edema of the gallbladder subserosa. In rabbits, the main macroscopic alterations were dilated atria, engorged vena cava cranialis and caudalis, and congested liver and diaphragm vessels. Histopathology revealed, in two sheep and one goat, vacuolar-hydropic degeneration of the distal convoluted kidney tubules, together with caryopicnosis. In the rabbits, the liver showed severe congestion with numerous shock corpuscles. The experimental results show indirectly that MF is to be held responsible for death of the animals that ingested P. elegans; since “acetate donor” compounds, such as acetamid, are capable to reduce the competitive inhibition of MF for the same active site (Coenzyme A) which prevents the formation of fluorocitrate, its active metabolite, formed in the body through the so-called “lethal synthesis”.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Helayel M.A., Caldas S.A., Peixoto T.C., França, T.N., Tokarnia C.H., Döbereiner J., Nogueira V.A. & Peixoto P.V. 2011. [Antagonism of acetamid in experiments with sheep, goats and rabbits indicates that monofluoroacetate is the toxic principle of Pseudocalymma elegans Bignoniaceae.] O antagonismo com acetamida em experimentos com ovinos, caprinos e coelhos indica monofluoroacetato como princípio tóxico de Pseudocalymma elegans Bignoniaceae. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(10):867-874. Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail:

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