Abstract in English:
This research reports the use of different diagnostic tests in cattle, naturally infected by Rabies lyssavirus (RABV), and correlates the positivity of the tests with the clinical moment of euthanasia, the intensity of the inflammatory lesion and viral load. It also highlights the possibility of euthanasia in early stages of the disease as a way to improve animal welfare. For that, samples of 34 bovine brains were collected for analysis, preserved in 10% buffered formaline and refrigerated with subsequent freezing. The samples were subjected to direct immunofluorescence antibody technique (DFAT) tests, viral isolation in cell culture (VICC), histopathology with hematoxylin and eosin staining (HE), immunohistochemistry (IHC), Shorr stainied neural tissue smears (DSS), Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and polymerase chain reaction by quantitative reverse transcriptase (qRT-PCR). The areas used for analysis were the cerebellum, parietal telencephalon and thalamus. Samples with Negri bodies (NBs) or immunostaining in at least one of the analyzed areas were considered positive. For the study of the intensity of histological lesions, the lesions were classified into grades 0, 1, 2 and 3 and the positivity of the test in the presence or absence of NBs in one of the three areas analyzed. To verify the influence of the disease clinical evolution, 4-four groups of analysis were created according to the animal’s clinical status at moment of the euthanasia, being: M1 = animal euthanized while standing, M2 = euthanized when in sternal recumbence, M3 = euthanized when in lateral recumbence, M4 = animal with natural death. Of the 34 brains evaluated, IHC was positive in 100% of cases, DFAT was positive in 97.05% of them, and in this negative sample the presence of RABV was confirmed by VICC. NBs ere seen in 88.23% of the cases, and the DSS test was positive in 82.35% of them. All diagnostic techniques showed positive cases in all groups analyzed. Each case was positive in at least two diagnostic methods. All cases that contained NBs were positive for rabies in the other tests. In this study, it was observed that the variables analyzed (intensity of injury and clinical evolution at the moment of euthanasia) had an influence only on HE and DSS techniques, which are based on NB research to form the diagnosis, but did not interfere with the effectiveness of the diagnosis performed by detecting the viral antigen performed by DFAT and IHC. All isolated RABV samples included in the present study have a genetic lineage characteristic of hematophagous bats Desmodus rotundus. The evaluation of qRT-PCR showed that the amount of virus did not interfere in the positivity of the tests. This work shows that IHC and DFAT are safe diagnostic techniques. They are capable of detecting RABV even in euthanized animals in the early stages of clinical evolution with mild intensities of histological lesions.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Esta pesquisa relata a utilização de diferentes testes de diagnóstico em bovinos, naturalmente infectados pelo Rabies lyssavirus (RABV), e correlaciona a positividade dos testes com o momento clínico da eutanásia, a intensidade da lesão inflamatória, e a carga viral. Salienta também a possibilidade da eutanásia em estágios precoces da doença como forma de melhorar o bem-estar animal. Para isso amostras de 34 encéfalos bovinos foram coletados para análise, conservadas em formol tamponado 10% e sob refrigeração com posterior congelamento. As amostras foram submetidas aos testes de imunofluorescência direta (IFD), isolamento viral em cultivo de células (IVCC), histopatologia com coloração de hematoxilina e eosina (HE), imuno-histoquímica (IHQ), esfregaço direto com coloração de Shorr (EDS), reação da polimerase em cadeia por transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR) e reação da polimerase em cadeia por transcriptase reversa quantitativo (qRT-PCR). As áreas utilizadas para análise foram o cerebelo, telencéfalo parietal e tálamo. Foram consideradas positivas as amostras que apresentaram Corpúsculo de Negri (CNs) ou imuno-marcação em ao menos uma das áreas analisadas. Para o estudo da intensidade das lesões histológicas, as lesões foram classificadas em graus 0, 1, 2 e 3 e a positividade do teste na presença ou ausência de CN em uma das três áreas analisadas. Para verificar a influência da evolução clínica da doença foram criados 4 grupos de análise conforme o estado clínico do animal no momento da eutanásia, sendo: M1 = animal eutanasiado em estação, M2 = eutanasiado em decúbito esternal, M3 = eutanasiado em decúbito lateral, M4 = animal com morte natural. Dos 34 encéfalos avaliados a IHQ foi positiva em 100% dos casos, a IFD foi positiva em 97,05%, sendo que na amostra negativa a presença de RABV foi confirmada por IVCC. A histologia com HE, através da visualização das CNs, foi positiva em 88,23 % dos casos, e o teste de EDS, foi positivo em 82,35%. Todas as técnicas de diagnóstico apresentaram casos positivos em todos os grupos analisados. Cada caso foi positivo em, pelo menos, dois métodos de diagnóstico. Todos os casos que continham CN foram positivos para raiva nos demais testes. Nesse estudo observou-se que as variáveis analisadas intensidade de lesão e evolução clínica no momento da eutanásia tiveram influência somente nas técnicas de HE e EDS, que se baseiam na pesquisa do CN para formação do diagnóstico, mas não interferiram na eficácia do diagnóstico realizado através da detecção do antígeno viral realizado por IFD e IHQ. Todas as amostras RABV isoladas incluídas no presente estudo apresentam linhagem genética característica de morcegos hematófagos Desmodus rotundus. A avaliação de qRT-PCR demostrou que a quantidade de vírus não interferiu na positividade dos testes. Esse trabalho mostra que a IHQ e a IFD são técnicas seguras de diagnóstico e que mesmo em animais eutanasiados em estágios iniciais de evolução clínica com intensidades leve de lesões histológicas, são capazes de detectar o RABV.
Abstract in English:
Human Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is expanding, and it is distributed in the five geographic regions of Brazil, with the Northeast being the region that presents the most significant number of registered cases. The main urban reservoir of the etiological agent of VL is the domestic dog, and it is known that canine cases precede human cases. One of the control actions of VL, recommended by the Ministry of Health, is performing the euthanasia of seropositive dogs. In 2013, in the municipality of Iguatama/MG, the first canine serological survey was carried out in the city, with a prevalence of 8.3% of seropositive dogs for Leishmania infantum. Of the seropositive animals for Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis (CVL) in this survey, 84% were euthanized, and 16% died within two years after diagnosis. No other control measures for CVL were taken in the municipality. The objectives of the present study were to determine the current prevalence of seropositive dogs for CVL in the municipality of Iguatama and to observe the impact of euthanasia of seropositive dogs to VL as the only control measure performed in this municipality, which is considered an enzootic area of the disease. For this, a new canine epidemiological survey was carried out in the municipality of Iguatama, following the guidelines of the Manual of Surveillance and Control of Visceral Leishmaniasis. Blood samples were collected from 270 dogs and tested by DPP immunochromatographic test and by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The animals that presented inconclusive results had new blood samples collected and analyzed. The only animal that showed a positive result in DPP and undetermined in the ELISA, in the first evaluation, became seropositive four months later, so this study reinforces the recommendation of the Ministry of Health to reassess dogs that present inconclusive results for CVL. From a total of 270 samples, 21 (7.8%) were reagents in both tests. Thus, the prevalence of seropositive dogs for CVL, in 2017, in the urban area of the municipality of Iguatama was 7.8%. The Polymerase Chain Reaction‑Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) molecular technique confirmed infection by L. infantum in the ten dogs sampled with CVL-positive serology. The comparison between the current prevalence (after euthanasia) with that found in 2013 (8.3%), there was no significant difference (p=0.764). The prevalence of CVL in the urban area of the municipality of Iguatama is still high, making it possible to presume that the euthanasia of seropositive dogs for CVL, and the absence of monitoring or other interventions measures, did not contribute to decrease the transmission of the parasite and was not sufficient for the control of CVL in the municipality of Iguatama, an area considered as non-endemic to CVL until 2013.
Abstract in Portuguese:
A Leishmaniose visceral humana (LV) está em franca expansão e distribuída nas cinco regiões geográficas do Brasil, o Nordeste sendo a região em que há o maior número de casos registrados. O principal reservatório urbano do agente etiológico da LV é o cão doméstico e sabe‑se que casos caninos antecedem o aparecimento de casos humanos. Uma das ações de controle da LV, preconizada pelo Ministério da Saúde, é a eutanásia dos cães soro reagentes. Em 2013, no município de Iguatama/MG, foi realizado o primeiro inquérito sorológico canino na cidade, sendo constatada uma prevalência de 8,3% de cães soro reagentes para Leishmania infantum. Dos animais com sorologia positiva para Leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC), neste inquérito, 84% foram eutanasiados e 16% foram a óbito em, no máximo, dois anos após o diagnóstico. Nenhuma outra medida de controle para LVC foi realizada no município. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a prevalência atual de cães soro reagentes para LVC no município de Iguatama e observar o impacto das eutanásias de cães soro reagentes para LV como única medida de controle realizada neste município, considerado área enzoótica para a doença. Para isso, foi realizado um novo inquérito epidemiológico canino no município de Iguatama, seguindo as normas do Manual de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral. Foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas de 270 cães que foram examinadas pelo teste imunocromatográfico DPP e pelo ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). Os animais que apresentaram resultados inconclusivos tiveram novas amostras de sangue coletadas e analisadas. O único animal que apresentou resultado positivo no DPP e indeterminado no ELISA, na primeira avaliação, soro converteu quatro meses depois, o que reforça a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde de reavaliar os cães que apresentam resultado inconclusivo para LVC. Do total das 270 amostras, 21 foram reagentes nos dois testes. Portanto, a prevalência de cães soro reagentes para LVC, em 2017, na área urbana do município de Iguatama foi igual a 7,8%. A infecção pela espécie Leishmania infantum foi confirmada através da técnica molecular de PCR-RFLP em 10 cães amostrados com sorologia positiva para LVC. A comparação entre a prevalência atual (depois das eutanásias) com a encontrada em 2013 (8,3%), não mostrou diferença significativa (p=0,764). Uma vez que a soro prevalência de LVC na área urbana do município de Iguatama ainda é alta, pode-se supor que a eutanásia dos cães soro reagentes para LVC, somada à ausência de monitoramento e de outras medidas de intervenção, não contribuiu para a diminuição da transmissão do parasito, e não foi suficiente para o controle de LVC no município de Iguatama, uma área considerada, até 2013, indene para LVC.
Abstract in English:
Knowledge about the causes of death in felines constitutes important information to owners, veterinarians, and researchers, aiming at reducing the number of deaths in this species. In order to determine the main causes of death or euthanasia in cats in the Santa Catarina plateau, data from 1995 to 2015 available in necropsy files of the Laboratory of Animal Pathology (LAPA) of the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) were collected and evaluated. In that period, 1,728 cats were necropsied, mainly males (46.12%) and adults (50.11%). The mean ages at death for kittens, adults, and elderly were 5.07 months, 3.9 years, and 13.9 years, respectively. Of the 1,728 necropsy reports assessed, the cause of death was identified in 1,184 (68.52%) cases. The main cause of death was associated with infectious diseases (15.8%), with prevalence of feline infectious peritonitis (29.76%), followed by neoplasms (11.98%) with lymphoma (44.93%) and leukemia (16.91%) as the most common, and traumas (11.81%) mainly caused by motor vehicle accidents. These results show the need for owner awareness, as well as establishment of prophylaxis and vaccination programs, aimed at reducing the number of deaths and thus increasing life expectancy in the feline population.
Abstract in Portuguese:
O conhecimento a respeito da causa mortis em felinos é importante para que se construa um informativo para proprietários, médicos veterinários e pesquisadores, objetivando a redução no número de mortes na espécie. Com o intuito de determinar as principais causas de morte ou eutanásia em felinos domésticos no planalto catarinense foram avaliados os arquivos de registro das necropsias do período de 1995 a 2015 do Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. No período, foram necropsiados 1.728 felinos, principalmente machos (46,12%), adultos (50,11%). A idade média para filhotes foi de 5,07 meses, enquanto para adultos foi 3,9 anos e para idosos 13,9 anos. Das 1.728 necropsias de felinos, a enfermidade que levou o animal a morte foi determinada em 1.184 (68,52%). As doenças infecciosas foram a principal causa de morte (15,8%), dentre as quais a peritonite infecciosa felina (29,76%) foi a mais frequente; seguida das neoplasias (11,98%), sendo o linfoma (44,93%) e a leucemia (16,91%), as mais comuns; e dos traumatismos (11,81%), principalmente atropelamentos por veículos automotivos. Estes resultados refletem a necessidade da conscientização dos proprietários, bem como da instituição de programas de profilaxia e vacinação, visando a redução de mortes e o aumento na expectativa de vida para a população felina.
Abstract in English:
The objective of this study was to determine the main diseases that cause death or euthanasia in cats in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Veterinary Pathology Laboratory (LPV-UFSM) files were reviewed from 1964 to 2013 and a total of 1,247 cat necropsies protocols were found. In 878 (70.40%) protocols the cause of death and/or reason for euthanasia has been established while in 369 (29.59%) cases it was not possible to be determined and these were classified as inconclusive. The final diagnosis were evaluated and classified into different categories. The category which includes the largest number of causes of death or reason for euthanasia in cats are disorders due to physical agents (15.63%), followed by infectious and parasitic diseases (13.15%), tumors (10.50%), other disorders (8.34%), poisoning and toxinfections (5.29%), degenerative diseases (4.81%), iatrogenic disorders (3.76%), metabolic and endocrinological diseases (2.72%), immune-mediated diseases (2.08%), nutritional diseases (1.60), convenience euthanasia (1.44%) and congenital disorders (1.04%). The most important diseases were also evaluated according to age and the results demonstrated that adult cats are most affected by lower urinary tract disease, trauma and iatrogenic disorders. Elderly cats are most affected by tumors and chronic renal failure. However, in young cats, feline infections peritonitis were found to be the most important cause of death or euthanasia.
Abstract in Portuguese:
Este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar a prevalência das doenças que causam a morte ou levam à eutanásia de gatos da região central do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isto, foram revisados os arquivos do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) entre 1964 a 2013, e foram encontrados um total de 1.247 protocolos de necropsias de gatos. Em 878 protocolos (70,4%) a causa da morte e/ou razão para eutanásia foi estabelecida e em 369 casos (29,6%) não foi possível estabelecer uma causa definitiva. Os diagnósticos encontrados foram avaliados e distribuídos em diferentes categorias. Os grupos responsáveis pelo maior número de causas de morte ou razão para eutanásia em gatos foram os distúrbios causados por agentes físicos (15,6%), seguidos das doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (13,2%) e dos tumores (10,50%). Intoxicações e toxi-infecções (5,3%), doenças degenerativas (4,8%), distúrbios iatrogênicos (3,8%), doenças metabólicas e endocrinológicas (2,7%) foram categorias comuns. Doenças imunomediadas (2,1%), doenças nutricionais (1,6%), eutanásia por conveniência (1,4%) e distúrbios congênitos (1%) foram categorias incomuns. Outros distúrbios perfizeram 8,34% dos casos, As doenças mais importantes também foram avaliadas com relação à idade e os resultados obtidos demonstram que os adultos são mais acometidos pelo distúrbio do trato urinário inferior dos felinos, por traumas e por distúrbios iatrogênicos. Os gatos idosos são mais afetados por tumores e por doenças degenerativas, como a insuficiência renal crônica. Nos filhotes a principal doença que causa a morte ou eutanásia é a peritonite infecciosa felina.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Fighera R.A., Souza T.M., Silva M.C., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2008. [Causes of death and reasons for euthanasia in dogs from the midland region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (1965-2004).] Causas de morte e razões para eutanásia de cães da Mesorregião do Centro Ocidental Rio-Grandense (1965-2004). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(4):223-230. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: anemiaveterinaria@yahoo.com.br
The main objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of diseases culminating with death or motivating euthanasia of dogs from the midland region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The necropsy files of the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) were accessed and necropsy protocols of dogs necropsied between January 1965 and December 2004 were reviewed. During this period 4,844 reports of canine necropsies were filed at the LPV-UFSM. The case distribution in relation to the disease categories diagnosed was as follows: infectious and parasitic diseases (1,693 [35.0%]); neoplasms (378 [7.8%]); disorders caused by physical agents (369 [7.6%]); degenerative diseases (342 [7.1%]); poisonings and toxinfections (112 [2.3%]); euthanasia due to convenience (101 [2.1%]); metabolic and endocrinological diseases (97 [2.0%]); iatrogenic disorders (83 [1.7%]); developmental disorders (25 [0.5%]); immune mediate diseases (10 [0.2%]); and nutritional disorders (6 [0.1%]). Other disorders, including multifactorial or idiopathic diseases contributed 80 (1.6%) cases. In 1,548 (32.0%) out of the 4,844 cases it was not possible to establish either cause of death or reason for euthanasia. Infectious and parasitic diseases (mainly canine distemper, parvoviral enteritis and intestinal parasitism), neoplasia (mainly mammary neoplasms and lymphoma), disorders caused by physical agents (mainly accidents caused by automotive vehicles) and degenerative diseases (mainly chronic renal failure, cirrhosis, and congestive heart failure) were the main disease categories causing death or motivating euthanasia in dogs of this midland region. However, when cases were evaluated in relation with the age of the dog, the disease prevalence differed. The main causes of death in puppies were infectious and parasitic disease (mainly parvoviral enteritis, canine distemper, and intestinal parasitism). In adult dogs the most important causes of death were canine distemper, neoplasia and trauma. In age dogs, approximately half of the deaths could be attributed to neoplasia and degenerative disease.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Fighera R.A., Souza T.M., Silva M.C., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2008. [Causes of death and reasons for euthanasia in dogs from the midland region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (1965-2004).] Causas de morte e razões para eutanásia de cães da Mesorregião do Centro Ocidental Rio-Grandense (1965-2004). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(4):223-230. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: anemiaveterinaria@yahoo.com.br
The main objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of diseases culminating with death or motivating euthanasia of dogs from the midland region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The necropsy files of the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) were accessed and necropsy protocols of dogs necropsied between January 1965 and December 2004 were reviewed. During this period 4,844 reports of canine necropsies were filed at the LPV-UFSM. The case distribution in relation to the disease categories diagnosed was as follows: infectious and parasitic diseases (1,693 [35.0%]); neoplasms (378 [7.8%]); disorders caused by physical agents (369 [7.6%]); degenerative diseases (342 [7.1%]); poisonings and toxinfections (112 [2.3%]); euthanasia due to convenience (101 [2.1%]); metabolic and endocrinological diseases (97 [2.0%]); iatrogenic disorders (83 [1.7%]); developmental disorders (25 [0.5%]); immune mediate diseases (10 [0.2%]); and nutritional disorders (6 [0.1%]). Other disorders, including multifactorial or idiopathic diseases contributed 80 (1.6%) cases. In 1,548 (32.0%) out of the 4,844 cases it was not possible to establish either cause of death or reason for euthanasia. Infectious and parasitic diseases (mainly canine distemper, parvoviral enteritis and intestinal parasitism), neoplasia (mainly mammary neoplasms and lymphoma), disorders caused by physical agents (mainly accidents caused by automotive vehicles) and degenerative diseases (mainly chronic renal failure, cirrhosis, and congestive heart failure) were the main disease categories causing death or motivating euthanasia in dogs of this midland region. However, when cases were evaluated in relation with the age of the dog, the disease prevalence differed. The main causes of death in puppies were infectious and parasitic disease (mainly parvoviral enteritis, canine distemper, and intestinal parasitism). In adult dogs the most important causes of death were canine distemper, neoplasia and trauma. In age dogs, approximately half of the deaths could be attributed to neoplasia and degenerative disease.