Resultado da pesquisa (39)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa ovelhas

#31 - Biochemical and hormonal indicators of natural cases of pregnancy toxaemia of in sheep, 31(11):974-980

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos F.C.O., Mendonça C.L., Silva Filho A.P., Carvalho C.C.D., Soares P.C. & Afonso J.A.B. 2011. [Biochemical and hormonal indicators of natural cases of pregnancy toxaemia of in sheep.] Indicadores bioquímicos e hormonais de casos naturais de toxemia da prenhez em ovelhas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):974-980. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Boa Vista, Garanhuns, PE 55.292-270, Brazil. E-mail: Toxemia of pregnancy is a metabolic disorder with considerable economic impact on the production of sheep. However, the particularities of the systemic repercussion of the disorder have not yet been fully clarified. The aim of the present study was to assess the biochemical and hormonal profile of 77 ewes with a clinical diagnosis of toxemia of pregnancy and to compare the laboratory findings based on the clinical outcome: discharge (G1) or death (G2). The clinical manifestation of the disease was observed in the pre-birth period in 100% of the ewes, from which 66.2% (n=51) were discharged and 33.8% (n=26) died. A total of 55,8% of the cases were of multiple pregnancies.. Considering the parameters analyzed, cortisol, urea, AST and CK were significantly higher in G2 in comparison to G1 (p<0.05). An increase was found in the concentration of plasma glucose, fructosamine, albumin, creatinine, ß-hydroxybutyrate, non-esterified fatty acids and L-lactate, with no statistically significant differences between groups (p>0.05). No changes were found in cholesterol or triglycerides. A reduction in insulin levels was found, with no statistically significant difference between groups (p>0.05). All ewes exhibited ketonuria and aciduria.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Santos F.C.O., Mendonça C.L., Silva Filho A.P., Carvalho C.C.D., Soares P.C. & Afonso J.A.B. 2011. [Biochemical and hormonal indicators of natural cases of pregnancy toxaemia of in sheep.] Indicadores bioquímicos e hormonais de casos naturais de toxemia da prenhez em ovelhas. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):974-980. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Boa Vista, Garanhuns, PE 55.292-270, Brazil. E-mail: Toxemia da prenhez é considerada um transtorno metabólico de grande impacto econômico na produção de ovinos, porém as particularidades de repercussão sistêmicas deste distúrbio ainda são pouco esclarecedoras. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o perfil bioquímico e hormonal de 77 ovelhas com diagnóstico clínico de toxemia da penhez e comparar os achados laboratoriais de acordo com a resolução clínica dos animais, alta hospitalar (G1) e aqueles que morreram (G2). A manifestação clinica da doença foi observada no período do pré-parto em 100% dos animais, destes 66,2 % (n=51) receberam alta clínica e 33,8% (n=26) morreram. Dos casos de toxemia da prenhez estudados havia gestação múltipla em 55,8%. Dentre os parâmetros estudados, cortisol, uréia, AST e CK estavam mais elevados no G2 em relação ao G1 com diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Foi encontrado aumento nas concentrações de glicose plasmática, frutosamina, albumina, creatinina, ß-hidroxubutirato, ácido graxo não esterificado e L-lactato, porém não houve diferenças entre os grupos (P>0,05). Não ocorreram alterações nas taxas de colesterol e triglicerídios. Houve redução nos índices da insulina, não havendo diferenças entre G1 e G2 (P>0,05). Todas as ovelhas apresentaram cetonúria e acidúria.

#32 - Cellular dynamics and microbiological of milk of Santa Inês ewes accompanied during lactation, 31(10):851-858

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Guaraná E.L.S., Santos R.A., Campos A.G.S.S., Silva N.S., Afonso J.A.B. & Mendonça C.L. 2011. [Cellular dynamics and microbiological of milk of Santa Inês ewes accompanied during lactation.] Dinâmica celular e microbiológica do leite de ovelhas Santa Inês acompanhadas durante a lactação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(10):851-858. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Mundaú, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of intramammary infection in ewes by means of clinical examination, direct somatic cell count and the isolation of bacterial agents involved in the process during lactation, as well as the sensitivity profile of these isolates to different antimicrobials. Thirty four ewes from the Santa Inês breed, raised under semi-intensive conditions and submitted to identical sanitary and nutritional management were evaluated before and after parturition, about 10 days before parturition, 15 days after parturition (dap), 30 dap, 60 dap and 90 dap (weaning). In the respective phases a clinical exam of the mammary gland was accomplished. The direct somatic cell count (SCC) and the California Mastitis Test (CMT) were carried out in the phases postpartum (15 dap, 30 dap, 60 dap and 90 dap) as well as the bacteriological analysis which was also accomplished in the experimental phase that preceded parturition when the ewes were not milked. Milk sampling was achieved by manual means. All ewes were submitted to lentivirus serology test. The variable data of SCC were tested for normality according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov and not attended the premise of normality were transformed into log base 10 (Log10). Therefore was performed the analysis of variance and contrast of means by Tukey test with significance level of P<0.05. A descriptive study of the variables studied was done by frequency distribution (%). The average somatic cell count in negative reactions to the CMT varied 387.896,08 cells/mL to 620.611,11 cells/mL and glands reagents ranged up to 6.730.514,50 cells/mL, but there was no influence in the different stages of lactation. The results allowed to conclude that subclinical mastitis represents a sanitary concern in the breeding of Santa Ines ewes. The phase that precedes parturition is particularly worrying and deserves more attention since there is a higher bacterial isolation percentage in apparently healthy glands. In association, it was also in the first 30 days of lactation (initial phase) that a high frequency of bacterial isolation was perceived, with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus as the agent isolated in higher percentage.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Guaraná E.L.S., Santos R.A., Campos A.G.S.S., Silva N.S., Afonso J.A.B. & Mendonça C.L. 2011. [Cellular dynamics and microbiological of milk of Santa Inês ewes accompanied during lactation.] Dinâmica celular e microbiológica do leite de ovelhas Santa Inês acompanhadas durante a lactação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(10):851-858. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Mundaú, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Objetivou-se neste estudo, avaliar a dinâmica da infecção intramamária de ovelhas por meio da avaliação clínica, da contagem de células somáticas e do isolamento de bactérias envolvidas na infecção mamária ao longo de toda a lactação, bem como o perfil de sensibilidade destes isolados frente a antimicrobianos. Foram avaliadas 34 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês criadas em sistema semi-intensivo e submetidas ao mesmo manejo higiênico-sanitário e nutricional acompanhadas antes e durante o período de lactação: aproximadamente 10 dias que precedeu ao parto, 15 dias pós-parto (dpp), 30 dpp, 60 dpp e 90 dpp (secagem). Nestes momentos foi realizado o exame clínico da glândula. A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e o CMT foram realizados nos momentos seguintes ao parto (15dpp, 30dpp, 60dpp e 90dpp), assim como a análise bacteriológica, realizada além dos momentos citados anteriormente, também no momento que precedeu ao parto. A colheita do leite foi realizada por ordenha manual. Todas as ovelhas foram submetidas à sorologia para lentivírus. Os dados da variável CCS foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade segundo Kolmogorov-Smirnov e por não atender a premissa de normalidade, foram transformados em log de base 10 (Log10). Por conseguinte efetuou-se a análise de variância e contraste de médias pelo teste de Tukey com nível de significância de P<0,05. Foi realizado o estudo descritivo das variáveis empregando-se a distribuição de frequências (%). O valor médio da CCS das glândulas não reagentes ao CMT, ao longo do período de lactação, variou de 387.896,08 células/mL a 620.611,11 células/mL e nas glândulas reagentes, dependendo do escore do CMT, apresentou valores médios que variaram de 2.133.914,19 células/mL a 6.730.514,50 células/mL, sem contudo sofrer influência das diferentes fases da lactação. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a mastite subclínica representa uma preocupação sanitária na criação de ovelhas Santa Inês, chamando-se atenção para o período que precede o parto devido o alto percentual de isolamento bacteriano em glândulas aparentemente sadias, bem como a elevada frequência de isolamento, particularmente de Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo no primeiro mês de lactação.

#33 - Cervical-vaginal microbiota of crossbred sheep in Petrolina/PE, Brazil, and its susceptibility to antibiotics, 31(7):586-590

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva V.F., Damasceno T.E.F., Souza N.J.D., Franco I. & Costa M.M. 2011. [Cervical-vaginal microbiota of crossbred sheep in Petrolina/PE, Brazil, and its susceptibility to antibiotics.] Microbiota cérvico-vaginal de ovelhas mestiças e sua susceptibilidade aos antibióticos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(7):586-590. Campus Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, BR 407 Km 12, Lote 543, Projeto de Irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho s/n, Petrolina, PE 56300-990, Brazil. E-mail: Sheep farming has developed in recent decades; however there is still little information on the composition and pathogenic potential of cervical-vaginal flora of sheep. The purpose of the present study was to determine the main constituents of microorganisms in the cervical-vaginal flora of sheep and their antimicrobial susceptibility. Samples were taken from 60 healthy sheep belonging to herds in the region of Petrolina, Pernambuco. Bacterial isolation was performed on blood agar and MacConkey agar, and the microorganisms were identified according to morphology, Gram staining and biochemical characteristics. The samples were subjected to disk diffusion test for determination of sensitivity to the following antimicrobial drugs: sulfamethazine, enrofloxacin, doxycycline, tetracycline, penicillin, amoxicillin, cephalothin and lincomycin. We obtained 94 isolates and found a higher frequency of Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli and Micrococcus spp., and also observed isolates of Acinetobacter spp., Shigella spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp. and Streptococcus spp. The isolates were highly sensitive to the antibiotics tested, with the lowest percentage of susceptibility to lincomycin. The presence of opportunistic microorganisms of a potential pathogenic microbiota, such as Staphylococcus spp. and Escherichia coli, refers to a careful analysis in the diagnosis of genital infections. The bacterial isolates obtained in this study are sensitive to most groups of antibiotics tested, demonstrating the potential use of these active ingredients, plus the availability of choice, given the lack of multidrug resistance.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Silva V.F., Damasceno T.E.F., Souza N.J.D., Franco I. & Costa M.M. 2011. [Cervical-vaginal microbiota of crossbred sheep in Petrolina/PE, Brazil, and its susceptibility to antibiotics.] Microbiota cérvico-vaginal de ovelhas mestiças e sua susceptibilidade aos antibióticos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(7):586-590. Campus Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, BR 407 Km 12, Lote 543, Projeto de Irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho s/n, Petrolina, PE 56300-990, Brazil. E-mail: A criação de ovinos tem se desenvolvido nas últimas décadas, entretanto ainda são escassas informações sobre a composição e potencial patogênico da microbiota cérvico-vaginal de ovelhas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer os microrganismos constituintes da microbiota cérvico-vaginal de ovelhas, bem como sua susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos. Foram realizadas coletas em 60 animais sadios, pertencentes a rebanhos de Petrolina e região. Foi realizado o isolamento bacteriano em ágar sangue e ágar MacConkey, sendo os microrganismos identificados de acordo com características morfológicas, tintoriais e bioquímicas. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de difusão em disco para determinar o perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos: sulfametazina, enrofloxacina, doxiciclina, tetraciclina, penicilina, amoxicilina, cefalotina e lincomicina. Foram obtidos 94 isolados, sendo constatada uma maior frequência de Staphylococcus spp. (32,97%), Escherichia coli e Micrococcus spp., sendo observado ainda, isolados de Acinetobacter spp., Shigella spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp. e Streptococcus spp. Os isolados apresentaram alta sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos testados sendo observado o menor percentual de sensibilidade para lincomicina. A presença de microrganismos oportunistas de potencial patogênico, na microbiota, como Staphylococcus spp e Escherichia coli, remete a uma análise criteriosa em relação ao diagnóstico de infecções genitais. Os isolados bacterianos obtidos neste estudo são sensíveis à maioria dos grupos de drogas antimicrobianas testadas, demonstrando o potencial de utilização desses princípios ativos, além da disponibilidade de escolha, visto a ausência de multirresistência.

#34 - Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from sheep with mastitis in northeastern Pará, Brazil, 30(12):1043-1048

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva N.S., Silveira J.A.S., Pinheiro C.P., Sousa M.G.S., Oliveira C.M.C., Mendonça C.L., Duarte M.D & Barbosa J.D. 2010. [Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from sheep with mastitis in northeastern Pará, Brazil.] Etiologia e perfil de sensibilidade de bactérias isoladas de ovelhas com mastite na região nordeste do estado do Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(12):1043-1048. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Campus Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this paper was to study the etiology of mastitis in sheep at northeastern Pará, and to establish the sensitivity of isolated bacteria to antibiotics. A total of 176 Santa Inês nursing sheep kept in semi-intensive system from seven properties were examined. The mammary gland was clinically examined and the milk was submitted to the Caneca Telada Test, the California Mastitis Test (CMT), bacteriological examinations and antibiograms. Out of the 352 mammary halves (176 sheep), 5.9% (21/352) had clinical mastitis and by the CMT test, 7.39% (26/352) had subclinical mastitis and 86.64% (305/352) mammary halves did not have mastitis. Most of the animals with mastitis were in the second third of the lactation period, had less kids and more lactation periods. The following bacteria were isolated from the clinical mastitis Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative (42,9%); Staphylococcus aureus (9.52%); Streptococcus spp. (4.76%) and Escherichia coli (4.76%). Were observed associations of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus spp. (4,76%); Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative nonhemolytic, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative hemolytic and Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative non hemolytic pigment (4.76%). Already in subclinical mastitis the bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative (26.9%); Staphylococcus aureus (15.,4%); Streptococcus spp. (7.69%); Escherichia coli (7.69%) and Citrobacter freundii (11.5%). Were observed associations of Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative nonhemolytic and Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negative hemolytic (3.85%). The most efficient antibiotics for the Gram positive agents were penicile/novobiocine (100%), cefalotine (100%) and florfenicol (100%) and for the Citrobacter freundii were ampicilina (100%) and florfenicol (100%). In relation to Escherichia coli, 66.7% of isolates to ampicillin, cephalothin, florfenicol and tetracycline were resistant. Mastitis is present in sheep in the State of Pará, and it’s necessary to estimate, in future studies, the economic losses caused by this disease. The CMT show satisfactory results and can be recommended as a screening test for diagnosing individual cases of subclinical mastitis in sheep, once had a good relationship with the microbiological examination. In the antibiogram where most of the isolated agents appear sensitive to different antibiotics tested, the antibiotics with the best efficiency were florfenicol and cefoxitin.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Silva N.S., Silveira J.A.S., Pinheiro C.P., Sousa M.G.S., Oliveira C.M.C., Mendonça C.L., Duarte M.D & Barbosa J.D. 2010. [Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from sheep with mastitis in northeastern Pará, Brazil.] Etiologia e perfil de sensibilidade de bactérias isoladas de ovelhas com mastite na região nordeste do estado do Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(12):1043-1048. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Campus Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a etiologia da mastite em ovelhas na região nordeste do Pará, além de estabelecer o perfil de sensibilidade das bactérias isoladas frente a antimicrobianos. Foram examinadas 176 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, em lactação, mantidas em sistema semi-intensivo, pertencentes a sete propriedades especializadas na criação de ovinos. Foi realizado o exame clínico da glândula mamária, o exame macroscópico da secreção láctea por meio do Teste da Caneca Telada, o California Mastitis Test (CMT), o exame microbiológico do leite e o antibiograma. Das 352 metades mamárias estudadas (176 ovelhas), 21 (5,97%) apresentaram mastite clínica, 26 (7,39%) apresentaram mastite subclínica e 305 (86,64%) metades mamárias foram negativas. A maioria dos animais acometidos pela mastite estava no terço médio da lactação, com menor número de crias e maior número de lactações. Na mastite clínica (MC) as bactérias isoladas foram Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo (42,9%); Staphylococcus aureus (9,52%); Streptococcus spp. (4,76%) e Escherichia coli (4,76%). As associações observadas foram Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus spp. (4,76%); Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo não hemolítica, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo hemolítica e Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo pigmento não hemolítica (4,76%). Já na mastite subclínica (MSC), as bactérias isoladas foram Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo (26,9%); Staphylococcus aureus (15,4%); Streptococcus spp. (7,69%); Escherichia coli (7,69%) e Citrobacter freundii (11,5%). A associação observada foi Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo não hemolítica e Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo hemolítica (3,85%). Os antimicrobianos com maior eficácia contra os agentes isolados Gram positivos foram penicilina/novobiocina (100%), cefalotina (100%) e florfenicol (100%) e contra o Citrobacter freundii foram a ampicilina (100%) e florfenicol (100%). Já em relação a Escherichia coli, 66,7% dos isolados mostraram-se resistentes à ampicilina, cefalotina, florfenicol e tetraciclina. A mastite está presente em ovelhas no estado do Pará, havendo a necessidade de estimar, em estudos futuros, as perdas econômicas causadas por essa enfermidade. O CMT apresentou resultados satisfatórios, podendo ser recomendado como teste de triagem para o diagnóstico de casos individuais de mastite subclínica em ovinos, uma vez que apresentou boa relação com o exame microbiológico. No antibiograma foi observado que a maioria dos agentes isolados apresenta-se sensível aos diferentes antimicrobianos testados, sendo os antibióticos com melhor eficiência o florfenicol e a cefoxitina.

#35 - Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Inês ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis, 30(5):435-442

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Costa N.A., Simão L.C.V., Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Fagliari J.J., Cardoso E.C., Soares P.C. & Mendonça C.L. 2010. [Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Inês ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis.] Proteinograma e teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sanguíneo de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês com mastite experimental por Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(5):435-442. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Avenida Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Caixa Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis on proteinogram and serum concentrations of cupper, iron and zinc levels of Santa Ines primiparous ewes . The right mammary gland of ten healthy ewes was inoculated with 1,0x104 UFC/mL of S. aureus. Clinical examination and determination of serum concentrations of proteins by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE), cupper, iron and zinc, as well plasma level of fibrinogen were measured before the inoculation (control) and 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h, 60h, 72h, 84h, 96h, 108h, 120h, 132h, 168h, 180h, 288h and 336h after bacteria inoculation. All animals experimentally infected presented clinical mastitis and subsequent loss of mammary gland function. The electrophoretogram allowed the identification of 23 proteins with molecular weights (MW) ranged from 26.000 to 185.000 daltons (Da) including acute-phase proteins, IgG and IgA. A significant increase (P<0,05) in haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, IgG and IgA concentrations was observed. Antitrypsin and acid glicoprotein concentrations did not alter. The levels of iron and zinc decreased and the cupper concentration increased . A positive correlation between plasma fibrinogen and serum ceruloplasmin (r=0.74), haptoglobin (r=0.62) and IgA (r=0.62) was also identified. Results showed the importance of ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin as acute-phase proteins in ewes with intramammary infections and confirms fibrinogen as an inflammatory marker because its high correlation with specific proteins. The alterations in the serum levels of Cu, Fe and Zn suggest the action of inflammatory mediators triggered by S. aureus.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Costa N.A., Simão L.C.V., Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Fagliari J.J., Cardoso E.C., Soares P.C. & Mendonça C.L. 2010. [Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Inês ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis.] Proteinograma e teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sanguíneo de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês com mastite experimental por Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(5):435-442. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Avenida Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Caixa Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o proteinograma e os teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sangüíneo de ovelhas com mastite induzida por cepa de campo de Staphylococcus aureus. Foram utilizadas 10 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, primíparas, recém-paridas, com aproximadamente dois anos de idade e bom estado nutricional. Inoculou-se na metade direita da glândula mamária 1,0x104UFC/mL da bactéria, enquanto que a metade esquerda serviu como controle. Os animais foram acompanhados diariamente e a partir do diagnóstico clínico de mastite, procedeu-se colheita do material para realização do proteinograma sérico em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE) e para determinação do teor plasmático de fibrinogênio e das concentrações séricas de cobre, ferro e zinco em 16 momentos a saber: antes da inoculação (controle) e 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h, 60h, 72h, 84h, 96h, 108h, 120h, 132h, 168h, 180h, 288h e 336h após a inoculação (p.i.). Todas as ovelhas apresentaram quadro clínico de mastite, com perda da funcionalidade da glândula mamária. O proteinograma permitiu a identificação de 23 proteínas, cujos pesos moleculares (PM) variaram de 26.000 a 185.000 dáltons (Da), incluindo proteínas de fase aguda, IgG e IgA. Notou-se aumento significativo nas concentrações de haptoglobina e ceruloplasmina, assim como de IgG e IgA. Não se constatou alteração nos teores de antitripisina e de glicoproteína ácida .Verificou-se diminuição nos teores de ferro e zinco e elevação na concentração de cobre. Constatou-se correlação positiva entre o teor plasmático de fibrinogênio e as concentrações séricas de ceruloplasmina (r=0,74), a haptoglobina (r=0,62) e IgA(r=0,62). Estes resultados mostram a importância das proteínas de fase aguda ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina como indicadores auxiliares da infecção intramamária de ovelhas, assim como ratifica a relevância do fibrinogênio como marcador inflamatório em razão de sua alta correlação com as proteínas especificas. As alterações nas concentrações séricas de Cu, Fe e Zn sugerem a ação de mediadores inflamatórios, estimulados por S. aureus.

#36 - Perfil celular e microbiológico de ovelhas Santa Inês no período lactante e pós-desmame, p.417-422

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Blagitz M.G., Batista C.F., Souza F.N., Benites N.R., Melville P.A., Stricagnolo C.R., Ricciardi M., Gomes V., Azedo M.R., Sanches B.G.S. & Della Libera A.M.M.P. 2008. [Cellular and microbiological profile of Santa Ines ewes in the lactation and the post-weaning period.] Perfil celular e microbiológico de ovelhas Santa Inês no período lactante e pós-desmame. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):417-422. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to evaluate and compare the microbiological and cellular profile of the milk of Santa Ines ewes during the lactation period and the active involution. Milk samples were analyzed from 12 ewes during these distinct periods. Clinical examination of the mammary gland, somatic cell count (SCC), California Mastitis Test (CMT), bacteriologic screening and sensibility of the pathogens in vitro were performed. Most alterations were observed in the active involution period. SCC and CMT were higher in this same period. Besides this, a high persistency of infection occurred. The active involution period did not show high susceptibility. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were the only isolated bacteria. A high antimicrobial sensibility of these pathogens was also encountered.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Blagitz M.G., Batista C.F., Souza F.N., Benites N.R., Melville P.A., Stricagnolo C.R., Ricciardi M., Gomes V., Azedo M.R., Sanches B.G.S. & Della Libera A.M.M.P. 2008. [Cellular and microbiological profile of Santa Ines ewes in the lactation and the post-weaning period.] Perfil celular e microbiológico de ovelhas Santa Inês no período lactante e pós-desmame. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):417-422. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to evaluate and compare the microbiological and cellular profile of the milk of Santa Ines ewes during the lactation period and the active involution. Milk samples were analyzed from 12 ewes during these distinct periods. Clinical examination of the mammary gland, somatic cell count (SCC), California Mastitis Test (CMT), bacteriologic screening and sensibility of the pathogens in vitro were performed. Most alterations were observed in the active involution period. SCC and CMT were higher in this same period. Besides this, a high persistency of infection occurred. The active involution period did not show high susceptibility. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were the only isolated bacteria. A high antimicrobial sensibility of these pathogens was also encountered.

#37 - Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2, p.87-94

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida S.R., Diel D.G., Rissi D.R., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Clinic and pathological characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2.] Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):87-94. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Mammillitis caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BoHV-2) is an important disease in dairy herds yet its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. This report describes the reproduction and characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with BoHV-2 in the skin of the udder and teats. Five out of eight inoculated ewes developed large plaques, with focal necrosis, small vesicles and crust formation in the inoculated areas. The lesions were first observed on day 4 post-inoculation (pi), progressed in size and severity up to days 7-8pi and subsided progressively thereafter. Infectious virus was isolated from the lesions at days 7 and 8pi. Viral antigens and herpesvirus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in lesions examined at days 5, 6 and 10pi. Histological findings included epithelial necrosis, erosions and ulcers, and formation of syncytial cells. Intranuclear inclusions bodies in epithelial, syncytial and inflammatory cells and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis were also observed. In a second experiment, seven out of ten lambs inoculated into the nostrils and muzzle developed nasal hyperemia and discharge, vesicles, and erosions in the nose. Infectious virus was isolated from lesions during up to three days and all lambs seroconverted to BoHV-2. Attempts to reactivate the latent infection by dexamethasone administration on day 40pi failed, since virus shedding, clinical recrudescence or seroconversion were not observed. The reproduction of acute infection and mammillitis resembling that occurring in cattle paves the way for the use of sheep to study several aspects of the biology of BoHV-2 infection.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida S.R., Diel D.G., Rissi D.R., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2008. [Clinic and pathological characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2.] Caracterização clinicopatológica da mamilite aguda em ovelhas lactantes inoculadas experimentalmente com o herpesvírus bovino 2. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):87-94. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Mammillitis caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BoHV-2) is an important disease in dairy herds yet its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. This report describes the reproduction and characterization of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with BoHV-2 in the skin of the udder and teats. Five out of eight inoculated ewes developed large plaques, with focal necrosis, small vesicles and crust formation in the inoculated areas. The lesions were first observed on day 4 post-inoculation (pi), progressed in size and severity up to days 7-8pi and subsided progressively thereafter. Infectious virus was isolated from the lesions at days 7 and 8pi. Viral antigens and herpesvirus-like particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy in lesions examined at days 5, 6 and 10pi. Histological findings included epithelial necrosis, erosions and ulcers, and formation of syncytial cells. Intranuclear inclusions bodies in epithelial, syncytial and inflammatory cells and lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis were also observed. In a second experiment, seven out of ten lambs inoculated into the nostrils and muzzle developed nasal hyperemia and discharge, vesicles, and erosions in the nose. Infectious virus was isolated from lesions during up to three days and all lambs seroconverted to BoHV-2. Attempts to reactivate the latent infection by dexamethasone administration on day 40pi failed, since virus shedding, clinical recrudescence or seroconversion were not observed. The reproduction of acute infection and mammillitis resembling that occurring in cattle paves the way for the use of sheep to study several aspects of the biology of BoHV-2 infection.

#38 - Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus, p.6-12

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Mendonça C.L. & Simão, L.C.V. 2007. [Clinical aspects and characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus.] Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):6-12. Clinica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Cx.Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the clinical aspects and the physical-chemical characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus. For such, were used 10 Santa Inês primiparity ewes, weighing 30 kg, clinically healthy and housed in a stall. After establishing the normality patterns for the studied variables, the animals were inoculated into one teat of the udder with an inoculum of 1.0x104ufc/ml of S. aureus, while the other gland served as control. The clinical observations were accomplished in intervals of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 168, 180, 288 and 336 hours after the inoculation of the agent (PI). All the animals presented clinical systemic manifestations, and in the inoculated glands with more intensity from 24 hours on after the inoculation. There were significant alterations (P<0.05) in the production and physical-chemical composition of the milk in relation to the controls, with reduction of volume and fat. The pH, the chlorates and CCS reached very high indexes, accompanied by the CMT test reaction. The bacteriological exam revealed the presence of S. aureus during the phase of infection. After the treatment of the sheep 36 hours PI, one animal came to death 48h PI, and the others showed clinical recovery; however there was no physiologic re-establishment of the inoculated udders which lost their function.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Mendonça C.L. & Simão, L.C.V. 2007. [Clinical aspects and characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus.] Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):6-12. Clinica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Cx.Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the clinical aspects and the physical-chemical characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus. For such, were used 10 Santa Inês primiparity ewes, weighing 30 kg, clinically healthy and housed in a stall. After establishing the normality patterns for the studied variables, the animals were inoculated into one teat of the udder with an inoculum of 1.0x104ufc/ml of S. aureus, while the other gland served as control. The clinical observations were accomplished in intervals of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 168, 180, 288 and 336 hours after the inoculation of the agent (PI). All the animals presented clinical systemic manifestations, and in the inoculated glands with more intensity from 24 hours on after the inoculation. There were significant alterations (P<0.05) in the production and physical-chemical composition of the milk in relation to the controls, with reduction of volume and fat. The pH, the chlorates and CCS reached very high indexes, accompanied by the CMT test reaction. The bacteriological exam revealed the presence of S. aureus during the phase of infection. After the treatment of the sheep 36 hours PI, one animal came to death 48h PI, and the others showed clinical recovery; however there was no physiologic re-establishment of the inoculated udders which lost their function.

#39 - Fetal protection against challenge with bovine viral diarrhea vírus (BVDV) in pregnant ewes immunized with two strains experimentally attenuated, 22(2):64-72

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R., Flores E.F, Tobias F.L., Pituco E.M. & Winkelmann E.R. 2002. [Fetal protection against challenge with bovine viral diarrhea vírus (BVDV) in pregnant ewes immunized with two strains experimentally attenuated.] Proteção fetal frente a desafio com o vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) em ovelhas prenhes imunizadas com duas amostras de vírus atenuadas experimentalmente. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 22(2):64-72. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (DMVP/CCR/UFSM), Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Two isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) submitted to multiple passages in tissue culture associated with ultraviolet irradiation were evaluated as vaccine virus candidates. The attenuation of the modified viruses was assessed in calves and in pregnant ewes. Intramuscular inoculation of the viruses in four seronegative calves produced only a mil d and transient rise in body temperature, followed by the production of high titers of neutralizing antibodies. The viruses were not detected in nasal secretions or in the blood following inoculation. However, intramuscular inoculation of these viruses in four pregnant ewes resulted in transplacental transmission and infection of ali fetuses. To assess fetal protection conferred by immunization, pregnant ewes immunized twice with the modified viruses were subsequently challenged by intranasal inoculation of BVDV-1 (SV-126.8, n=6) or BVDV-2 (SV-260, n=5). At the day of challenge (134 days after the second immunization), ali ewes had high titers of neutralizing antibodies (256 to >4096) to the vaccine viruses and variable titers (8 to >4096) to Brazilian BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 field isolates. Fifteen days after challenge, the ewes were euthanized and fetal tissues were examined for infectivity. Ali fetuses from non-vaccinated, challenged ewes (n=4) were infected. In contrast, none of the fetuses from the immunized dams (n = 11) were positive for virus, indicating that the immunological response induced by immunization with the vaccine candidate viruses was capable of preventing fetal infection. These results indicate that it is possible to achieve fetal protection to BVDV by induction of a strong immunological response using modified live vaccines.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Brum M.C.S., Weiblen R., Flores E.F, Tobias F.L., Pituco E.M. & Winkelmann E.R. 2002. [Fetal protection against challenge with bovine viral diarrhea vírus (BVDV) in pregnant ewes immunized with two strains experimentally attenuated.] Proteção fetal frente a desafio com o vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) em ovelhas prenhes imunizadas com duas amostras de vírus atenuadas experimentalmente. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 22(2):64-72. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (DMVP/CCR/UFSM), Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Duas amostras do vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) submetidas a múltiplas passagens em cultivo celular e exposição à radiação ultravioleta (UV) a cada passagem foram avaliadas como candidatos a vírus vacinais. As amostras foram testadas quanto à sua atenuação para bezerros e fetos ovinos, reatividade antigênica contra isolados de campo, e capacidade de induzir proteção fetal em ovelhas prenhes. Inoculação intramuscular (IM) dos vírus modificados em quatro bezerros produziu apenas uma elevação discreta e passageira da temperatura corporal, seguida de produção de altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes. O vírus não foi detectado em secreções nasais ou sangue nos dias seguintes à inoculação. Porém, a inoculação IM desses vírus em quatro ovelhas prenhes foi seguida de transmissão transplacentária e infecção em todos os fetos. Para os testes de proteção fetal, ovelhas prenhes previamente imunizadas com duas doses vacinais, foram inoculadas por via intranasal com amostras de BVDV-1 (SV-126.8, n=6) ou BVDV-2 (SV-260, n=5). No dia do desafio (134 dias após a segunda dose), todos os animais apresentavam altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes (256 a >4096) contra os vírus vacinais; além de títulos variados (8 a >4096) contra várias isolados brasileiros de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2. Quinze dias após o desafio, as ovelhas foram sacrificadas e os tecidos fetais foram examinados para a presença de vírus. Todos os fetos das ovelhas controle não-vacinadas apresentaram-se (n=4) positivos para os vírus utilizados no desafio. Em contraste, nenhum feto das ovelhas imunizadas (n = 11) foi positivo para vírus, indicando que a resposta imunológica induzida pela vacinação com os vírus modificados foi capaz de prevenir a infecção fetal. Estes resultados indicam que é possível obter-se forte resposta imunológica e proteção fetal contra o BVDV com o uso de vacinas vivas modificadas.

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