Resultado da pesquisa (93)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa southern Brazil

#71 - Co-infection by porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine parvovirus in aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets in southern Brazil, p.425-429

Abstract in English:

Abstract.- Pescador C.A., Bandarra P.M., Castro L.A., Antoniassi N.A.B., Ravazollo, A.P., Sonne L. Cruz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2007. Co-infection by porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine parvovirus in aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets in southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(10):425-429. Departamento de Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Porcine circovirus types 1 and 2 (PCV1, PCV2) and porcine parvovirus (PPV) are widespread in pig populations around the world. Nevertheless, only PCV2 has been associated with different clinical syndromes, thus representing a major problem to the pig industry. The association of cases of swine abortions and stillborns with PCV1 and PCV2 and PPV was studied retrospectively (2005-2007). Additional pathogens were also investigated in lesioned fetuses. The studied litters included stillborn piglets and several mummified fetuses of varied sizes. Ventricular dilatation, myocardial pale areas, and mesocolic edema were the gross lesions. Escherichia coli was detected as co-infecting with PCV2 the cases in which mesocolic edema was seen. Microscopic lesions included non-suppurative myocarditis, myocardial necrosis and fibrosis, mineralization foci and intranuclear inclusion bodies in cardiomyocytes, and interstitial mononuclear pneumonia. Samples from 7 (5.78 per cent) of 121 aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets had lesions consistent with a viral cause and showed both positive anti-PCV2 immunostaining as well as PCV2-PCR. In samples from 3 (2.47 per cent) of these 7 fetuses, co-infection with PPV was confirmed by Nested-PCR. Both viruses were detected in fetuses at different stages of gestation. Viral antigens of PCV2 were detected by immunohistochemistry mainly in macrophages and myocytes. PCV1 individually was not detected in any of these affected fetuses, but it was associated with PCV2 and/or PPV in some of them. These findings indicate that PCV2 alone or in association with PPV should be kept in mind when investigating causes of infectious abortion in pigs in Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Abstract.- Pescador C.A., Bandarra P.M., Castro L.A., Antoniassi N.A.B., Ravazollo, A.P., Sonne L. Cruz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2007. Co-infection by porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine parvovirus in aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets in southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(10):425-429. Departamento de Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Porcine circovirus types 1 and 2 (PCV1, PCV2) and porcine parvovirus (PPV) are widespread in pig populations around the world. Nevertheless, only PCV2 has been associated with different clinical syndromes, thus representing a major problem to the pig industry. The association of cases of swine abortions and stillborns with PCV1 and PCV2 and PPV was studied retrospectively (2005-2007). Additional pathogens were also investigated in lesioned fetuses. The studied litters included stillborn piglets and several mummified fetuses of varied sizes. Ventricular dilatation, myocardial pale areas, and mesocolic edema were the gross lesions. Escherichia coli was detected as co-infecting with PCV2 the cases in which mesocolic edema was seen. Microscopic lesions included non-suppurative myocarditis, myocardial necrosis and fibrosis, mineralization foci and intranuclear inclusion bodies in cardiomyocytes, and interstitial mononuclear pneumonia. Samples from 7 (5.78 per cent) of 121 aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets had lesions consistent with a viral cause and showed both positive anti-PCV2 immunostaining as well as PCV2-PCR. In samples from 3 (2.47 per cent) of these 7 fetuses, co-infection with PPV was confirmed by Nested-PCR. Both viruses were detected in fetuses at different stages of gestation. Viral antigens of PCV2 were detected by immunohistochemistry mainly in macrophages and myocytes. PCV1 individually was not detected in any of these affected fetuses, but it was associated with PCV2 and/or PPV in some of them. These findings indicate that PCV2 alone or in association with PPV should be kept in mind when investigating causes of infectious abortion in pigs in Brazil.

#72 - Anthrax in cattle in southern Brazil: 1978-2006

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schild A.L., Sallis E.S.V., Priebe A.P., Soares M.P., Almeida M.B., Ladeira S.R.L., Schramm R. & Riet-Correa F. 2006. Anthrax in cattle in southern Brazil: 1978-2006. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):243-248. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Univer-sidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: Ten outbreaks of anthrax occurred in cattle from 1978 to 2006 in southern Brazil, in 5 municipalities on the border with Uruguay, a country where the disease is frequent. The 10 outbreaks represented 0.2% of all bovine specimens received during the period by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas, causing 267 deaths in a risk population of 6,605 head. The disease affected young and adult cattle mainly during summer. Only one farmer reported that sheep and horses were also affected. Clinically the peracute form was more frequent, but in some outbreaks the acute form with a clinical manifestation period of 6-48 hours was also observed. The source of infection was not established; but the reduced rainfall, associated with low, flat, flooded lands used for agriculture followed by animal grazing after harvest was probably related to the disease occurrence. Annual vaccination is an efficient way to prevent the disease.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Schild A.L., Sallis E.S.V., Priebe A.P., Soares M.P., Almeida M.B., Ladeira S.R.L., Schramm R. & Riet-Correa F. 2006. Anthrax in cattle in southern Brazil: 1978-2006. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):243-248. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Univer-sidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: Ten outbreaks of anthrax occurred in cattle from 1978 to 2006 in southern Brazil, in 5 municipalities on the border with Uruguay, a country where the disease is frequent. The 10 outbreaks represented 0.2% of all bovine specimens received during the period by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas, causing 267 deaths in a risk population of 6,605 head. The disease affected young and adult cattle mainly during summer. Only one farmer reported that sheep and horses were also affected. Clinically the peracute form was more frequent, but in some outbreaks the acute form with a clinical manifestation period of 6-48 hours was also observed. The source of infection was not established; but the reduced rainfall, associated with low, flat, flooded lands used for agriculture followed by animal grazing after harvest was probably related to the disease occurrence. Annual vaccination is an efficient way to prevent the disease.

#73 - Prevalence of antibodies against chicken anaemia virus (CAV) in broiler breeders in Southern Brazil

Abstract in English:

Canal C.W., Ferreira D.J., Macagnan M., Fallavena L.C.B., Moraes H.L.S. & Wald V.B. 2004. Prevalence of antibodies against chicken anaemia virus (CAV) in broiler breeders in Southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):89-92. Centro de Diagnóstico e Pesquisa em Patologia Aviária (CDPA), Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Chicks infected during the first two weeks of life with chicken anaemia virus (CAV) manifest clinical disease that can be avoided if the breeder hens transfer enough antibodies to their progeny. The objective of the present work was to establish the prevalence and titer of anti-CAV antibodies in some Brazilian broiler hen breeder flocks and verify in which phase of life the birds were infected. A total of 1,709 serum samples from 12 broiler hen flocks vaccinated against CAV and 64 unvaccinated flocks were analyzed for CAV antibodies with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All non-vaccinated breeder flocks were found to be infected with CAV, with 89% of the hens tested presenting antibodies, 52% of these with titers considered high enough to protect their progeny against CAV infection. Likewise, all vaccinated hens had antibody titer to CAV capable of conferring protection to their progeny. Thus, vaccination of hens seems capable of conferring protection to chicks against clinically apparent CAV-associated disease.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Canal C.W., Ferreira D.J., Macagnan M., Fallavena L.C.B., Moraes H.L.S. & Wald V.B. 2004. Prevalence of antibodies against chicken anaemia virus (CAV) in broiler breeders in Southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):89-92. Centro de Diagnóstico e Pesquisa em Patologia Aviária (CDPA), Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Chicks infected during the first two weeks of life with chicken anaemia virus (CAV) manifest clinical disease that can be avoided if the breeder hens transfer enough antibodies to their progeny. The objective of the present work was to establish the prevalence and titer of anti-CAV antibodies in some Brazilian broiler hen breeder flocks and verify in which phase of life the birds were infected. A total of 1,709 serum samples from 12 broiler hen flocks vaccinated against CAV and 64 unvaccinated flocks were analyzed for CAV antibodies with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All non-vaccinated breeder flocks were found to be infected with CAV, with 89% of the hens tested presenting antibodies, 52% of these with titers considered high enough to protect their progeny against CAV infection. Likewise, all vaccinated hens had antibody titer to CAV capable of conferring protection to their progeny. Thus, vaccination of hens seems capable of conferring protection to chicks against clinically apparent CAV-associated disease.

#74 - Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) poisoning in sheep in southern Brazil, 23(4):179-184

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Peixoto P.V., Brust L.A.C., Brito M.F., França T.N., Cunha B.R.M. & Andrade G.B. 2003. [Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) poisoning in sheep in southern Brazil.] Intoxicação natural por Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) em ovinos no Sudeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(4):179-184. Depto Nutrição Animal e Pastagem, Inst Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23835-000, Brazil. An outbreak of acute poisoning caused by Amaranthus spinosus is described in ewes of Southern Brazil. The clinical signs were characterized by uremic halitosis, loss of ruminal motility, dispnoea and abortion. Grossly in the kidneys there were pale red spots, white streaks extending from cortex to medulla, and congestion. Histologically there was a severe acute tubular nephrosis, dispersed foci of coagulative necrosis in the tiver, areas of coagulative necrosis in the myocardium and acute incipient interstitial pneumonia as well as secondary bronchopneumonia. Myocardial coagulative necrosis observed in seven sheep was attributed to hyperkalemia secondary to renal insufficiency. No references to spontaneous A. spinosus poisoning in sheep was found in the literature. Attempt to reproduce the poisoning by administration·of the plant to sheep was insuccessful, probably because A. spinosus used was not from fertilized areas.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Peixoto P.V., Brust L.A.C., Brito M.F., França T.N., Cunha B.R.M. & Andrade G.B. 2003. [Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) poisoning in sheep in southern Brazil.] Intoxicação natural por Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) em ovinos no Sudeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(4):179-184. Depto Nutrição Animal e Pastagem, Inst Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23835-000, Brazil. No Estado do Rio de janeiro descreve-se um surto de intoxicação aguda por Amaranthus spinosus em 12 ovelhas, caracterizado clinicamente por hálito urêmico, ausência de movimentos ruminais, dispnéia e aborto. Os animais foram colocados em um pasto adubado e severamente invadido pela planta. A necropsia realizada em seis ovinos revelou rins pálidos, em geral, com estriações esbranquiçadas desde o córtex até a medula; em um animal verificaram-se diversos infartos sob forma de figuras geométricas no córtex. O fígado apresentava-se mais claro, por vezes com lobulação evidente. Em um animal verificaram- se áreas pálidas no miocárdio. Os pulmões congestos, algo mais pesados e consistentes, por vezes evidenciavam áreas de hepatização vermelha e cinzenta na porção cranial. Petéquias, equimoses e sufusões foram observadas em serosas, na mucosa do tubo digestório e em outros órgãos. Ao exame histológico verificaram-se acentuada nefrose tubular tóxica, focos aleatórios de necrose coagulativa no fígado, áreas de necrose coagulativa no miocárdio e pneumonia intersticial aguda incipiente acompanhada por áreas de broncopneumonia. Na literatura não foram encontradas referências à intoxicação natural por A. spinosus em ovinos. Tentativas de reprodução da intoxicação coma planta em ovinos, não foram bem sucedidas, provavelmente porque, nos experimentos, não se utilizou A. spinosus proveniente de áreas adubadas. A necrose do miocárdio encontrada, ao exame microscópico do coração de diversos animais foi atribuída a hipercalemia secundária à insuficiência renal, ao passo que a gênese dos infartos renais verificados em um ovino permanece obscura.

#75 - Clinical and pathological study of an outbreak of obstructive urolithiasis in feedlot cattle in southern Brazil, 23(2):61-64

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Loretti A.P., Oliveira L.O., Cruz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2002. Clinical and pathological study of an outbreak of obstructive urolithiasis in feedlot cattle in Southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):61-64. Depto Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Cx. Postal 15094, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: The epidemiology, clinical picture and pathology of an outbreak of urolithiasis in cattle in southern Brazil are described. The disease occurred in August 1999 in a feedlot beef cattle herd. Five out of 1,100 castrated steers were affected. Clinical sigos included colic and ventral abdominal distension. White, sand-grain-like mineral deposits precipitated on the preputial hairs. Affected cattle died spontaneously 24-48 hrs after the onset of the clinical signs. Only one animal recovered after perineal urethrostomy. Necropsy findings included calculi blocking the urethral lumen of the distal portion of the penile sigmoid flexure, urinary bladder rupture with leakage of urine into the abdominal cavity and secondary fibrinous peritonitis. Daily water intake was low since water sources were scarce and not readily available. The animais were fed rations high in grains and received limited amounts of roughage. Biochemical analysis revealed that the calculi were composed of ammonium phosphate. A calcium-phosphorus imbalance (0.4:0.6) was detected in the feedlot ration. For the outbreak, it is suggested that contributing factors to urolith formation include insufficient fiber ingestion, low water intake and high dietary leveis of phosphorus. No additional cases were observed in that feedlot after preventive measures were established. Similar dietary mismanagement in fattening steers has been associated with obstructive urolithiasis in feedlot beef cattle in other countries.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Loretti A.P., Oliveira L.O., Cruz C.E.F. & Driemeier D. 2002. Clinical and pathological study of an outbreak of obstructive urolithiasis in feedlot cattle in Southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):61-64. [Estudo clínico e anatomopatológico de um surto de urolitíase obstrutiva em bovinos confinados na Região Sul do Brasil.] Depto Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Cx. Postal 15094, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de urolitíase obstrutiva em bovinos são descritos. A enfermidade ocorreu em agosto de 1999 em um rebanho de bovinos de corte confinados na Região Sul do Brasil. De um total de 1.100 novilhos castrados, cinco foram afetados. O quadro clínico consistia em cólica, distensão abdominal ventral e acúmulo de material esbranquiçado, arenoso, aderido aos pêlos da bainha prepucial. Os animais afetados morriam espontaneamente 2448h após o início dos sinais clínicos. Um animal se recuperou após uretrostomia perineal. Os achados de necropsia incluíam a presença de urólitos obstruindo a luz uretral na porção distal da flexura sigmóide peniana, ruptura da bexiga com extravasamento de urina para a cavidade abdominal e peritonite fibrinosa difusa. O consumo diário de água era pequeno devido à escassez e acesso limitado às fontes hídricas. Os novilhos recebiam alimentação rica em grãos e pobre em forragem. A análise química revelou que os cálculos urinários eram formados por fosfato e amônio. Um desequilíbrio na relação cálcio-fósforo (0,4:0,6) foi constatado através da análise da ração utilizada. No presente relato, sugere-se que os fatores associados com a formação de urólitos foram o fornecimento insuficiente de fibra, a ingestão limitada de água e os níveis elevados de fósforo da ração. Não foram observados mais casos da enfermidade após o estabelecimento de medidas para prevenir a ocorrência de urolitíase neste rebanho. De forma semelhante, erros de manejo na alimentação de bovinos confinados têm sido associados à ocorrência de urolitíase em outros países.

#76 - Abortus by Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger in cattle in southern Brazil, 23(2):82-86

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Corbellini L.G., Pescador C.A., Frantz F.J., Lima M., Ferreiro L. & Driemeier D. 2003. [Abortus by Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger in cattle in southern Brazil.] Aborto por Aspergillusfumigatus eAspergillus niger em bovinos no sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):82-86. Departamento de Patologia Clínica Veterinária UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. Mycotic infection has worldwide distribution and may cause placentitis and abortion in almost ali domestic animais. From September 2001 through November 2002 specimens from 147 aborted bovine fetuses along with 34 placentas were submitted to the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, to investigate infectious causes of abortion in southern Brazil. Mycotic abortion was diagnosed in five cases (3.4%). Aspergilfus fumigatus was isolated from four cases and A. niger from one. Virological, bacteriological and direct immunofluorescent antibody tests for Leptospira sp were negative in those cases where Aspergillus sp was cultured. The gestational age of those fetuses ranged from 5 to 8 months. Macroscopic lesions were observed in four cases. One had several Nodular lesions disseminated throughout the liver, two had skin lesions characterized by white-grayish round plaques mostly on the head and neck, and thickened cotyledons in two placentas sent with those fetuses. The histological lesions were observed in the liver, lungs and placenta and consisted primary of necrotizing hepatitis, suppurative bronchopneumonia of varying degrees and necrotizing placentitis. With the use of Grocott's methenamine-silver staining, septate hyphae could be observed in three cases, surrounding necrotizing lesions in the tiver of one fetus and in two placentas. In two cases hyphae were observed in placenta) tissues and not in fetal tissues, indicating the importance of the placenta in diagnosing mycotic abortion in cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Corbellini L.G., Pescador C.A., Frantz F.J., Lima M., Ferreiro L. & Driemeier D. 2003. [Abortus by Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger in cattle in southern Brazil.] Aborto por Aspergillusfumigatus eAspergillus niger em bovinos no sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(2):82-86. Departamento de Patologia Clínica Veterinária UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. As infecções micóticas apresentam distribuição mundial e podem causar placentite e aborto em diversas espécies de animais. Entre setembro 2001 e novembro 2002, foram processados no Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 147 fetos bovinos abortados com o objetivo de avaliar as principais causas de aborto infeccioso bovino no sul do Brasil. Destes, 34 estavam acompanhados da placenta. Aborto micótico foi diagnosticado em cinco casos (3,4%) mediante cultivo puro de quatro amostras de Aspergillus fumigatus e uma de A. niger associado a lesões histológicas características de fungo. Os exames virológico, bacteriológico e imunofluorescência direta para Leptospira sp foram negativos nestes casos. A idade dos fetos variava entre 5 e 8 meses de idade. Lesões macroscópicas foram observadas em quatro casos e eram caracterizadas por áreas circulares multifocais branco-acinzentadas na pele, principalmente na região da cabeça e dorso, em dois fetos, lesões nodulares no fígado em um caso e espessamento dos cotilédones em duas placentas enviadas juntamente com os fetos. Lesões histológicas foram observadas principalmente no fígado, pulmão e placenta, caracterizadas por hepatite necrótica multifocal, broncopneumonia supurativa e placentite necrótica. Através da coloração de Grocott hifas septadas foram observadas em duas placentas e nas bordas das lesões necróticas no fígado de um feto. Em dois casos hifas foram observadas somente na placenta e não no feto, salientando-se a importância deste tecido para o diagnóstico de aborto micótico bovino.

#77 - Arthrogryposis in Murrah buffaloes in southern Brazil, 23(1):13-16

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schild A.L, Soares M.P., Damé M.C., Portianski E.L. & Riet-Correa F. 2002. Arthrogryposis in Murrah buffaloes in southern .Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):13-16. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFPel, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-960, Brazil. Congenital arthrogryposis is described in a Murrah buffalo herd. The disease was characterized by curvature and multiple articular rigidity of the hindlimbs or of all limbs without associated clefects except for one case of brachygnatia. Histologically there was reduction of motor neurons from the ventral horns of the spinal cord and hypoplasia of the limb muscles. Analysis of the herd breeding records suggests that the disease is genetically transmitted by an autosomal recessive trait.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Schild A.L, Soares M.P., Damé M.C., Portianski E.L. & Riet-Correa F. 2002. Arthrogryposis in Murrah buffaloes in southern .Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 23(1):13-16. [Artrogripose em búfalos Murrah no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.] Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFPel, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-960, Brazil. Artrogripose congênita é descrita em um rebanho de búfalos da raça Murrah. A enfermidade caracterizou- se por curvatura e rigidez articular múltipla dos membros posteriores e/ou dos quatro membros sem associação com outros defeitos exceto por um búfalo que apresentou, também, braquignatia. Histologicamente observou-se diminuição dos neurônios motores nos cornos ventrais da medula espinhal e hipoplasia dos músculos dos membros. A análise genealógica dos animais sugere que a doença possa ser geneticamente transmitida por um gene recessivo autossômico.

#78 - Spontaneous poisoning in sheep by Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) in southern Brazil, 21(3):123-138

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ilha M.R.S., Loretti A.P., Barros S.S., Barros C.S.L. 2001. [Spontaneous poisoning in sheep by Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) in southern Brazil] Intoxicação espontânea por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em ovinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 21(3):123-138. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: An outbreak of spontaneous Senecio brasiliensis poisoning in grazing sheep in the county of Mata, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, is described. The disease occurred on one farm in middlejanuary 1997. Fifty-one (54.25%) out of 94 sheep were affected, and 50 animals (53.2%) died. This flock of sheep had been grazing for approximately 7 months (from June 1996 to January 1997) in paddocks heavily infested with S. brasiliensis. Clinical signs included photodermatitis, progressive emaciation, apathy, weakness, neurological signs such as drownsiness, aimless walking and unsteady gait, jaundice and hemoglobinuria. There was amelioration of the skin lesions in those sheep that developed hepatogenous photosensitization. Main necropsy findings in 9 sheep included small, firm, tan or greenish liver with few to numerous small, yellowish, well-circumscribed nodules measuring up to 3 mm in diameter and randomly scattered throughout the hepatic parenchyma. There was also marked distension of the gallbladder which contained large amounts of inspissated, dark green bile and straw-colored cavitary effusions (hydropericardium and ascitis). Five sheep developed lethal acute hemolytic crisis, secondary to massive release into the blood stream of copper accumulated in the liver (hepatogenous chronic copper poisoning). Apart from the aforementioned liver lesions, other gross findings in those animals included severe and diffuse jaundice, dark brown urine (hemoglobinuria) and swollen, friable, finely stippled or diffusely dark kidneys. The main histopathological findings included hepatomegalocytosis, biliary ductal proliferation (bile duct hyperplasia) and moderate periportal fibrosis. The portal triads were infiltrated with variable numbers of mononuclear cells. There was heavy accumulation of brownish pigment in macrophages identified as ceroid or copper with PAS and rhodanine stainings, respectively. Those ceroid and copper-laden macrophages were scattered on the remnant hepatic parenchyma or formed small aggregates in the portal triads. Main histopathological findings in the kidneys of 5 sheep, that developed fatal hepatogenous chronic copper poisoning, included tubular nephrosis, accumulation of hemoglobin and hemosiderin in epithelial tubular cells and hemoglobin casts (hemoglobinuric nephrosis). Morphological evidence of hepatic encephalopathy included spongy degeneration (status spongiosus) of the cerebral white matter. Ultrastructural changes in the tiver of affected sheep included degenerative hepatocellular changes of varying severity. There was accumulation of numerous lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes and lysosomes containing substances of high electron-density that corresponded to ceroid-lipofuscin in most of the cases. In addition, there was mild swelling of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and moderate hyperplasia of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in some areas of the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Proximal convoluted tubular epithelial cells showed intracellular edema anda variety of mitochondrial degenerative changes. These included disarrangement and breakup of cristae, finely granular matrix, accumulation of lipid globules and rupture of the membranes in a few cases. Many epithelial tubular cells displayed substances of high electron-densitywithin lysosomes. Chemical analysis of copper in tiver and kidney samples of affected sheep revealed high concentrations varying from 369 ppm to 1248 ppm in the tiver and ranging from 152 ppm to 687 ppm in the kidneys (dry matter). The diagnosis of Senecio brasiliensis poisoning was based on epidemiological data, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histological lesions and laboratory data.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Ilha M.R.S., Loretti A.P., Barros S.S., Barros C.S.L. 2001. [Spontaneous poisoning in sheep by Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) in southern Brazil] Intoxicação espontânea por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em ovinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira21(3):123-138. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Descreve-se a ocorrência de um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Senecio brasiliensis em ovinos em um estabelecimento do município de Mata, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em meados de janeiro de 1997. De um total de 94 ovinos, 51 (54,25%) animais adoeceram e 50 (53,2%) morreram. Esse rebanho permaneceu durante aproximadamente 7 meses (de junho de 1996 a janeiro de 1997) em piquetes de pastagem nativa onde havia grande quantidade de S. brasiliensis. O quadro clínico manifestado pelos animais afetados consistia em fotossensibilização, emagrecimento progressivo, apatia, fraqueza, perturbações neurológicas como depressão, andar a esmo e desequilibrado, icterícia e hemoglobinúria. Houve melhora das lesões de pele naqueles ovinos que desenvolveram fotossensibilização hepatógena depois que foram retirados do sol. As principais lesões macroscópicas observadas em 9 dos 10 ovinos necropsiados incluíam fígado diminuído de tamanho, firme, difusamente marrom amarelado ou esverdeado, com quantidades variáveis de nódulos de 1-3 mm de diâmetro, bem circunscritos, salientes na cápsula, amarelados, distribuídos aleatoriamente por todo o parênquima. A vesícula biliar estava repleta e preenchida por bile verde escura e espessa. Havia também derrames cavitários (hidropericárdio e ascite). Crise hemolítica aguda fatal associada à intoxicação crônica hepatógena por cobre foi observada em cinco ovinos. Além das lesões hepáticas macroscópicas já mencionadas, foi observada icterícia generalizada da carcaça, rins tumefeitos, friáveis, difusamente escurecidos ou com fino pontilhado enegrecido; a urina era marrom escura (hemoglobinúria). As principais lesões microscópicas foram observadas no fígado e consistiam em hepatomegalocitose, proliferação de duetos biliares (hiperplasia ductal) e fibrose periportal moderada acompanhada de infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Macrófagos carregados de pigmento acastanhado formavam aglomerados nas tríades portais ou estavam dispersos entre os hepatócitos remanescentes. O material armazenado no citoplasma desses macrófagos correspondia a ceróide e cobre, positivo nas técnicas de PAS e rodanina, respectivamente. Nos rins de cinco animais, havia nefrose hemoglobinúrica caracterizada por degeneração e necrose do epitélio tubular, presença de hemoglobina e hemossiderina no citoplasma das células epiteliais dos túbulos contorcidos e cilindros de hemoglobina na luz tubular. Evidência morfológica de encefalopatia hepática incluía degeneração esponjosa (status spongiosus) da substância branca do encéfalo. Achados ultra-estruturais no fígado incluíam graus variáveis de degeneração hepatocelular caracterizada pelo acúmulo de numerosas gotas lipídicas no citoplasma das células hepáticas e presença de lisossomos carregados de material eletrodenso que, na maioria dos casos, correspondia à lipofuscina-ceróide. Adicionalmente, havia discreta dilatação do retículo endoplasmático rugoso e moderada hiperplasia do retículo endoplasmático liso em algumas regiões do citoplasma dos hepatócitos. No epitélio dos túbulos contorcidos proximais do rim foi observado edema intracelular e diversas alterações mitocondriais de caráter degenerativo que incluíam tumefação, desorganização e ruptura das cristas, matriz finamente granular, acúmulo de gotículas de gordura e ruptura das membranas em alguns casos. Lisossomos contendo material fortemente eletrodenso foram observados em muitas células tubulares renais. O exame laboratorial de fragmentos de fígado e rim dos ovinos afetados revelou níveis elevados de cobre que variaram respectivamente de 369 ppm a 1248 ppm e 152 ppm a 687 ppm com base na matéria seca. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por Senecio brasiliensis baseou-se em dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, de necropsia, histopatológicos e laboratoriais.

#79 - Diseases of the central nervous system in cattle of southern Brazil, 20(3):113-118

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Sanches A.W.D., Langohr I.M., Stigger A.L. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Diseases of the central nervous system in cattle of southern Brazil.] Doenças do sistema nervoso central em bovinos no Sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):113-118. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective stucly was carriecl out on 6,021 necropsies of cattle performecl over a 36 year periocl in southern Brazil. Of those, 552 (9.16%) presenteei neurological clinical signs anel their necropsy protocols were reviewed to gather information on type of gross and histopathological cliagnosis, etiology, and clinical signs. In 147 cases (26.63% of 552) there were no significant lesions in the central nervous system, in 79 (14.31% of 552) no samples of nervous tissue were submitted to the laboratory anel in 21 (3.81% of 552) the tissues submitted were autolysecl and not suitable for histological diagnosis. Lesions found in the remaining 305 cases were classifiecl as inflammatory, clegenerative, circulatory, congenital, and neoplastic. The inflammatory lesions accounted for the largest category (66.89% of 305 cases). This was further clivicled in lesions causecl by viruses (57.38% of 305 cases) and by bacteria (9.51% of 305 cases). Diseases caused by viruses were rabies (49.51% of 305 cases), necrotizing meningoencephalitis by bovine herpesvirus (4.59% of 305 cases), anel malignant catarrhal fever (3.28% of 305 cases). The clegenerative changes were represented by 74 cases (24.26% of 305 cases) anel incluclecl status spongiosus clue to liver failure inclucecl by Senecio spp poisoning (10.49% of 305 cases) or to the clirect effect of poisoning by Ateleia glazioviana (0.33% of 305 cases); cases of liver failure not associated with morphological changes in the brain (2.95% of 305 cases), myelomalacia clue to corei compression (2.62% of 305 cases), primary neuronal clegeneration associated with So/anum fastigiatum poisoning (2.29% of 305 cases); polioencephalomalacia (1.97% of 305 cases); tetanus (1.31% of 305 cases) and intestinal coccidiosis in calves, ketosis, anel botulism with one case each (0.33% of 305 cases). Circulatory disturbances accounted for 19 cases (6.23% of 305 cases) and incluclecl cerebral babesiosis (5.57% of 305 cases) anel hemorrhages dueto trauma (0.66% of 305 cases). Congenital conclitions represented 2.29% of the 305 cases anel incluclecl cerebelar abiotrophy (two cases) anel one case each of porencephaly, hypomyelinogenesis, clemyelination, hydrocephalus, and cerebellar malformation. Only one neuroectodermal neoplasm (0.33% of 305 cases) was found in this series.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Sanches A.W.D., Langohr I.M., Stigger A.L. & Barros C.S.L. 2000. [Diseases of the central nervous system in cattle of southern Brazil.] Doenças do sistema nervoso central em bovinos no Sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(3):113-118. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado em 6.021 necropsias ele bovinos realizadas num período de 36 anos no Sul cio Brasil. Desses, 552 (9, 16%) apresentaram sinais clínicos de distúrbios nervosos e seus protocolos foram revisados para colher informações sobre os diagnósticos macro e microscópicos, etiologia e sinais clínicos. Em 147 casos (26,63% ele 552) não havia lesões significativas no sistema nervoso central, em 79 (14,31% de 552) o sistema nervoso não havia sido enviado e em 21 (3,81% ele 552) os tecidos foram submetidos autolisados, apresentando-se impróprios para o diagnóstico histológico. As lesões encontradas nos restantes 305 casos foram classificadas como inflamatórias, degenerativas, circulatórias, congênitas e neoplásicas. As lesões inflamatórias constituíram a maior categoria (66,89% de 305 casos). Essa categoria foi subdividida em _lesões inflamatórias produzidas por vírus (57,38% de 305 casos) e por bactérias (9,51% de 305 casos). As três doenças causadas por vírus foram raiva (49,51% de 305 casos), meningoencefalite necrosante por herpesvírus bovino (4,59% de 305 casos) e febre catarral maligna (3,28% de 305 casos). As alterações degenerativas foram representadas por 74 casos (24,26% de 305 casos). Condições incluídas nessa categoria foram status spongiosus causado por insuficiência hepática relacionada à intoxicação por Senecio spp (10,49% de 305 casos) ou ao efeito direto da intoxicação por Ateleia glazioviana (0,33% de 305 casos), casos de insuficiência hepática sem alterações morfológicas no cérebro (2,95% de 305 casos), mielomalácia por compressão da medula (2,62% de 305 casos), degeneração neuronal primária na intoxicação por Solanumfastiglatum (2,29% de 305 casos), polioencefalomalácia (1,97% de 305 casos), tétano (1,31% de 305 casos) e coccidiose intestinal em ternefros, cetos~ e botulismo com um caso çada (0,33% de 305 casos). Alterações circulatórias foram representadas por 19 casos (6,23% de_305 casos) e incluíram babesiose cerebral (5,57% de 305 casos) e hemorragias devidas a trauma (0,66% de 305 -casos). As alterações congênitas representaram 2,29% dos 305 casos e consistiram de abiotrofia cerebelar (2 casos), porencefalia, hipomielinogênese, desmielinização, hidrocefaIia, e malformação cerebelar (1 caso cada). Apenas uma neoplasia neuroectodérmica (0,33% de 305 casos) foi encontrada nessa série.

#80 - Identification of bovine virus diarrhea virus type-2 (BVDV-2) in southern Brazil, 20(2):85-89

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Flores E.F., Weiblen R., Scherer C.F.C., Gil L.H.V.G., Pilati C., Driemeier D., Moojen V. & Wendelstein A.C. 2000. [ldentification of bovine virus diarrhea virus type-2 (BVDV-2) in southern Brazil.] Identificação do vírus da diarréia viral bovina tipo 2 (BVDV-2) no sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):85-89. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Highly virulent bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) isolates, named BVDV type-2 (BVDV-2), were initially identified in outbreaks of acute and hemorrhagic BVD and have been previously isolated mainly in North America. The present article describes two cases of gastroenteric/respiratory disease in southern Brazil from which BVDV type 2 viruses were isoiated. The. viruses were isolated from two heifers belonging to different herds. One animal developed na acute disease, characterized by anorexia, ruminal atony, dark to bloody diarrhea, tenesmo and mucopurulent nasal discharge. The other animal developed a long lasting disease (7 months), characterized by retarded growth, anorexia, recurrent episodes of diarrhea, interdigital dermatitis, occasional digestive and genital bleeding, conjuntivitis, arthritis and chronic pneumonia. Disseminated mucosal congestion, extensive and deep ulcerations in the tangue, palate and esophagus, necrotic areas in.the ruminal mucosa, areas of congestion covered with fibrin in the small intestine were the most prominent findings. BVDV antigens were detected by immunohistochemístry in the tangue epithelium, lungs and in mesenteric lymph nades. Non-cytopathic BVD viruses were isolated from white blood cells and spleen from the affected animals through inoculation of cultured cells and demonstration of viral antigens by immunofluorescence. Subsequently, antigenic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of these - plus two BVD viruses that have been isolated from healthy fetuses – allowed their classification into the genotype 2. The presence of BVDV-2 among Brazilian cattle is epidemiologically relevant and may have important implications for diagnosis, immunization strategies and vaccine production.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Flores E.F., Weiblen R., Scherer C.F.C., Gil L.H.V.G., Pilati C., Driemeier D., Moojen V. & Wendelstein A.C. 2000. [ldentification of bovine virus diarrhea virus type-2 (BVDV-2) in southern Brazil.] Identificação do vírus da diarréia viral bovina tipo 2 (BVDV-2) no sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):85-89. Depto Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Amostras do vírus da Diarréia Virai Bovina (BVDV), denominadas de BVDV tipo 2 (BVDV-2), foram inicialmente identificadas em surtos de BVD aguda e enfermidade hemorrágica e têm sido isoladas predominantemente na América do Norte. O presente artigo descreve dois casos de enfermidade gastroentérica/respiratória seguidos de isolamento e identificação de amostras de BVDV tipo 2 no sul do Brasil. Os vírus foram isolados de duas novilhas de diferentes rebanhos. Um dos animais apresentou enfermidade aguda, cursando com anorexia, atonia ruminal, diarréia escura ou muco-sanguinolenta, tenesmo e descarga nasal muco-purulenta. O outro animal desenvolveu enfermidade de longa duração (7 meses), caracterizada por crescimento retardado, anorexia, quadros recorrentes de diarréia, dermatite interdigital, hemorragias digestivas e genitais ocasionais, conjuntivite, artrite e pneumonia crônica. Congestão disseminada das mucosas, ulcerações extensivas e profundas na língua, palato e esôf9go, áreas necróticas na mucosa do rúmen, áreas de congestão e ulcerações cobertas com fibrina no intestino delgado foram os achados mais. proeminentes Antígenos do BVDV foram demonstrados por imunohistoquímica no epitélio da língua, nos pulmões e em linfonodos mesentéricos. Amostras não-citopáticas do BVDV foram isoladas em cultivo celular a partir de leucócitos e do baço dos animais afetados e identificadas por imunofluorescência. Caracterização antigénica e análise filogenética desses isolados, e de outras duas amostras de BVDV isoladas de fetos coletados em matadouros, revelou tratar-se de BVDV tipo 2. A presença do BVDV tipo 2 na população bovina do Brasil possui um significado epidemiológico importante e pode ter conseqüências para o diagnóstico, estratégias de imunização e produção de vacinas.

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