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#2341 - Estudo comparativo entre as osteossínteses com placas e osteossínteses com placas associadas a enxertos de proteína morfogenética óssea (Gen-Techâ) em fraturas distais de rádio-ulna em cães com menos

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A.,Della Nina M.I. & Fantoni D.T. 2007. [A comparative study of osteosynthesis with plates and plates associated with grafts of bone morphogenic proteins (Gen-Techâ) in distal radio-ulna fractures in dogs with less than 6 quilograms.] Estudo comparativo entre as osteossínteses com placas e osteossínteses com placas associadas a enxertos de proteína morfogenética óssea (Gen-Techâ) em fraturas distais de rádio-ulna em cães com menos de 6 quilos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):65-69. Departamento de Cirurgia do Hospital Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900. E-mail: It is well known that bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) cause osteogenesis, yet clinical research must be performed in order to really show their benefits. Animals weighing less than 6 kg show well known difficulties regarding radius and ulna fracture repair mainly with bone non-union, due to poor vascularization of the distal portion of the radius. Therefore this study aimed to compare the velocity of bone callus formation in the treatment of fracture repair with plates and screws alone or with plates and screws plus BMP. Thirty three dogs with radius and ulna fractures were distributed into two groups, where animals of the control group received the conservative treatment performed with screws and plates alone, whilst the other group received the conservative treatment and BMP. The time of bone callus formation was evaluated comparatively through radiographic exams 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 210 days after the surgical procedure. Animals treated with BMP showed a healing time of 32±15 days, which was significantly different (p <0.001) from the control group which required 127±34 days. With the results obtained, it can be concluded that the distal radio-ulna fractures of dogs weighing less than 6 kg suffered a significant reduction of the bone callus formation time, which was around 90 days.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Ferrigno C.R.A.,Della Nina M.I. & Fantoni D.T. 2007. [A comparative study of osteosynthesis with plates and plates associated with grafts of bone morphogenic proteins (Gen-Techâ) in distal radio-ulna fractures in dogs with less than 6 quilograms.] Estudo comparativo entre as osteossínteses com placas e osteossínteses com placas associadas a enxertos de proteína morfogenética óssea (Gen-Techâ) em fraturas distais de rádio-ulna em cães com menos de 6 quilos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):65-69. Departamento de Cirurgia do Hospital Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-900. E-mail: It is well known that bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) cause osteogenesis, yet clinical research must be performed in order to really show their benefits. Animals weighing less than 6 kg show well known difficulties regarding radius and ulna fracture repair mainly with bone non-union, due to poor vascularization of the distal portion of the radius. Therefore this study aimed to compare the velocity of bone callus formation in the treatment of fracture repair with plates and screws alone or with plates and screws plus BMP. Thirty three dogs with radius and ulna fractures were distributed into two groups, where animals of the control group received the conservative treatment performed with screws and plates alone, whilst the other group received the conservative treatment and BMP. The time of bone callus formation was evaluated comparatively through radiographic exams 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 210 days after the surgical procedure. Animals treated with BMP showed a healing time of 32±15 days, which was significantly different (p <0.001) from the control group which required 127±34 days. With the results obtained, it can be concluded that the distal radio-ulna fractures of dogs weighing less than 6 kg suffered a significant reduction of the bone callus formation time, which was around 90 days.

#2342 - Histopathological and histomicrobiological study of root canal therapy medication, comparison of calcium hydroxide versus gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol in the teeth of dogs, p.71-74

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Domingues-F. L.M., Gioso M.A. & Padilha Filho J.G. 2007. Histopathological and histomicrobiological study of root canal therapy medication, comparison of calcium hydroxide versus gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol in the teeth of dogs. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):71-74. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando de Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 8-superior, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: The presence of microorganisms in dental structures with experimentally induced necrosis was evaluated. The materials were tested to evaluate their antimicrobial activity and tissue repair efficacy. Four dogs were used in this experiment, with a total of 64 roots of premolar teeth, divided into three groups. The root canals of Group I were filled with gutta-percha and zinc oxide/eugenol cement; Group II were filled with calcium hydroxide, and Group III were not filled. All animals were clinically and radiographically examined 15 days after surgery and then again every subsequent 15 days until 120 days, when the teeth were extracted en bloc. Histopathological analysis showed inflammatory infiltration, cement and bone resorption and necrotic tissue in the apical delta in different proportions. Histomicrobiological analysis showed the presence of microorganisms inside the teeth structures, with different concentrations according to the treatment used. There was statistical significance between the groups (p>0.05). Gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol demonstrated good antimicrobial activity; calcium hydroxide was not efficient. The conclusion of this study is that gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol is the better protocol for filling root canals in dogs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Domingues-F. L.M., Gioso M.A. & Padilha Filho J.G. 2007. Histopathological and histomicrobiological study of root canal therapy medication, comparison of calcium hydroxide versus gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol in the teeth of dogs. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):71-74. Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando de Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 8-superior, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: The presence of microorganisms in dental structures with experimentally induced necrosis was evaluated. The materials were tested to evaluate their antimicrobial activity and tissue repair efficacy. Four dogs were used in this experiment, with a total of 64 roots of premolar teeth, divided into three groups. The root canals of Group I were filled with gutta-percha and zinc oxide/eugenol cement; Group II were filled with calcium hydroxide, and Group III were not filled. All animals were clinically and radiographically examined 15 days after surgery and then again every subsequent 15 days until 120 days, when the teeth were extracted en bloc. Histopathological analysis showed inflammatory infiltration, cement and bone resorption and necrotic tissue in the apical delta in different proportions. Histomicrobiological analysis showed the presence of microorganisms inside the teeth structures, with different concentrations according to the treatment used. There was statistical significance between the groups (p>0.05). Gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol demonstrated good antimicrobial activity; calcium hydroxide was not efficient. The conclusion of this study is that gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol is the better protocol for filling root canals in dogs.

#2343 - Myocardial stereology in captive Callithrix kuhlii (Callitrichidae, Primates): healthy animals versus animals affected by wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS), p.75-79

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pissinatti T.A., Pissinatti A. & Burity C.H.F. 2007. Myocardial stereology in captive Callithrix kuhlii (Callitrichidae, Primates): healthy animals versus animals affected by wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):75-79. Setor de Morfologia, IBC, Universidade do Grande Rio (Unigranrio), Rua Prof. José de Souza Herdy 1160, uque de Caxias, RJ 25071-202, Brazil. E-mail: This study comprised 12 hearts of Wied´s black-tufted-ear marmoset, Callithrix kuhlii (Coimbra-Filho 1985), 6 with Wasting Marmoset Syndrome (WMS) and 6 non-affected. Biometry was performed after death. After necropsy, the hearts were weighed, dissected, fixed in 10% formalin solution (pH 7.2), and processed for optical microscopy at 5µm sections stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin. Quantitative analysis was performed by stereological techniques. The statistical differences between the biometrical and stereological parameters were assessed by the Mann-Whitney test. The morphometric results showed that WMS causes a significant reduction in body and cardiac weights, and also in the volume density of vessels in those animals. Further studies are necessary to understand some of the results shown here.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Pissinatti T.A., Pissinatti A. & Burity C.H.F. 2007. Myocardial stereology in captive Callithrix kuhlii (Callitrichidae, Primates): healthy animals versus animals affected by wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):75-79. Setor de Morfologia, IBC, Universidade do Grande Rio (Unigranrio), Rua Prof. José de Souza Herdy 1160, uque de Caxias, RJ 25071-202, Brazil. E-mail: This study comprised 12 hearts of Wied´s black-tufted-ear marmoset, Callithrix kuhlii (Coimbra-Filho 1985), 6 with Wasting Marmoset Syndrome (WMS) and 6 non-affected. Biometry was performed after death. After necropsy, the hearts were weighed, dissected, fixed in 10% formalin solution (pH 7.2), and processed for optical microscopy at 5µm sections stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin. Quantitative analysis was performed by stereological techniques. The statistical differences between the biometrical and stereological parameters were assessed by the Mann-Whitney test. The morphometric results showed that WMS causes a significant reduction in body and cardiac weights, and also in the volume density of vessels in those animals. Further studies are necessary to understand some of the results shown here.

#2344 - Vibrio spp. isolados de mamíferos marinhos capturados na região litorânea do sudeste ao sul do Brasil, p.81-83

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pereira C.S., Amorim S.D., Santos A.F.M., Siciliano S., Moreno I.M.B., Ott P.H. & Rodrigues D.P. 2007. [Vibrio spp. isolated from marine mammals captured in coastal regions from southwestern to southern Brazil.] Vibrio spp. isolados de mamíferos marinhos capturados na região litorânea do sudeste ao sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):81-83. Laboratório de Enterobactérias, Departamento de Bacteriologia, Pavilhão Rocha Lima, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCruz, Av. Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21045-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the present investigation was evaluated the incidence of Vibrio spp. from superficial lesions at marine mammals beached or captured by fishing net in the southwestern (RJ) and southern (RS) coastal regions of Brazil. One hundred and ninety eight swabs were collected by DEENSP, GEMARS and Ceclimar institutes and sent to Labent/IOC/FIOCruz where the samples were submitted to enrichment in Alkaline Peptone Water (APW) added with 1% and 3% of sodium chloride (NaCl) incubated at 37oC for 18-24 hours. After the samples were streaked onto Thiossulfate Citrate Bile Sucrose Agar (TCBS), the suspected colonies were submitted to biochemical characterization. The results showed 108 strains, and Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. fluvialis were the main pathogens isolated. These results appoint the importance of surveillance and microbiological monitoring accomplishment and reinforcement of environmental protective programs applied to marine mammals endangered with extinction.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Pereira C.S., Amorim S.D., Santos A.F.M., Siciliano S., Moreno I.M.B., Ott P.H. & Rodrigues D.P. 2007. [Vibrio spp. isolated from marine mammals captured in coastal regions from southwestern to southern Brazil.] Vibrio spp. isolados de mamíferos marinhos capturados na região litorânea do sudeste ao sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):81-83. Laboratório de Enterobactérias, Departamento de Bacteriologia, Pavilhão Rocha Lima, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCruz, Av. Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21045-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the present investigation was evaluated the incidence of Vibrio spp. from superficial lesions at marine mammals beached or captured by fishing net in the southwestern (RJ) and southern (RS) coastal regions of Brazil. One hundred and ninety eight swabs were collected by DEENSP, GEMARS and Ceclimar institutes and sent to Labent/IOC/FIOCruz where the samples were submitted to enrichment in Alkaline Peptone Water (APW) added with 1% and 3% of sodium chloride (NaCl) incubated at 37oC for 18-24 hours. After the samples were streaked onto Thiossulfate Citrate Bile Sucrose Agar (TCBS), the suspected colonies were submitted to biochemical characterization. The results showed 108 strains, and Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. fluvialis were the main pathogens isolated. These results appoint the importance of surveillance and microbiological monitoring accomplishment and reinforcement of environmental protective programs applied to marine mammals endangered with extinction.

#2345 - The effect of timing temporary cements to treat induced pulp necrosis in the teeth of dogs, p.85-88

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Domingues-F.L.M., Ferreira J., Lopes F.M., Tymoszczenko A. & Gioso M.A. 2007. The effect of timing temporary cements to treat induced pulp necrosis in the teeth of dogs. Revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):85-88. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando de Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 8-superior, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: During endodontic therapy (pulpectomy, root canal debridement and root canal filling) microbiological management is a major concern. Bacteria present in dentine tubules, apical foramina and apical delta are causally related to failure of the procedure. Studies have shown that during single session endodontic treatment bacteria remain within dental structures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate endodontic treatment performed as two sessions, using temporary endodontic dressing materials for different periods in four groups of experimental dogs. A total of 80 roots of second and third upper premolar teeth and second, third and fourth lower premolar teeth were divided into four groups. The pulp chamber was opened with burrs and the pulp exposed for 60 days to induce pulpal inflammation and necrosis. Groups II, III and IV were treated with calcium hydroxide plus camphorated paramono-chlorophenol (PMCC) for 7, 15 and 30 days, respectively. In all groups, the root canals were filled with zinc oxide-eugenol and gutta-percha cones. Clinical and radiographical measurements were performed every 2 weeks. After 60 days a small block section containing the teeth, surrounding periapical tissues and the periodontium was removed for histological and microbiological study. Histological analysis revealed intense inflammatory response in all groups. Microbiological analysis showed microbial reduction inversely proportional to the period of time that the intracanal temporary medicament was left in place.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Domingues-F.L.M., Ferreira J., Lopes F.M., Tymoszczenko A. & Gioso M.A. 2007. The effect of timing temporary cements to treat induced pulp necrosis in the teeth of dogs. Revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(2):85-88. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando de Marques de Paiva 87, Bloco 8-superior, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil. E-mail: During endodontic therapy (pulpectomy, root canal debridement and root canal filling) microbiological management is a major concern. Bacteria present in dentine tubules, apical foramina and apical delta are causally related to failure of the procedure. Studies have shown that during single session endodontic treatment bacteria remain within dental structures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate endodontic treatment performed as two sessions, using temporary endodontic dressing materials for different periods in four groups of experimental dogs. A total of 80 roots of second and third upper premolar teeth and second, third and fourth lower premolar teeth were divided into four groups. The pulp chamber was opened with burrs and the pulp exposed for 60 days to induce pulpal inflammation and necrosis. Groups II, III and IV were treated with calcium hydroxide plus camphorated paramono-chlorophenol (PMCC) for 7, 15 and 30 days, respectively. In all groups, the root canals were filled with zinc oxide-eugenol and gutta-percha cones. Clinical and radiographical measurements were performed every 2 weeks. After 60 days a small block section containing the teeth, surrounding periapical tissues and the periodontium was removed for histological and microbiological study. Histological analysis revealed intense inflammatory response in all groups. Microbiological analysis showed microbial reduction inversely proportional to the period of time that the intracanal temporary medicament was left in place.

#2346 - Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus, p.6-12

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Mendonça C.L. & Simão, L.C.V. 2007. [Clinical aspects and characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus.] Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):6-12. Clinica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Cx.Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the clinical aspects and the physical-chemical characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus. For such, were used 10 Santa Inês primiparity ewes, weighing 30 kg, clinically healthy and housed in a stall. After establishing the normality patterns for the studied variables, the animals were inoculated into one teat of the udder with an inoculum of 1.0x104ufc/ml of S. aureus, while the other gland served as control. The clinical observations were accomplished in intervals of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 168, 180, 288 and 336 hours after the inoculation of the agent (PI). All the animals presented clinical systemic manifestations, and in the inoculated glands with more intensity from 24 hours on after the inoculation. There were significant alterations (P<0.05) in the production and physical-chemical composition of the milk in relation to the controls, with reduction of volume and fat. The pH, the chlorates and CCS reached very high indexes, accompanied by the CMT test reaction. The bacteriological exam revealed the presence of S. aureus during the phase of infection. After the treatment of the sheep 36 hours PI, one animal came to death 48h PI, and the others showed clinical recovery; however there was no physiologic re-establishment of the inoculated udders which lost their function.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Mendonça C.L. & Simão, L.C.V. 2007. [Clinical aspects and characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus.] Aspectos clínicos e características do leite em ovelhas com mastite induzida experimentalmente com Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):6-12. Clinica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Cx.Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the clinical aspects and the physical-chemical characteristics of the milk in sheep with mastitis experimentally induced with Staphylococcus aureus. For such, were used 10 Santa Inês primiparity ewes, weighing 30 kg, clinically healthy and housed in a stall. After establishing the normality patterns for the studied variables, the animals were inoculated into one teat of the udder with an inoculum of 1.0x104ufc/ml of S. aureus, while the other gland served as control. The clinical observations were accomplished in intervals of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 168, 180, 288 and 336 hours after the inoculation of the agent (PI). All the animals presented clinical systemic manifestations, and in the inoculated glands with more intensity from 24 hours on after the inoculation. There were significant alterations (P<0.05) in the production and physical-chemical composition of the milk in relation to the controls, with reduction of volume and fat. The pH, the chlorates and CCS reached very high indexes, accompanied by the CMT test reaction. The bacteriological exam revealed the presence of S. aureus during the phase of infection. After the treatment of the sheep 36 hours PI, one animal came to death 48h PI, and the others showed clinical recovery; however there was no physiologic re-establishment of the inoculated udders which lost their function.

#2347 - Genotype characterization of the horn fly Haematobia irritans from different Brazilian geographic regions based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, p.1-5

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brito L.G., Regitano L.C.A., Huacca M.E.F., Carrilho E. & Moya Borja G.E. 2007. Genotype characterization of the horn fly Haematobia irritans from different Brazilian geographic regions based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):1-5. Laboratório de Sanidade Animal, Embrapa Rondônia, BR 364 Km 5,5, Porto Velho, RO 78900-970, Brazil. E-mail: Blood-sucking diptera are important parasites in bovine production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. An important aspect while studying the variability within a species is the study of the geographic structure of its populations and, attempting to find out the genetic flow of Brazilian populations of horn fly, the RAPD technique, which is suited for this purpose, has been used. The use of molecular markers generated from RAPD made it possible to identify the geographic origin of samples from different Brazilian geographic regions, as well as to estimate the genotypic flow among the different Brazilian populations of the horn fly.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Brito L.G., Regitano L.C.A., Huacca M.E.F., Carrilho E. & Moya Borja G.E. 2007. Genotype characterization of the horn fly Haematobia irritans from different Brazilian geographic regions based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):1-5. Laboratório de Sanidade Animal, Embrapa Rondônia, BR 364 Km 5,5, Porto Velho, RO 78900-970, Brazil. E-mail: Blood-sucking diptera are important parasites in bovine production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. An important aspect while studying the variability within a species is the study of the geographic structure of its populations and, attempting to find out the genetic flow of Brazilian populations of horn fly, the RAPD technique, which is suited for this purpose, has been used. The use of molecular markers generated from RAPD made it possible to identify the geographic origin of samples from different Brazilian geographic regions, as well as to estimate the genotypic flow among the different Brazilian populations of the horn fly.

#2348 - Estabilidade do antígeno de célula total de Brucella abortus para uso no diagnóstico sorológico da brucelose bovina pela reação de fixação de complemento, p.18-22

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Mathias L.A., Meirelles R.B. & Buchala F.G. 2007. [Stability of Brucella abortus whole cell antigen for use in the serological diagnosis of bovine brucellosis by the complement fixation test.] Estabilidade do antígeno de célula total de Brucella abortus para uso no diagnóstico sorológico da brucelose bovina pela reação de fixação de complemento. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):18-22. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Reprodução Animal, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV), Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: The complement fixation test is used worldwide in the confirmatory diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. For this technique the antigen is the same as the one used in the tube agglutination test. However, literature is poor in information about the stability of the whole cell Brucella antigen for use in the complement fixation test to establish a time of validity of the antigen. Hence the aim of this investigation was to evaluate the stability of this antigen under refrigeration for use in the complement fixation test. Fourteen batches of antigen prepared with Brucella abortus strain 1119/3, produced from 9 months to 23 years and 11 months before, were analysed. One hundred and sixty-seven cattle sera with varying titres of antibodies to Brucella were tested through the warm complement fixation microtechnique with five 50% haemolytic units of complement. Sera with at least 25% of complement fixation in dilution 1:4 were considered positive. The results with 13 of the antigen batches were compared with the results obtained with the batch produced 9 months before by the McNemar c2 test and kappa statistic. The oldest antigen batch gave a higher proportion of sera titres which were exactly the same observed with the 9-month-batch (90.4%), and the antigen produced 4 years and 3 months before the test gave de lowest proportion of sera with the same titre of the 9-month-antigen (73.7%). The comparison of the results after being classified as positive and negative showed that the highest proportion of agreed results was observed with the antigen produced 21 years and 4 months before (98.8%, kappa 0.98). The antigen with the lowest proportion of agreed results was the one produced 3 years and 2 months before (91.6%, kappa 0.84). The results of the study show that most sera gave very similar results with all antigen batches evaluated, and that there was no relationship between the period of antigen production and the difference in test results.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Mathias L.A., Meirelles R.B. & Buchala F.G. 2007. [Stability of Brucella abortus whole cell antigen for use in the serological diagnosis of bovine brucellosis by the complement fixation test.] Estabilidade do antígeno de célula total de Brucella abortus para uso no diagnóstico sorológico da brucelose bovina pela reação de fixação de complemento. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):18-22. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Reprodução Animal, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV), Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: The complement fixation test is used worldwide in the confirmatory diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. For this technique the antigen is the same as the one used in the tube agglutination test. However, literature is poor in information about the stability of the whole cell Brucella antigen for use in the complement fixation test to establish a time of validity of the antigen. Hence the aim of this investigation was to evaluate the stability of this antigen under refrigeration for use in the complement fixation test. Fourteen batches of antigen prepared with Brucella abortus strain 1119/3, produced from 9 months to 23 years and 11 months before, were analysed. One hundred and sixty-seven cattle sera with varying titres of antibodies to Brucella were tested through the warm complement fixation microtechnique with five 50% haemolytic units of complement. Sera with at least 25% of complement fixation in dilution 1:4 were considered positive. The results with 13 of the antigen batches were compared with the results obtained with the batch produced 9 months before by the McNemar c2 test and kappa statistic. The oldest antigen batch gave a higher proportion of sera titres which were exactly the same observed with the 9-month-batch (90.4%), and the antigen produced 4 years and 3 months before the test gave de lowest proportion of sera with the same titre of the 9-month-antigen (73.7%). The comparison of the results after being classified as positive and negative showed that the highest proportion of agreed results was observed with the antigen produced 21 years and 4 months before (98.8%, kappa 0.98). The antigen with the lowest proportion of agreed results was the one produced 3 years and 2 months before (91.6%, kappa 0.84). The results of the study show that most sera gave very similar results with all antigen batches evaluated, and that there was no relationship between the period of antigen production and the difference in test results.

#2349 - Fotossensibilização primária em eqüídeos e ruminantes no semi-árido causada por Froelichia humboldtiana (Amaranthaceae), p.23-28

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pimentel L.A., Riet-Correa F., Guedes K.M., Macêdo J.T.S.A., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.F.M. 2007. [Primary photosensitization in equidae and ruminants in the Brazilian semi-arid caused by Froelichia humboldtiana (Amaranthaceae).] Fotossensibilização primária em eqüídeos e ruminantes no semi-árido causada por Froelichia humboldtiana (Amaranthaceae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):23-28. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Patos, PB 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: Photosensitization is common in the Brazilian semiarid, affecting mainly horses, but also donkeys, mules, sheep and cattle. The dermatitis affects mainly non pigmented skin, and the animals recover after being withdrawn from the pastures. To demonstrate the etiology of the disease, Froelichia humboldtiana (Roem. et Schult.) Seub., collected in the field one or two times a week and kept in the refrigerator for 1-4 days, was administered for 30 or more days as the only food ad libitum to 2 donkeys and one white sheep, and as the only forage ad libitum, to one white horse. No clinical signs were observed in those animals, and serum activities of aspartate-aminotransferase (AST), alanine-aminotransferase (AST), and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were within normal ranges. In another experiment, one sheep was tied by a rope, during the day, in a pasture of exclusively F. humboldtiana for a 26 days period. Skin lesions characteristic of photosensitization appeared 4-5 days after the start of the experiment and became severe until day 26. After the withdrawal of the animal from the pasture on day 26 it fully recovered within 30 days. In another experiment, 4 sheep were tied by ropes in the same pasture, during the day, for a 29 days period. Another 4 control sheep were maintained in a neighboring pasture without F. humboldtiana. Skin lesions characteristic of photosensitization were observed after 11-25 days of F. humboldtiana grazing. Serum activities of AST and GGT, and serum levels of bilirubin were within normal ranges. At the end of the 29 days grazing F. humboldtiana, 2 sheep were euthanized, and 2 were withdrawn from the pastures. No gross or histologic liver lesions were observed on the 2 sheep euthanized; the other 2 sheep recovered within 17 and 20 days after the end of grazing. One mare and its foal grazed in the same pasture during 44 days. The mare that had a pigmented skin had no dermatitis, but the foal showed dermatitis on the white areas of the skin after 25 days of grazing. The two horses were withdrawn from the pastures after 44 days grazing, and the foal fully recovered within 15 days. These experiments indicate that F. humboldtiana causes primary photosensitization in domestic animals. The absence of lesions in animals ingesting the plant collected in the field and kept refrigerated suggests that F. humboldtiana lost toxicity after collection. The absence of lesions in the eyes of affected animal, which are characteristic of primary photosensitization caused by furocoumarins containing plants, suggests that F. humboldtiana contains a naphthodianthrone derivate, similar to those found in Fagopyrum esculentum and Hypericum perforatum which do not cause eye lesions.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Pimentel L.A., Riet-Correa F., Guedes K.M., Macêdo J.T.S.A., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.F.M. 2007. [Primary photosensitization in equidae and ruminants in the Brazilian semi-arid caused by Froelichia humboldtiana (Amaranthaceae).] Fotossensibilização primária em eqüídeos e ruminantes no semi-árido causada por Froelichia humboldtiana (Amaranthaceae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):23-28. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, Patos, PB 58708-110, Brazil. E-mail: Photosensitization is common in the Brazilian semiarid, affecting mainly horses, but also donkeys, mules, sheep and cattle. The dermatitis affects mainly non pigmented skin, and the animals recover after being withdrawn from the pastures. To demonstrate the etiology of the disease, Froelichia humboldtiana (Roem. et Schult.) Seub., collected in the field one or two times a week and kept in the refrigerator for 1-4 days, was administered for 30 or more days as the only food ad libitum to 2 donkeys and one white sheep, and as the only forage ad libitum, to one white horse. No clinical signs were observed in those animals, and serum activities of aspartate-aminotransferase (AST), alanine-aminotransferase (AST), and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were within normal ranges. In another experiment, one sheep was tied by a rope, during the day, in a pasture of exclusively F. humboldtiana for a 26 days period. Skin lesions characteristic of photosensitization appeared 4-5 days after the start of the experiment and became severe until day 26. After the withdrawal of the animal from the pasture on day 26 it fully recovered within 30 days. In another experiment, 4 sheep were tied by ropes in the same pasture, during the day, for a 29 days period. Another 4 control sheep were maintained in a neighboring pasture without F. humboldtiana. Skin lesions characteristic of photosensitization were observed after 11-25 days of F. humboldtiana grazing. Serum activities of AST and GGT, and serum levels of bilirubin were within normal ranges. At the end of the 29 days grazing F. humboldtiana, 2 sheep were euthanized, and 2 were withdrawn from the pastures. No gross or histologic liver lesions were observed on the 2 sheep euthanized; the other 2 sheep recovered within 17 and 20 days after the end of grazing. One mare and its foal grazed in the same pasture during 44 days. The mare that had a pigmented skin had no dermatitis, but the foal showed dermatitis on the white areas of the skin after 25 days of grazing. The two horses were withdrawn from the pastures after 44 days grazing, and the foal fully recovered within 15 days. These experiments indicate that F. humboldtiana causes primary photosensitization in domestic animals. The absence of lesions in animals ingesting the plant collected in the field and kept refrigerated suggests that F. humboldtiana lost toxicity after collection. The absence of lesions in the eyes of affected animal, which are characteristic of primary photosensitization caused by furocoumarins containing plants, suggests that F. humboldtiana contains a naphthodianthrone derivate, similar to those found in Fagopyrum esculentum and Hypericum perforatum which do not cause eye lesions.

#2350 - Doenças do sistema nervoso central em caprinos e ovinos no semi-árido, p.29-38

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Guedes K.M.R., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M., Simões S.V.D., Miranda Neto E.G., Nobre V.M.T. & Medeiros R.M.T. 2007. [Diseases of the central nervous system in goats and sheep of the semiarid.] Doenças do sistema nervoso central em caprinos e ovinos no semi-árido. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):29-38. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: The knowledge of the diseases of domestic animals in the different Brazilian regions is important to determine measures for their control and prevention. The objective of this paper is to report the epidemiology, clinical signs and pathology of the diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) of goats and sheep in the Brazilian semiarid, mainly in the state of Paraíba, diagnosed at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande, from January 2000 to May 2006. During the period, 365 cases or outbreaks were diagnosed in goats and 270 in sheep. From these, 63 (9.92%) were of diseases of the CNS, being 34 (9.31%) in goats and 29 (10.7%) in sheep. The main diseases were abscesses (19.04%), tetanus (15.9%), rabies (9.52%) poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia (7.93%), listeriosis (6.34%), traumatism (6.34%), polioencephalo-malacia (4.77%), pregnancy toxemia (3.17%), enzootic ataxia (3.17%), and meningitis (3.17%). Other diseases diagnosed in only one opportunity (1.59%) were intoxications by Crotalaria retusa, Ipomoea carnea, Ipomoea sericophylla and Prosopis juliflora, otitis with encephalitis, malformation, lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, medulloblastoma, and focal symmetric necrosis. In 6.34% of the cases diagnosis was unknown.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Guedes K.M.R., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M., Simões S.V.D., Miranda Neto E.G., Nobre V.M.T. & Medeiros R.M.T. 2007. [Diseases of the central nervous system in goats and sheep of the semiarid.] Doenças do sistema nervoso central em caprinos e ovinos no semi-árido. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):29-38. Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: The knowledge of the diseases of domestic animals in the different Brazilian regions is important to determine measures for their control and prevention. The objective of this paper is to report the epidemiology, clinical signs and pathology of the diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) of goats and sheep in the Brazilian semiarid, mainly in the state of Paraíba, diagnosed at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande, from January 2000 to May 2006. During the period, 365 cases or outbreaks were diagnosed in goats and 270 in sheep. From these, 63 (9.92%) were of diseases of the CNS, being 34 (9.31%) in goats and 29 (10.7%) in sheep. The main diseases were abscesses (19.04%), tetanus (15.9%), rabies (9.52%) poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia (7.93%), listeriosis (6.34%), traumatism (6.34%), polioencephalo-malacia (4.77%), pregnancy toxemia (3.17%), enzootic ataxia (3.17%), and meningitis (3.17%). Other diseases diagnosed in only one opportunity (1.59%) were intoxications by Crotalaria retusa, Ipomoea carnea, Ipomoea sericophylla and Prosopis juliflora, otitis with encephalitis, malformation, lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, medulloblastoma, and focal symmetric necrosis. In 6.34% of the cases diagnosis was unknown.

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