Resultado da pesquisa (23)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa imunoglobulina

#21 - Electrophoretic profile and concentration of immunoglobulins G (IgG) in blood serum of Saanen goats with experimental mastitis induced by Staphylococcus aureus suplemented with vitamin E, 30(1):79-86

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Fonteque J.H., Kohayagawa A., Mattoso C.R.S., Lopes S.T.A., Paes P.R.O., Cassetari M.L. & Langoni H. 2010. [Electrophoretic profile and concentration of immunoglobulins G (IgG) in blood serum of Saanen goats with experimental mastitis induced by Staphylococcus aureus suplemented with vitamin E.] Perfil eletroforético e concentração de imunoglobulinas G (IgG) do soro sanguíneo de cabras Saanen com mastite experimental induzida por Staphylococcus aureus suplementadas com vitamina E. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):79-86. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Hospital de Clínica Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Es-tado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to evaluate the electrophoretic profile of proteins and serum concentration of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in Saanen goats with mastitis experimentally induced by Staphylococcus aureus (dl-a-tocopherol acetated). 14 adult goats, (supplemented with vitamin E DL-a-tocopherol) primiparous pregnant, seronegative for caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAEV), clinically healthy, were divided into two groups of seven animals: Not supplemented group (G1) and group supplemented with 2.000 UI of DL-a-tocopherol (G2 Vit E), by intramuscular injection on the day of the parturition and seven days later. At the 9th day after delivery 300 UFCs of the S. aureus ATCC 225923 strain were inoculated into the left half of the mammary gland of each animal. The mastitis was determined through collection of milk samples for evidence of infection by means of bacteriological examination, somatic cell count (SCC) and California Mastitis Test (CMT). Then samples were collected after 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours, antimicrobial intra-mammary gland treatment was initiated, with new evaluation 48 hours after treatment. The electrophoretic profile of serum protein of the goats, showed five fractions, as follows: albumin and globulin (a, b1, b2 e g-globulin). There was an increase in the production of g-globulin and lower production of b2-globulin fraction 12 hours after infection, and faster decrease in the supplemented group, showing the influence of vitamin E in the production of acute phase proteins. There was no influence of vitamin E in the serum concentration of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in supplemented animals. The supplementation with vitamin E increased the concentration of immunoglobulin and decreased the production of acute phase proteins, probably the antioxidant effect minimizing the tissue injury during the inflammatory process in the mammary gland.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Fonteque J.H., Kohayagawa A., Mattoso C.R.S., Lopes S.T.A., Paes P.R.O., Cassetari M.L. & Langoni H. 2010. [Electrophoretic profile and concentration of immunoglobulins G (IgG) in blood serum of Saanen goats with experimental mastitis induced by Staphylococcus aureus suplemented with vitamin E.] Perfil eletroforético e concentração de imunoglobulinas G (IgG) do soro sanguíneo de cabras Saanen com mastite experimental induzida por Staphylococcus aureus suplementadas com vitamina E. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):79-86. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Hospital de Clínica Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Es-tado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o perfil eletroforético das proteínas e a concentração sérica de imunoglobulina G (IgG) em cabras da raça Saanen com mastite induzida experimentalmente por Staphylococcus aureus e suplementadas com vitamina E (acetato de dl-a-tocoferol). Utilizaram-se 14 cabras adultas, gestantes, primíparas, com sorologia negativa para Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAEV), clinicamente sadias, divididas em dois grupos experimentais de sete animais. Grupo não suplementado (G1) e grupo suplementado com 2.000 U.I. de acetato de dl-a-tocoferol (G2 Vit E) via intramuscular no dia do parto e sete dias após o parto. Ao nono dia do pós-parto foram inoculados 300 UFCs da cepa de S. aureus ATCC 225923, na metade esquerda da glândula mamária de cada animal. A mastite foi determinada pela colheita das amostras de leite para a comprovação da infecção, por meio de exames bacteriológicos, contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e California Mastitis Test (CMT), a partir deste momento foram efetuadas colheitas às 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas, sendo posteriormente instituído o tratamento intramamário com antimicrobiano e nova avaliação 48 horas após o tratamento. O perfil eletroforético em gel de agarose das proteínas séricas das cabras, apresentaram cinco frações, sendo: albumina e globulinas (a, b1, b2 e g). Houve aumento na produção de g-globulina e menor produção da fração b2-globulina 12 horas após a infecção, com os valores reduzindo mais rapidamente no grupo suplementado, evidenciando a influência da vitamina E na diminuição da produção das proteínas de fase aguda. Não houve influência da vitamina E na concentração sérica de imunoglobulina G (IgG) nos animais suplementados. A suplementação com vitamina E aumentou a concentração de imunoglobulinas e diminuiu a produção de proteínas de fase aguda, provavelmente pelo efeito antioxidante minimizando a lesão tecidual durante o processo inflamatório localizado na glândula mamária.

#22 - Imunoglobulinas no trato respiratório de bezerros sadios durante o primeiro mês de vida, p.487-490

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bertagnon H.G., Da Silva P.E.G., Wachholz L., Leal M.L.R., Fernandes W.R. & Benesi F.J. 2007.[Immunoglobulin in the respiratory tract of healthy calves during their first month of life.] Imunoglobulinas no trato respiratório de bezerros sadios durante o primeiro mês de vida. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(12):487-490. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The immunoglobulin variation profile in lavages from the broncoalveolar and tracheo-bronchial regions of 20 healthy newborn Holstein male calves was studied. They were fed with colostrum and distributed into 2 groups, 10 animals each. Group 1 underwent the nasotracheal catheterization technique to get the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and Group 2 underwent the tracheocenthesis to collect the tracheobronchial lavage (TBL), both procedures being carried out at a 7-day-interval, starting on the first days up to about one month of life. Higher IgG contents, as compared to IgA, were noted across the respiratory tract. These immunoglobulins were impacted by the site of the respiratory tract washed, as well as by the calves’ life time in weeks. Higher immunoglobulin contents were detected in TBL, as well as higher IgM and IgA rates, as compared to BAL. The BAL immunoglobulins showed a tendency to be reduced in TBL.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Bertagnon H.G., Da Silva P.E.G., Wachholz L., Leal M.L.R., Fernandes W.R. & Benesi F.J. 2007.[Immunoglobulin in the respiratory tract of healthy calves during their first month of life.] Imunoglobulinas no trato respiratório de bezerros sadios durante o primeiro mês de vida. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(12):487-490. Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The immunoglobulin variation profile in lavages from the broncoalveolar and tracheo-bronchial regions of 20 healthy newborn Holstein male calves was studied. They were fed with colostrum and distributed into 2 groups, 10 animals each. Group 1 underwent the nasotracheal catheterization technique to get the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and Group 2 underwent the tracheocenthesis to collect the tracheobronchial lavage (TBL), both procedures being carried out at a 7-day-interval, starting on the first days up to about one month of life. Higher IgG contents, as compared to IgA, were noted across the respiratory tract. These immunoglobulins were impacted by the site of the respiratory tract washed, as well as by the calves’ life time in weeks. Higher immunoglobulin contents were detected in TBL, as well as higher IgM and IgA rates, as compared to BAL. The BAL immunoglobulins showed a tendency to be reduced in TBL.

#23 - Qualitative and semiquantitative studies on the immunoglubulin G-Fc-receptor activity of streptococci

Abstract in English:

These studies were conducted, in order to determine the nonimmune binding of human immunoglobulin (Ig) G to streptococci by qualitative and semiquantitative tests. In the qualitative slide method 28 (30.4%) of the 92 streptococcal cultures belonging to the serological group A bound IgG as well as 118 (50.2%) of the 235 group C cultures and 25 (31.6%) of the 79 group G cultures. The semiquantitative microtiter procedure revealed IgG-Fc-receptor activity in 31 (33.6%) of the 92 group A cultures, 171 (72.7%) of the 235 group C cultures and 32 (40.5%) of the 79 group G cultures in dilutions up to 1 :16000. Extraction of the streptococci by boiling or concentrated formic acid were suitable to obtain free IgG-Fc-receptors for the test. The semiquantitative microtiter procedure proved to be more sensitive for the demonstration of nonimmune IgG-binding to streptococci than the qualitative slide method and indicated the degree of IgG-Fc-receptor activity.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo e semiquantitativo para verificar a incidência de Fc-receptores para imunoglobulina G (IgG) humana em Streptococcus spp. Na prova qualitativa em lâmina verificou-se Fc-receptor-atividade em 28 (30,4%) das 92 culturas do grupo sorológico A, em 118 (50,2%) das 235 culturas do grupo sorológico C e em 25 (31,6%) das 79 culturas do grupo sorológico G. Nas provas semiquantitativas em placas de microtitulação, 31 (33,6%) das 92 culturas do grupo A, 171 (82,7%) das 235 culturas do grupo sorológico C e 32 (40,5%) das 79 culturas do grupo sorológico G mostraram-se positivas, em diluições até 1 :16000. De um total de 611 culturas testadas, as provas semiquantitativas em placa de microtitulação detectaram 234 (38,3%) culturas positivas, enquanto a prova qualitativa em lâmina 171 (28,0%). Dentre as provas semiquantitativas, a extração por fervura das bactérias e o tratamento com ácido fórmico mostraram-se eficientes na detecção da IgG-Fc-receptor-atividade. Concluiu-se que as provas semiquantitativas em placas de microtitulação são eficientes na determinação do grau da IgG-Fc-receptor-atividade.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV