Resultado da pesquisa (246)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Riet

#151 - Lesões de pele causadas por Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae) nos membros de bovinos e ovinos no Estado do Pará, p.435-438

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Silveira J.A.S, Albernaz T.T., Silva N.S., Belo Reis A.S., Oliveira C.M.C., Riet- Correa G. & Duarte M.D. 2009 [Cutaneous lesions of the legs caused by the thorns of Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae) in cattle and sheep in the State of Pará.] Lesões de pele causadas por Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae) nos membros de bovinos e ovinos no Estado do Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):435-438. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus Castanhal, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: A condition of cattle and sheep characterized by ulcerous and granulomatous skin lesions of the legs was studied. Epidemiological data and the nature of the lesions indicate that they are caused by the thorns of Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae). The disease was observed only in pastures largely infested by the plant, and animals recover quickly when moved from them.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Silveira J.A.S, Albernaz T.T., Silva N.S., Belo Reis A.S., Oliveira C.M.C., Riet- Correa G. & Duarte M.D. 2009 [Cutaneous lesions of the legs caused by the thorns of Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae) in cattle and sheep in the State of Pará.] Lesões de pele causadas por Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae) nos membros de bovinos e ovinos no Estado do Pará. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):435-438. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus Castanhal, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: A condition of cattle and sheep characterized by ulcerous and granulomatous skin lesions of the legs was studied. Epidemiological data and the nature of the lesions indicate that they are caused by the thorns of Mimosa pudica (Leg. Mimosoideae). The disease was observed only in pastures largely infested by the plant, and animals recover quickly when moved from them.

#152 - Queilite angular traumática em eqüinos associada à ingestão de Panicum maximum, p.428-430

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Albernaz T.T., Riet-Correa G, Cerqueira V.D., Soares S.O., Campos K.F., Oliveira C.M.C. & Duarte M.D. 2009. [Angular cheilitis in horses associated with ingestion of Panicum maximum.] Queilite angular traumática em eqüinos associada à ingestão de Panicum maximum. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):428-430. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus Castanhal, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: A condition with enlargement of the oral cleft in horses was studied. The enlargement of varied extension was uni or bilateral. The cheek mucosa of the labial commissure showed slight erosions. During chewing there was loss of small amounts of grass and saliva through the oral cleft. The affected horses were in good nutritional condition. Histopathological studies of tissues obtained by biopsia, revealed a superficial epidermitis. The pastures consisted of Panicum maximum grass (varieties Tanzânia, Mombaça, Tobiatã and Colonião) which was mature, tall, lignified, with leaves of cutting edges. Based on epidemiological, clinical and histopathological data, it was concluded that the lesions were caused by the hard grass, favored by the way horses pull the tall grass and chew it.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa J.D., Albernaz T.T., Riet-Correa G, Cerqueira V.D., Soares S.O., Campos K.F., Oliveira C.M.C. & Duarte M.D. 2009. [Angular cheilitis in horses associated with ingestion of Panicum maximum.] Queilite angular traumática em eqüinos associada à ingestão de Panicum maximum. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):428-430. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus Castanhal, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68740-080, Brazil. E-mail: A condition with enlargement of the oral cleft in horses was studied. The enlargement of varied extension was uni or bilateral. The cheek mucosa of the labial commissure showed slight erosions. During chewing there was loss of small amounts of grass and saliva through the oral cleft. The affected horses were in good nutritional condition. Histopathological studies of tissues obtained by biopsia, revealed a superficial epidermitis. The pastures consisted of Panicum maximum grass (varieties Tanzânia, Mombaça, Tobiatã and Colonião) which was mature, tall, lignified, with leaves of cutting edges. Based on epidemiological, clinical and histopathological data, it was concluded that the lesions were caused by the hard grass, favored by the way horses pull the tall grass and chew it.

#153 - Intoxicação espontânea por vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos em Pernambuco, p.233-240

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Câmara A.C.L., Costa N.A., Riet-Correa F., Afonso J.A.B., Dantas A.F.M., Mendonça C.L. & Souza M.I. 2009. [Spontaneous poisoning in cattle by mesquite beans, Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) in Pernambuco.] Intoxicação espontânea por vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos em Pernambuco. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):233-240. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Mundaú, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Three outbreaks of poisoning by Prosopis juliflora pods are reported in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil, in cattle grazing in fields invaded by the plant or ingesting mesquite beans as a concentrate food. In two farms the disease occurred sporadically. In another, 112 (9.28%) cattle out of 1206 were affected, 84 (6.96%) died due to emaciation, and 28 (2.32%) gained weight after the pods had been withdrawn from the feed. Main clinical signs were progressive weight loss, atrophy of the masseter muscles, dropped jaw, tongue protrusion, difficulties in prehending food, tilting the head during mastigation or rumination, salivation, impaired swallowing, and decreased tone of the tongue. The hematology reveals hypoproteinemia and anemia. Gross lesions were emaciation and reduction in size of the masseter muscles, which appear thinner than normal and grayish due muscular atrophy. Degeneration of neurons of the trigeminal motor nuclei, Wallerian degeneration of the trigeminal nerve roots, and muscular atrophy of the masseter muscles with substitution by fibrous tissue were observed on histologic examination. For the prevention of the poisoning is necessary to limit the amount of mesquite beans in animal nutrition. It is also necessary to develop research to determine the economic and sustainability of the use of Prosopis juliflora for animal food, human food or other uses such as charcoal, wood and fuel wood.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Câmara A.C.L., Costa N.A., Riet-Correa F., Afonso J.A.B., Dantas A.F.M., Mendonça C.L. & Souza M.I. 2009. [Spontaneous poisoning in cattle by mesquite beans, Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) in Pernambuco.] Intoxicação espontânea por vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos em Pernambuco. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):233-240. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Mundaú, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Three outbreaks of poisoning by Prosopis juliflora pods are reported in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil, in cattle grazing in fields invaded by the plant or ingesting mesquite beans as a concentrate food. In two farms the disease occurred sporadically. In another, 112 (9.28%) cattle out of 1206 were affected, 84 (6.96%) died due to emaciation, and 28 (2.32%) gained weight after the pods had been withdrawn from the feed. Main clinical signs were progressive weight loss, atrophy of the masseter muscles, dropped jaw, tongue protrusion, difficulties in prehending food, tilting the head during mastigation or rumination, salivation, impaired swallowing, and decreased tone of the tongue. The hematology reveals hypoproteinemia and anemia. Gross lesions were emaciation and reduction in size of the masseter muscles, which appear thinner than normal and grayish due muscular atrophy. Degeneration of neurons of the trigeminal motor nuclei, Wallerian degeneration of the trigeminal nerve roots, and muscular atrophy of the masseter muscles with substitution by fibrous tissue were observed on histologic examination. For the prevention of the poisoning is necessary to limit the amount of mesquite beans in animal nutrition. It is also necessary to develop research to determine the economic and sustainability of the use of Prosopis juliflora for animal food, human food or other uses such as charcoal, wood and fuel wood.

#154 - Hemograma, proteinograma, ionograma e dosagens bioquímicas e enzimáticas de ovinos acometidos de conidiobolomicose no Nordeste do Brasil, p.17-24

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Batista M.C.S, Castro R.S., Rego E.W., Carvalho A.A., Silva S.M.S., Carvalho C.D.D. & Riet-Correa F. 2009. [Hematology and blood biochemistry in sheep with conidiobolomycosis in northeastern Brazil.] Hemograma, proteinograma, ionograma e dosagens bioquímicas e enzimáticas de ovinos acometidos de conidiobolomicose no Nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):17-24 Departamento de Morfofisiologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Universitário Ministro Petrônio Portella, s/n, Bairro Ininga, Teresina, PI 64049-450, Brazil. Email: Hematologic values, serum levels of albumin, globulins, total proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chloride, urea nitrogen, creatinine, total, direct and indirect bilirrubin, and serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkalin phosphatase (AF) and gama-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were determined in 56 hair sheep with conidiobolomycosis and 371 healthy hair sheep from the same flocks. Sheep with conidiobolomycosis had nonregenerative, normocytic and normochromic anemia, leucocytosis with neutrophilia and increased nutrophil:lymphocyte rate, moderate monocytosis, moderate thrombocytosis, hypoproteinemia (hypoglobulinemia), hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia and increased values of phosphorus. Serum activities of AST and GGT were increased and serum activity of FA decreased. Serum values of urea and creatinine were within normal values. Hypoglycemia and hyperbilirrubinemia were also observed. These results can be used for experimental studies with the disease, for treatments trials, and to detect early cases of the disease without clinical signs. Otherwise the hematologic and blood biochemistry values of healthy sheep can be used as reference values for hair sheep in the semi-arid region of Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Batista M.C.S, Castro R.S., Rego E.W., Carvalho A.A., Silva S.M.S., Carvalho C.D.D. & Riet-Correa F. 2009. [Hematology and blood biochemistry in sheep with conidiobolomycosis in northeastern Brazil.] Hemograma, proteinograma, ionograma e dosagens bioquímicas e enzimáticas de ovinos acometidos de conidiobolomicose no Nordeste do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):17-24 Departamento de Morfofisiologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Universitário Ministro Petrônio Portella, s/n, Bairro Ininga, Teresina, PI 64049-450, Brazil. Email: Hematologic values, serum levels of albumin, globulins, total proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chloride, urea nitrogen, creatinine, total, direct and indirect bilirrubin, and serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkalin phosphatase (AF) and gama-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were determined in 56 hair sheep with conidiobolomycosis and 371 healthy hair sheep from the same flocks. Sheep with conidiobolomycosis had nonregenerative, normocytic and normochromic anemia, leucocytosis with neutrophilia and increased nutrophil:lymphocyte rate, moderate monocytosis, moderate thrombocytosis, hypoproteinemia (hypoglobulinemia), hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia and increased values of phosphorus. Serum activities of AST and GGT were increased and serum activity of FA decreased. Serum values of urea and creatinine were within normal values. Hypoglycemia and hyperbilirrubinemia were also observed. These results can be used for experimental studies with the disease, for treatments trials, and to detect early cases of the disease without clinical signs. Otherwise the hematologic and blood biochemistry values of healthy sheep can be used as reference values for hair sheep in the semi-arid region of Brazil.

#155 - Sheep poisoning by Panicum dichotomiflorum in northeastern Brazil, p.94-98

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT. Riet-Correa F., Haraguchi M., Dantas A.F., Burakovas R.G., Yokosuka A., Mimaki Y., Medeiros R.M.T. & Matos P.F. 2009. Sheep poisoning by Panicum dichotomiflorum in northeastern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):94-98. Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidades Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Different species of Panicum, including P. dichotomiflorum, have been reported as a cause of photosensitization in sheep, horses, cattle and goats. An outbreak of hepatogenous photosensitization occurred in 3 flocks of hair sheep in the Brazilian semiarid region. Eighty one out of 365 sheep were affected and 39 died. The main affected animals were nursing lambs and sheep younger than one year old. Donkeys, goats and cattle grazing in the same pasture were not affected. Clinical signs were edema of the head, followed by dermatitis, mainly in the face, ears, and croup, ocular discharge, corneal opacity with blindness, and redness of the coronary band and hoof. At necropsy of one affected lamb the liver was yellowish. Upon histologic examination scattered necrotic hepatocytes were observed in the liver and focal areas of necrosis of myocytes appeared in the heart. Samples of P. dicotomiflorum were analyzed by TLC and those containing saponins were isolated by HPLC using RP-C18 column and eluted with a mixture of MeOH and H2O. The isolated compounds were submitted to 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Reactions were positive to furostanol saponins with the same Rf of the standard protodioscin (0.21) and methylprotodioscin (0.32). The spectroscopic results indicated a mixture of (25R)- and (25S)-protodioscin isomers in a proportion of 3:1, and methylprotodioscin.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT. Riet-Correa F., Haraguchi M., Dantas A.F., Burakovas R.G., Yokosuka A., Mimaki Y., Medeiros R.M.T. & Matos P.F. 2009. Sheep poisoning by Panicum dichotomiflorum in northeastern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):94-98. Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidades Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Different species of Panicum, including P. dichotomiflorum, have been reported as a cause of photosensitization in sheep, horses, cattle and goats. An outbreak of hepatogenous photosensitization occurred in 3 flocks of hair sheep in the Brazilian semiarid region. Eighty one out of 365 sheep were affected and 39 died. The main affected animals were nursing lambs and sheep younger than one year old. Donkeys, goats and cattle grazing in the same pasture were not affected. Clinical signs were edema of the head, followed by dermatitis, mainly in the face, ears, and croup, ocular discharge, corneal opacity with blindness, and redness of the coronary band and hoof. At necropsy of one affected lamb the liver was yellowish. Upon histologic examination scattered necrotic hepatocytes were observed in the liver and focal areas of necrosis of myocytes appeared in the heart. Samples of P. dicotomiflorum were analyzed by TLC and those containing saponins were isolated by HPLC using RP-C18 column and eluted with a mixture of MeOH and H2O. The isolated compounds were submitted to 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Reactions were positive to furostanol saponins with the same Rf of the standard protodioscin (0.21) and methylprotodioscin (0.32). The spectroscopic results indicated a mixture of (25R)- and (25S)-protodioscin isomers in a proportion of 3:1, and methylprotodioscin.

#156 - Intoxicação aguda e abortos em cobaias pelas favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Leg. Mimosoideae), p.593-596

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bonel-Raposo J., Riet-Correa F., Guim T.N., Schuch I.D., Grecco F.G. & Fernandes C.G. 2007. [Acute poisoning and abortions in guinea pigs by the pods of Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Leg. Mimosoideae).] Intoxicação aguda e abortos em cobaias pelas favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Leg. Mimosoideae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):593-596. Departamento de Patologia Animal, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the acute toxicity and the abortive properties of Enterolobium contortisiliquum pods in guinea pigs. Pods of E. contortisiliquum were administered orally to 4 groups of 3 guinea pigs each. Another group of 3 guinea-pigs was used as control. Group 1 and 2 were fed with one dose of 5 and 10g of pods for kg body weight, respectively. The guinea pigs of Group 3 and 4 received 10 and 15g/kg, respectively, divided into daily doses of 5g/kg. One guinea pig from Group 2 and one from Group 4 died 12 and 18 hours after the end of the administration. Gross lesions were hemorrhages of the stomach and of the large and small gut, enlarged liver, and dilated gall bladder. Histologically, the liver had severe vacuolation and necrosis of periportal hepatocytes. In another experiment a ration containing 4% of pods of E. contortisiliquum was fed to 2 groups of 4 guinea-pigs, 35 days after mating. Four of the 8 guinea pigs aborted 6-15 days after the beginning of ingestion. The other 4 guinea pigs were not pregnant. All guinea pigs were euthanized after abortion or at the end of the experiment. Histologically all animals had mild to severe periportal hemorrhagic necrosis. All fetuses had variable degree of autolysis. In 4 fetuses studied no significant histologic lesions were observed. The acute lesions observed in guinea-pigs are similar than those observed in the spontaneous poisoning by Enterolobium spp. in cattle. Similar lesions are observed in guinea-pigs poisoned experimentally with saponins from E. gummiferum. The results of the experiments in pregnant guinea pigs suggest that E. contortisiliquum can be used to study the abortive effect of its pods or its toxic compounds.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Bonel-Raposo J., Riet-Correa F., Guim T.N., Schuch I.D., Grecco F.G. & Fernandes C.G. 2007. [Acute poisoning and abortions in guinea pigs by the pods of Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Leg. Mimosoideae).] Intoxicação aguda e abortos em cobaias pelas favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Leg. Mimosoideae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):593-596. Departamento de Patologia Animal, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective was to study the acute toxicity and the abortive properties of Enterolobium contortisiliquum pods in guinea pigs. Pods of E. contortisiliquum were administered orally to 4 groups of 3 guinea pigs each. Another group of 3 guinea-pigs was used as control. Group 1 and 2 were fed with one dose of 5 and 10g of pods for kg body weight, respectively. The guinea pigs of Group 3 and 4 received 10 and 15g/kg, respectively, divided into daily doses of 5g/kg. One guinea pig from Group 2 and one from Group 4 died 12 and 18 hours after the end of the administration. Gross lesions were hemorrhages of the stomach and of the large and small gut, enlarged liver, and dilated gall bladder. Histologically, the liver had severe vacuolation and necrosis of periportal hepatocytes. In another experiment a ration containing 4% of pods of E. contortisiliquum was fed to 2 groups of 4 guinea-pigs, 35 days after mating. Four of the 8 guinea pigs aborted 6-15 days after the beginning of ingestion. The other 4 guinea pigs were not pregnant. All guinea pigs were euthanized after abortion or at the end of the experiment. Histologically all animals had mild to severe periportal hemorrhagic necrosis. All fetuses had variable degree of autolysis. In 4 fetuses studied no significant histologic lesions were observed. The acute lesions observed in guinea-pigs are similar than those observed in the spontaneous poisoning by Enterolobium spp. in cattle. Similar lesions are observed in guinea-pigs poisoned experimentally with saponins from E. gummiferum. The results of the experiments in pregnant guinea pigs suggest that E. contortisiliquum can be used to study the abortive effect of its pods or its toxic compounds.

#157 - Intoxicação por Ipomoea asarifolia em bovinos e ovinos na Ilha de Marajó, p.622-626

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Tortelli P.F., Barbosa J.D., Oliveira C.M.C., Dutra M.D., Cerqueira V.D., Oliveira C.A., Riet-Correa F. & Riet-Correa G. 2008. [Poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia in cattle and sheep in the Marajó Island, Northern Brazil.] Intoxicação por Ipomoea asarifolia em bovinos e ovinos na Ilha de Marajó. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):622-626. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Campus de Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Pirapora, Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: To determine plant poisonings occurring on Marajo Island, state of Pará, northern Brazil, 7 farms were visited. All farms had native pastures with low forage availability severely infected by Ipomoea asarifolia. In 5 farms poisoning in sheep by the plant was reported. The disease occurs mainly during the dry period and lambs are more frequently affected than adult sheep. Sheep with clinical signs were observed in 2 farms. In 4 establishments farmers reported the occurrence of I. asarifolia poisoning in cattle. In one farm affected cattle were observed during two visits, one during the dry season and another at the start of the raining season. Deaths are observed mainly in calves. In both species the poisoning occurs every year with variable morbidity and low mortality. One bovine and one sheep with severe clinical signs were euthanized and post-mortem examination was performed. No gross or histologic significant lesions were observed. In all farms buffaloes were raised together with cattle and sheep, and in 3 farms goats were also raised. None of the farmers reported the intoxication in these species.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Tortelli P.F., Barbosa J.D., Oliveira C.M.C., Dutra M.D., Cerqueira V.D., Oliveira C.A., Riet-Correa F. & Riet-Correa G. 2008. [Poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia in cattle and sheep in the Marajó Island, Northern Brazil.] Intoxicação por Ipomoea asarifolia em bovinos e ovinos na Ilha de Marajó. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):622-626. Central de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Campus de Castanhal, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Pirapora, Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: To determine plant poisonings occurring on Marajo Island, state of Pará, northern Brazil, 7 farms were visited. All farms had native pastures with low forage availability severely infected by Ipomoea asarifolia. In 5 farms poisoning in sheep by the plant was reported. The disease occurs mainly during the dry period and lambs are more frequently affected than adult sheep. Sheep with clinical signs were observed in 2 farms. In 4 establishments farmers reported the occurrence of I. asarifolia poisoning in cattle. In one farm affected cattle were observed during two visits, one during the dry season and another at the start of the raining season. Deaths are observed mainly in calves. In both species the poisoning occurs every year with variable morbidity and low mortality. One bovine and one sheep with severe clinical signs were euthanized and post-mortem examination was performed. No gross or histologic significant lesions were observed. In all farms buffaloes were raised together with cattle and sheep, and in 3 farms goats were also raised. None of the farmers reported the intoxication in these species.

#158 - Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro, p.633-642

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Macêdo J.T.S.A., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M. & Simões S.V.D. 2008. [Diseases of the skin in sheep and goats from the Brazilian semiarid.] Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):633-642. Hospital Veterinário, Cento de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: A study of the skin diseases in sheep and goats in the semiarid of the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil was performed. From January 2000 to November 2006, 656 cases in goats and 324 in sheep were presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Patos, Paraíba. Additionally mailed in biopsy or necropsy skin samples from 31 goats and 45 sheep were studied histologically. Skin diseases were diagnosed in 35 goats (5.33% of all cases in this species) and 45 sheep (13.88% of the cases in this species). The most frequent skin disease was myiasis (10 cases in goats and 7 in sheep), followed by contagious echtyma (8 cases in goats and 2 in sheep), squamous cell carcinoma (4 cases in goats and 5 in sheep), dermatophylosis (8 cases in sheep), and allergic dermatitis (1 case in goats and 1 in sheep). Two cases of pythiosis in sheep, two cases of epidermolysis bullosa in goats, one case of poisoning by Brachiaria brizantha (photosensitization) and another by Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) in sheep, and one case of papillomatosis, one of pemphigus foliaceous, one of protothecosis and one of rhabdomyosarcoma in goats were also diagnosed. In 4 cases in sheep and 19 in goats the etiologic diagnosis was not obtained. With the information of the occurrence and epidemiology of the skin diseases is possible to determine efficient control measures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Macêdo J.T.S.A., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M. & Simões S.V.D. 2008. [Diseases of the skin in sheep and goats from the Brazilian semiarid.] Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):633-642. Hospital Veterinário, Cento de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: A study of the skin diseases in sheep and goats in the semiarid of the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil was performed. From January 2000 to November 2006, 656 cases in goats and 324 in sheep were presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Patos, Paraíba. Additionally mailed in biopsy or necropsy skin samples from 31 goats and 45 sheep were studied histologically. Skin diseases were diagnosed in 35 goats (5.33% of all cases in this species) and 45 sheep (13.88% of the cases in this species). The most frequent skin disease was myiasis (10 cases in goats and 7 in sheep), followed by contagious echtyma (8 cases in goats and 2 in sheep), squamous cell carcinoma (4 cases in goats and 5 in sheep), dermatophylosis (8 cases in sheep), and allergic dermatitis (1 case in goats and 1 in sheep). Two cases of pythiosis in sheep, two cases of epidermolysis bullosa in goats, one case of poisoning by Brachiaria brizantha (photosensitization) and another by Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) in sheep, and one case of papillomatosis, one of pemphigus foliaceous, one of protothecosis and one of rhabdomyosarcoma in goats were also diagnosed. In 4 cases in sheep and 19 in goats the etiologic diagnosis was not obtained. With the information of the occurrence and epidemiology of the skin diseases is possible to determine efficient control measures.

#159 - Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana, p.457-460

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.J.A. 2008. [Sudden deaths caused by Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) and Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):457-460. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reports an outbreak of poisoning by Palicourea aeneofusca in cattle, in the municipality of Jacaraú, and another by Mascagnia rigida in the municipality of Sapé. Both outbreaks occurred in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba, where there are no previous reports of poisoning by toxic plants causing sudden death associated to exercise. The toxicity of both plants was tested in rabbits. The lethal dose was of 3g per kg body weight (g/kg) for fresh P. aeneofusca and 10g/kg for fresh Mascagnia rigida. On the farm where the poisoning by P. aeneofusca was observed, M. rigida also was found. The farmer reported that this plant also caused sudden death previously. M. rigida collected on that farm and given dried to rabbits caused death at the dose of 10gkg. The poisoning by P. aeneofusca in cattle had been previously reported in the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco and east of Bahia. There are also numerous farmers’ reports about the occurrence of the poisoning in the Zona da Mata of Alagoas, suggesting that it occurs in the whole coastal region, from Bahia to Paraíba. M. rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Brazilian semiarid. The results of this paper demonstrate that this plant poisoning also occurs in the tropical wet climate of the Zona da Mata.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos J.S., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F., Medeiros R.M.T. & Dantas A.J.A. 2008. [Sudden deaths caused by Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) and Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) in cattle in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba.] Mortes súbitas em bovinos causadas por Palicourea aeneofusca (Rubiaceae) e Mascagnia rigida (Malpighiaceae) na Zona da Mata Paraibana. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):457-460. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: This paper reports an outbreak of poisoning by Palicourea aeneofusca in cattle, in the municipality of Jacaraú, and another by Mascagnia rigida in the municipality of Sapé. Both outbreaks occurred in the Zona da Mata of Paraíba, where there are no previous reports of poisoning by toxic plants causing sudden death associated to exercise. The toxicity of both plants was tested in rabbits. The lethal dose was of 3g per kg body weight (g/kg) for fresh P. aeneofusca and 10g/kg for fresh Mascagnia rigida. On the farm where the poisoning by P. aeneofusca was observed, M. rigida also was found. The farmer reported that this plant also caused sudden death previously. M. rigida collected on that farm and given dried to rabbits caused death at the dose of 10gkg. The poisoning by P. aeneofusca in cattle had been previously reported in the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco and east of Bahia. There are also numerous farmers’ reports about the occurrence of the poisoning in the Zona da Mata of Alagoas, suggesting that it occurs in the whole coastal region, from Bahia to Paraíba. M. rigida is the most important toxic plant for cattle in the Brazilian semiarid. The results of this paper demonstrate that this plant poisoning also occurs in the tropical wet climate of the Zona da Mata.

#160 - Intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) em caprinos e ovinos, p.488-494

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Araujo J.A.S., Riet-Correa F., Medeiros R.M.T., Soares M.P., Oliveira D.M. & Carvalho F.K.L. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) in goats and sheep.] Intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) em caprinos e ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):488-494. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Campus de Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Ipomoea asarifolia causes a tremogenic syndrome in sheep, goats, cattle and buffaloes. The objectives of the experiments were (1) to determine the toxicity to goats of fresh I. asarifolia collected during the raining and the dry season, and the toxicity of the dried plant, and (2) to determine the toxicity of the plant to sheep, and if the active principle is eliminated through the milk. In the first experiment the plant collected in the dry season and in the raining season was fed to 16 goats. The plant collected during the dry season caused clinical signs at the daily doses of 5g and 10g/kg body weight. The plant collected during the raining season was toxic at daily doses of 20g and 30g/kg, indicating that the plant is more toxic during the dry season. The plant collected in the dry season and dried was fed to 9 goats at doses of 1.7g, 2.0g, 3.4g, and 5.1g per kg. Daily doses of 3.0g, 4.0g and 5.1g/kg caused clinical signs, showing that the plant maintains its toxicity after being dried. In the second experiment the fresh plant collected in the dry and in the raining season was fed to 10 sheep. The plant collected in the dry season was toxic at the dose of 5g/kg, and the plant collected in the raining season was toxic at the doses of 10g and 20g/kg. The experimental results suggest that sheep are more susceptible to the poisoning than goats. As some farmers mentioned that suckling non-grazing lambs are poisoned by milk ingestion, I. asarifolia was fed at daily doses of 2.5g, 5.0g and 10g/kg for variable periods to 5 sheep from the day of parturition (2 sheep), after the last day of pregnancy (1 sheep) and 60 days before parturition (2 sheep). The sheep but not the lambs showed clinical signs of intoxication suggesting that the active principle is not eliminated through the milk at doses toxic for the lambs. In one euthanized sheep no gross or histologic lesions were detected. The main ultra-structural findings were found in Purkinje cell dendrites and included swelling, decrease or absence of dendritic spines, decrease or absence of neurotubules and neurofilaments and vacuolation of the dendroplasm. Swelling of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and granular eletrondense inclusions in dendroplasm was observed. Swelling of astrocyte foot processes was conspicuous. It is suggested that these alterations are a result of continuous tremors induced by the plant with liberation of glutamate causing excitotoxicity, which probably constitutes a neuronal mechanism of defense.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Araujo J.A.S., Riet-Correa F., Medeiros R.M.T., Soares M.P., Oliveira D.M. & Carvalho F.K.L. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) in goats and sheep.] Intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) em caprinos e ovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(10):488-494. Hospital Veterinário, CSTR, Campus de Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Ipomoea asarifolia causes a tremogenic syndrome in sheep, goats, cattle and buffaloes. The objectives of the experiments were (1) to determine the toxicity to goats of fresh I. asarifolia collected during the raining and the dry season, and the toxicity of the dried plant, and (2) to determine the toxicity of the plant to sheep, and if the active principle is eliminated through the milk. In the first experiment the plant collected in the dry season and in the raining season was fed to 16 goats. The plant collected during the dry season caused clinical signs at the daily doses of 5g and 10g/kg body weight. The plant collected during the raining season was toxic at daily doses of 20g and 30g/kg, indicating that the plant is more toxic during the dry season. The plant collected in the dry season and dried was fed to 9 goats at doses of 1.7g, 2.0g, 3.4g, and 5.1g per kg. Daily doses of 3.0g, 4.0g and 5.1g/kg caused clinical signs, showing that the plant maintains its toxicity after being dried. In the second experiment the fresh plant collected in the dry and in the raining season was fed to 10 sheep. The plant collected in the dry season was toxic at the dose of 5g/kg, and the plant collected in the raining season was toxic at the doses of 10g and 20g/kg. The experimental results suggest that sheep are more susceptible to the poisoning than goats. As some farmers mentioned that suckling non-grazing lambs are poisoned by milk ingestion, I. asarifolia was fed at daily doses of 2.5g, 5.0g and 10g/kg for variable periods to 5 sheep from the day of parturition (2 sheep), after the last day of pregnancy (1 sheep) and 60 days before parturition (2 sheep). The sheep but not the lambs showed clinical signs of intoxication suggesting that the active principle is not eliminated through the milk at doses toxic for the lambs. In one euthanized sheep no gross or histologic lesions were detected. The main ultra-structural findings were found in Purkinje cell dendrites and included swelling, decrease or absence of dendritic spines, decrease or absence of neurotubules and neurofilaments and vacuolation of the dendroplasm. Swelling of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and granular eletrondense inclusions in dendroplasm was observed. Swelling of astrocyte foot processes was conspicuous. It is suggested that these alterations are a result of continuous tremors induced by the plant with liberation of glutamate causing excitotoxicity, which probably constitutes a neuronal mechanism of defense.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV