Resultado da pesquisa (17)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Furlan F.

#11 - Outbreak of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 32(8):754-756

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schenkel D.M., Cavalcante M.K.M., Damasceno E.S., Campos A.K. & Furlan F.H. 2012. [Outbreak of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Surto de Oestrus ovis em ovinos em Mato Grosso. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(8):754-756. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Hospital Veterinário, Campus Universitário de Sinop, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Avenida Alexandre Ferronato 1200, Sinop, MT 78557-287, Brazil. E-mail: Oestrus ovis is a cosmopolitan agent of myiasis in sheep and goats. The parasitic phase begins after adult females deposit first stage larvae into the nostrils of hosts. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological data, clinical signs, gross and microscopical findings of an outbreak of O. ovis myiasis in sheep in state of Mato Grosso. Sneezing and nasal discharges was the major clinical signs in infected sheep. The main gross findings include hyperemia and oedema of the nasal mucosa. At the microscopic exam there was moderate infiltration of mast cells and eosinophils in the nasal mucosa with moderate to severe oedema and hyperemia. Although affecting a large number of sheep, the mortality occurred due to other causes such as Haemonchus contortus infection and pneumonia.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Schenkel D.M., Cavalcante M.K.M., Damasceno E.S., Campos A.K. & Furlan F.H. 2012. [Outbreak of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Surto de Oestrus ovis em ovinos em Mato Grosso. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(8):754-756. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Hospital Veterinário, Campus Universitário de Sinop, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Avenida Alexandre Ferronato 1200, Sinop, MT 78557-287, Brazil. E-mail: Oestrus ovis é um parasito cosmopolita que pode acometer ovinos e caprinos. A fase parasitária inicia-se após as fêmeas adultas depositarem suas larvas nas narinas dos hospedeiros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de descrever os aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos, macroscópicos e microscópicos de um surto de oestrose em ovinos no estado de Mato Grosso. Os principais sinais clínicos observados foram espirros e descarga nasal. Macroscopicamente havia hiperemia e edema da mucosa nasal. Os achados microscópicos eram caracterizados por hiperemia e edema moderado a acentuado e difuso, associados a infiltrado leve a moderado predominante de mastócitos e eosinófilos na submucosa. Embora a doença fosse observada em um grande número de animais a mortalidade observada nos surtos ocorreu devido à infestação por Haemonchus contortus e pneumonia.

#12 - Conidiobolomycosis caused by Conidiobolus lamprauges in sheep in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 30(7):529-532

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Veronezi L.O., Fonteque J.H., Traverso S.D., Nakazato L. & Gava A. 2010. [Conidiobolomycosis caused by Conidiobolus lamprauges in sheep in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.] Conidiobolomicose causada por Conidiobolus lamprauges em ovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(7):529-532. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Centro Universitário de Sinop, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Sinop, MT 78550-000, Brazil. E-mail: An outbreak of conidiobolomycosis affecting sheep in the State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil is reported. The disease occurred in six Santa Inês breed sheep from a flock of 75 during the rainy season. Common clinical signs were noisy respiration and dyspnea, serous to mucosanguineous nasal discharge and exophthalmus. At necropsy there was a dense yellow mass in the nasopharyngeal area affecting the ethmoidal region, turbinate bones and occasionally limph nodes, central nervous system and pleura. Histopathologycally there was multifocal granulomas whith an eosinophilic necrotic reaction containing ribbon type hyphae similar to zygomycetous fungi. At molecular examination Conidiobolus lamprauges DNA was detected. The clinical, epidemiological, macroscopical, microscopical and molecular aspects characterize conidiobolomycosis caused by Conidiobolus lamprauges in sheep.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Veronezi L.O., Fonteque J.H., Traverso S.D., Nakazato L. & Gava A. 2010. [Conidiobolomycosis caused by Conidiobolus lamprauges in sheep in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.] Conidiobolomicose causada por Conidiobolus lamprauges em ovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(7):529-532. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Centro Universitário de Sinop, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Sinop, MT 78550-000, Brazil. E-mail: Descreve-se um surto de conidiobolomicose em ovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. O surto ocorreu entre os meses de dezembro e março de 2006, no município de Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, região litorânea do Estado. A propriedade possuía 75 ovinos da raça Santa Inês e seis desses animais adoeceram. Clinicamente os animais doentes apresentavam dificuldade respiratória, corrimento nasal seroso a mucossanguinolento e, por vezes exolftalmia. Na necropsia verificou-se uma massa amarelada na região etmoidal e adjacências que, às vezes, atingia os linfonodos regionais, cérebro, globo ocular e pleura. Microscopicamente a massa caracterizava-se por infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso com áreas necróticas associadas a hifas largas pouco ramificadas. Através de exame molecular detectou-se DNA de Conidiobolus lamprauges. Os aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos, macroscópicos, microscópicos e moleculares caracterizam a conidiobolomicose causada por Conidiobolus lamprauges em ovinos.

#13 - Poisoning by Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) in goats in the State of Santa Catarina, 30(3):191-194

Abstract in English:

RESUMO.- Gava A., Lucioli J., Furlan F.H., Leal M.B. & Traverso S.D. 2010. [Poisoning by Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) in goats in the State of Santa Catarina.] Intoxicação por Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) em caprinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(3):191-194. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Vinte e cinco caprinos, criados em piquetes, morreram nos cinco dias subsequentes ao fornecimento de folhas de Trema micrantha (fam.Ulmaceae), uma árvore com nome comum de grandiúva. Quatro caprinos foram necropsiados e amostras de vísceras foram coletadas para exame histológico. As principais alterações clínicas foram: apatia, anorexia, cabeça apoiada contra obstáculos, decúbito e morte. Achados macroscópicos incluíram sufusões no epicárdio e endocárdio; fígado levemente amarelado e com padrão lobular evidente e, em um caso, acompanhado de hemorragias multifocais. Na histologia observou-se necrose hepática, que variava de centrolobular a massiva, compatível com hepatopatia tóxica. No SNC havia satelitose, tumefação neuronal, edema periaxonal, perivascular. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por Trema micrantha foi baseado no quadro clínico e lesional de hepatite tóxica associado ao uso da planta para alimentação de caprinos.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Gava A., Lucioli J., Furlan F.H., Leal M.B. & Traverso S.D. 2010. [Poisoning by Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) in goats in the State of Santa Catarina.] Intoxicação por Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) em caprinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(3):191-194. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Twenty five goats, maintained in paddocks, had died in five subsequent days after have been offered leaves, mixed in the ration, of Trema micrantha, a tree commonly called grandiúva. Four animals were necropsied and samples were collected for histopathology. Clinical signs included apathy, anorexia, head pressing against obstacles, decubitus and death. Macroscopic findings included suffusions in the epi- and endocardium, a yellowish liver with pronounced lobular pattern, in one goat, the liver presented additionally multiple visible hemorrhages. Histological examination revealed centrilobular to massive hepatic necrosis consistent with acute liver toxicosis. In the brain, satelitosis, neuronal swelling, and perineuronal and perivascular edema was found. The diagnosis of poisoning by Trema micrantha was based in the clinical picture characteristic of toxic hepatitis associated in the feeding of the plant to the goats.

#14 - Intoxicação por closantel em ovinos e caprinos no Estado de Santa Catarina, p.89-93

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Borelli V., Fonteque J.H., Stolf L., Traverso S.D. & Gava A. 2009. [Poisoning by closantel in sheep and goats in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.] Intoxicação por closantel em ovinos e caprinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):89-93. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Two outbreaks of closantel overdosage in sheep and goat flocks are described. In the first outbreak 12 sheep were affected, 5 of them showed blindness, three sheep died (Sheep 1-3) and two were euthanized 6 months after the onset of clinical manifestation (Sheep 4 and 5). In the second outbreak 26 goats were affected, from which six survived despite blindness and one was euthanized. Clinically the animals showed depression, ataxia, motor incoordination, decreased or absent pupil reflexes. In some animals this clinical picture developed to bilateral blindness, with no reaction to threat and bilateral irresponsive midriasis. In the ophthalmic examination retinal vessel atrophy and hyperreflexia were observed. The histological examination showed myelin edema leading to status spongiosus in the central nervous system and compressive neuropathy of the optic nerve, associated with retinal degeneration and/or atrophy. This report aims to describe the epidemiologic, clinic and pathologic aspects of closantel overdosage in sheep and goats.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Borelli V., Fonteque J.H., Stolf L., Traverso S.D. & Gava A. 2009. [Poisoning by closantel in sheep and goats in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.] Intoxicação por closantel em ovinos e caprinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):89-93. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Two outbreaks of closantel overdosage in sheep and goat flocks are described. In the first outbreak 12 sheep were affected, 5 of them showed blindness, three sheep died (Sheep 1-3) and two were euthanized 6 months after the onset of clinical manifestation (Sheep 4 and 5). In the second outbreak 26 goats were affected, from which six survived despite blindness and one was euthanized. Clinically the animals showed depression, ataxia, motor incoordination, decreased or absent pupil reflexes. In some animals this clinical picture developed to bilateral blindness, with no reaction to threat and bilateral irresponsive midriasis. In the ophthalmic examination retinal vessel atrophy and hyperreflexia were observed. The histological examination showed myelin edema leading to status spongiosus in the central nervous system and compressive neuropathy of the optic nerve, associated with retinal degeneration and/or atrophy. This report aims to describe the epidemiologic, clinic and pathologic aspects of closantel overdosage in sheep and goats.

#15 - Intoxicação experimental por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em bovinos, p.57-62

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Veronezi L.O., Traverso S. D. & Gava A. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação experimental por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):57-62. Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Clinical and pathological findings of experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia in cattle are described. A neurologic disease was observed in cattle on farms of the Alto Vale do Itajaí region of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. For the experimental reproduction of the disease, fresh green leaves, weekly harvested in the same region where spontaneous case occurred, were force-fed to five cattle at doses of 10 and 20g/kg for 120 days, 40g/kg for 30 days, and 30 and 40g/kg body weight for 150 days. One animal died and the others were euthanatized at the end of the experiment. Clinical signs and lesions varied from mild to severe in the experimentally poisoned cattle and depended on dose and length of the period of consumption. Main histological and ultrastructural lesions consisted of vacuolation and distension of neuronal perikarya (mainly of Purkinje cells), and of the cytoplasm of acinar pancreatic cells and thyroid follicular cells. It is concluded that ingestion of even small amounts S. carpinifolia for prolonged periods of time cause lisosomal storage disease in cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Furlan F.H., Lucioli J., Veronezi L.O., Traverso S. D. & Gava A. 2008. [Experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação experimental por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):57-62. Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Clinical and pathological findings of experimental poisoning by Sida carpinifolia in cattle are described. A neurologic disease was observed in cattle on farms of the Alto Vale do Itajaí region of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. For the experimental reproduction of the disease, fresh green leaves, weekly harvested in the same region where spontaneous case occurred, were force-fed to five cattle at doses of 10 and 20g/kg for 120 days, 40g/kg for 30 days, and 30 and 40g/kg body weight for 150 days. One animal died and the others were euthanatized at the end of the experiment. Clinical signs and lesions varied from mild to severe in the experimentally poisoned cattle and depended on dose and length of the period of consumption. Main histological and ultrastructural lesions consisted of vacuolation and distension of neuronal perikarya (mainly of Purkinje cells), and of the cytoplasm of acinar pancreatic cells and thyroid follicular cells. It is concluded that ingestion of even small amounts S. carpinifolia for prolonged periods of time cause lisosomal storage disease in cattle.

#16 - Intoxicação espontânea e experimental por Eupatorium tremulum (Asteraceae) em bovinos, p.442-445

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Lucioli J., Furlan F.H., Mezaroba S., Traverso S. D. & Gava A. 2007. [Spontaneous and experimental poisoning by Eupatorium tremulum (Asteraceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação espon-tânea e experimental por Eupatorium tremulum (Asteraceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasi-leira 27(10):442-445. Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Univer-sidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: The spontaneous and experimental poisoning by Eupatorium tremulum in cattle is described. Spontaneous cases were diagnosed in a herd of 19 cattle in the municipality of Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Three of the animals were found dead after having been transferred to a pasture with abundant quantities of E. tremulum. On two of them postmortem examination was performed and several internal organs were sampled for histological examination. Green leaves of E. tremulum were force-fed orally to 5 calves in single doses of 23-32g/kg body weight. Three calves showed clinical signs and two died. The main clinical signs included anorexia, apathy, absence of rumen movements, diarrhea and a flabby abdominal wall. Gross changes were restricted to the fore stomachs and were identical to those observed in the cases of natural poisoning. Rumen and reticulum were slightly reddish from outside; the corneal layer of their internal lining was loosely attached to a markedly red mucosa. The histological examination of rumen and reticulum from spontaneous and experimental cases revealed necrosis and vesicle formation in the epithelium; in some segments of the ruminal mucosa there was detachment of the epithelial covering and infiltration by neuthophils. Poisoning by E. tremulum has clinical course, gross lesions and histopathology very similar to those observed in poisoning caused by ingestion of the plants Baccharidastrum triplinervium, Baccharis coridifolia and Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii. The diagnosis of the spontaneous cases here described was confirmed by epidemiological data and the experimental reproduction of characteristic gross lesions and histopathology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Lucioli J., Furlan F.H., Mezaroba S., Traverso S. D. & Gava A. 2007. [Spontaneous and experimental poisoning by Eupatorium tremulum (Asteraceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação espon-tânea e experimental por Eupatorium tremulum (Asteraceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasi-leira 27(10):442-445. Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Univer-sidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: The spontaneous and experimental poisoning by Eupatorium tremulum in cattle is described. Spontaneous cases were diagnosed in a herd of 19 cattle in the municipality of Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Three of the animals were found dead after having been transferred to a pasture with abundant quantities of E. tremulum. On two of them postmortem examination was performed and several internal organs were sampled for histological examination. Green leaves of E. tremulum were force-fed orally to 5 calves in single doses of 23-32g/kg body weight. Three calves showed clinical signs and two died. The main clinical signs included anorexia, apathy, absence of rumen movements, diarrhea and a flabby abdominal wall. Gross changes were restricted to the fore stomachs and were identical to those observed in the cases of natural poisoning. Rumen and reticulum were slightly reddish from outside; the corneal layer of their internal lining was loosely attached to a markedly red mucosa. The histological examination of rumen and reticulum from spontaneous and experimental cases revealed necrosis and vesicle formation in the epithelium; in some segments of the ruminal mucosa there was detachment of the epithelial covering and infiltration by neuthophils. Poisoning by E. tremulum has clinical course, gross lesions and histopathology very similar to those observed in poisoning caused by ingestion of the plants Baccharidastrum triplinervium, Baccharis coridifolia and Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii. The diagnosis of the spontaneous cases here described was confirmed by epidemiological data and the experimental reproduction of characteristic gross lesions and histopathology.

#17 - Intoxicação aguda por fluorsilicato de sódio em bovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina, p.49-52

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Lucioli J., Furlan F.H., Mezaroba S., Bechtold S.L., Gava A. & Traverso S.D. 2007. [Acute sodium fluorsilicate poisoning in cattle in the state of Santa Catarina.] Intoxicação aguda por fluorsilicato de sódio em bovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):49-52. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Faculdade de Veterinária, UDESC, Avenida Luís de Camões 2090, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: An acute poisoning with sodium fluorsilicate in six cattle is reported, as well as the experimental reproduction by oral administration of the compound to two bovines. Clinical manifestations of the natural poisoning include muscle tremors, hypersalivation, groaning and rapid death. In the experimental poisoning lateral recumbency, dyspnea, tetanic spasms and paddling was also observed. The main necropsy findings were reddening, edema and ulceration of the ruminal and abomasal mucosa. Histopathological findings were necrosis of the epithelium of the forestomachs with polymorphonuclear infiltration of the submucosal and muscular layers. Tubular renal necrosis, liver portal necrosis and necrosis of the lymphoid tissues was also noted. The sodium fluorsilicate caused clinical signs at a dose of 300mg/kg, and death from 400mg/kg on.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Lucioli J., Furlan F.H., Mezaroba S., Bechtold S.L., Gava A. & Traverso S.D. 2007. [Acute sodium fluorsilicate poisoning in cattle in the state of Santa Catarina.] Intoxicação aguda por fluorsilicato de sódio em bovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):49-52. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Departamento de Clínica e Patologia, Faculdade de Veterinária, UDESC, Avenida Luís de Camões 2090, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: An acute poisoning with sodium fluorsilicate in six cattle is reported, as well as the experimental reproduction by oral administration of the compound to two bovines. Clinical manifestations of the natural poisoning include muscle tremors, hypersalivation, groaning and rapid death. In the experimental poisoning lateral recumbency, dyspnea, tetanic spasms and paddling was also observed. The main necropsy findings were reddening, edema and ulceration of the ruminal and abomasal mucosa. Histopathological findings were necrosis of the epithelium of the forestomachs with polymorphonuclear infiltration of the submucosal and muscular layers. Tubular renal necrosis, liver portal necrosis and necrosis of the lymphoid tissues was also noted. The sodium fluorsilicate caused clinical signs at a dose of 300mg/kg, and death from 400mg/kg on.

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