Resultado da pesquisa (1387)

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#1011 - Principais processos neoplásicos encontrados em psitacídeos mantidos em cativeiro, p.445-451

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Godoy S.N., Alves V.A.F., Kanamura C.T. & Matushima E.R. 2009. [Main neoplasic processes in psittacines birds kept in captivity.] Principais processos neoplásicos encontrados em psitacídeos mantidos em cativeiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):445-451. Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis, SHIN CA 02, Bloco D, Apto 408, Ed. Spazio Uno, Brasilia, DF 71.503-502, Brazil. E-mail: An anatomopathologic study of 130 captivy psittacines from zoos, breeders and rehabilitation centers showed the presence of neoplastic disease in seven birds, totalizing 5.4% of the cases. The neoplasms were identified like cholangiocarcinoma, cholangioma, lymphoma, haemangiosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinoma was the tumor most commonly observed. it was present in birds. This study describes the macro and microscopic findings of these tumors; also reports diagnostic methods employed to identify these neoplasms.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Godoy S.N., Alves V.A.F., Kanamura C.T. & Matushima E.R. 2009. [Main neoplasic processes in psittacines birds kept in captivity.] Principais processos neoplásicos encontrados em psitacídeos mantidos em cativeiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):445-451. Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis, SHIN CA 02, Bloco D, Apto 408, Ed. Spazio Uno, Brasilia, DF 71.503-502, Brazil. E-mail: An anatomopathologic study of 130 captivy psittacines from zoos, breeders and rehabilitation centers showed the presence of neoplastic disease in seven birds, totalizing 5.4% of the cases. The neoplasms were identified like cholangiocarcinoma, cholangioma, lymphoma, haemangiosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinoma was the tumor most commonly observed. it was present in birds. This study describes the macro and microscopic findings of these tumors; also reports diagnostic methods employed to identify these neoplasms.

#1012 - Perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas de serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus (cascavel) criadas em cativeiro, p.457-460

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Fonteque J.H., Kohayagawa A., Takahira R.K., Bianchi E.H., Cherubini A.L., Piccinin A., Bruder E.M. & Ramos P.R.R. 2009. [Serum protein electrophoresis profile of the rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus kept in captivity.] Perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas de serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus (cascavel) criadas em cativeiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):457-460. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Hospital de Clínica Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Av. Luiz de Camões 2090, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: The poisonous snakes of the genera Crotalus and Bothrops have been kept in captivity with the purpose of extracting poison for the production of immunobiological. Knowledge of the physiology of these animals and serum proteins concentration changes are important for early identification of major diseases which lead to states of hypoproteinemia and hyperproteinemia. The objective was to determine the concentration of total protein and serum protein electrophoresis profile of Crotalus durissus terrificus (rattlesnake) in captivity. Blood samples were taken from the ventral coccygeal vein of 21 adult and healthy snakes divided into groups: Group 1 with 12 males, weighing in average 588.89±193.55g, and Group 2 with nine females, weighing in average 708.33±194.04g. The total serum concentration of protein was determined by the method of refractometry and agarose gel electrophoresis. The total protein values in the serum for females was 4.82±0.72, for males 4.51±0.50 and males and females 4.64±0.61, identified by four fractions (g/dL): albumin, a, b and g-globulin. Additionally the albumin/globulin ratio was calculated. The female snakes showed higher values for the variables, albumin and the albumin/globulin (AG) differed significantly (P<0.05) from the group of male snakes, but there was no clinical significance.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Fonteque J.H., Kohayagawa A., Takahira R.K., Bianchi E.H., Cherubini A.L., Piccinin A., Bruder E.M. & Ramos P.R.R. 2009. [Serum protein electrophoresis profile of the rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus kept in captivity.] Perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas de serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus (cascavel) criadas em cativeiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):457-460. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Hospital de Clínica Veterinária, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Av. Luiz de Camões 2090, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: The poisonous snakes of the genera Crotalus and Bothrops have been kept in captivity with the purpose of extracting poison for the production of immunobiological. Knowledge of the physiology of these animals and serum proteins concentration changes are important for early identification of major diseases which lead to states of hypoproteinemia and hyperproteinemia. The objective was to determine the concentration of total protein and serum protein electrophoresis profile of Crotalus durissus terrificus (rattlesnake) in captivity. Blood samples were taken from the ventral coccygeal vein of 21 adult and healthy snakes divided into groups: Group 1 with 12 males, weighing in average 588.89±193.55g, and Group 2 with nine females, weighing in average 708.33±194.04g. The total serum concentration of protein was determined by the method of refractometry and agarose gel electrophoresis. The total protein values in the serum for females was 4.82±0.72, for males 4.51±0.50 and males and females 4.64±0.61, identified by four fractions (g/dL): albumin, a, b and g-globulin. Additionally the albumin/globulin ratio was calculated. The female snakes showed higher values for the variables, albumin and the albumin/globulin (AG) differed significantly (P<0.05) from the group of male snakes, but there was no clinical significance.

#1013 - Detection of Pneumocystis in lungs of bats from Brazil by PCR amplification, p.469-473

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Cavallini Sanches E.M., Pacheco S.M., Cericatto A.S., Melo R.M., Colodel E.M., Hummel J., Bianchi S.P., Spanamberg A., Santurio J.M. & Ferreiro L. 2009. Detection of Pneumocystis in lungs of bats from Brazil by PCR amplification. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):469-473. Setor de Micologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 90540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Pneumocystis has been isolated from a wide range of unrelated mammalian hosts, including humans, domestic and wild animals. It has been demonstrated that the genome of Pneumocystis of one host differs markedly from that of other hosts. Also, variation in the chromosome and DNA sequence of Pneumocystis within a single host species has been observed. Since information about the occurrence and nature of infections in wild animals is still limited, the objective of this work was to detect the presence of Pneumocystis sp. in lungs of bats from two states from Brazil by Nested-PCR amplification. The bats, captured in caves and in urban areas, were obtained from the Program of Rabies Control of two States in Brazil, Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, located in the Mid-Western and Southern regions of the country, respectively. DNAs were extracted from 102 lung tissues and screened for Pneumocystis by nested PCR at the mtLSU rRNA gene and small subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (mtSSU rRNA). Gene amplification was performed using the mtLSU rRNA, the primer set pAZ102H - pAZ102E and pAZ102X - pAZY, and the mtSSU rRNA primer set pAZ102 10FRI - pAZ102 10R-RI and pAZ102 13RI - pAZ102 14RI. The most frequent bats were Tadarida brasiliensis (25), Desmodus rotundus (20), and Nyctinomops laticaudatus (19). Pneumocystis was more prevalent in the species Nyctinomops laticaudatus (26.3% = 5/19), Tadarida brasiliensis (24% = 6/25), and Desmodus rotundus (20% = 4/20). Besides these species, Pneumocystis also was detected in lungs from Molossus molossus (1/11, 9.1%), Artibeus fimbriatus (1/1, 100%), Sturnira lilium (1/3, 33.3%), Myotis levis (2/3, 66.7%) and Diphylla ecaudata (1/2, 50%). PCR products which could indicate the presence of Pneumocystis (21.56%) were identified in DNA samples obtained from 8 out of 16 classified species from both states (5 bats were not identified). This is the first report of detection of Pneumocystis in bats from Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Cavallini Sanches E.M., Pacheco S.M., Cericatto A.S., Melo R.M., Colodel E.M., Hummel J., Bianchi S.P., Spanamberg A., Santurio J.M. & Ferreiro L. 2009. Detection of Pneumocystis in lungs of bats from Brazil by PCR amplification. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):469-473. Setor de Micologia Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 90540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Pneumocystis has been isolated from a wide range of unrelated mammalian hosts, including humans, domestic and wild animals. It has been demonstrated that the genome of Pneumocystis of one host differs markedly from that of other hosts. Also, variation in the chromosome and DNA sequence of Pneumocystis within a single host species has been observed. Since information about the occurrence and nature of infections in wild animals is still limited, the objective of this work was to detect the presence of Pneumocystis sp. in lungs of bats from two states from Brazil by Nested-PCR amplification. The bats, captured in caves and in urban areas, were obtained from the Program of Rabies Control of two States in Brazil, Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, located in the Mid-Western and Southern regions of the country, respectively. DNAs were extracted from 102 lung tissues and screened for Pneumocystis by nested PCR at the mtLSU rRNA gene and small subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (mtSSU rRNA). Gene amplification was performed using the mtLSU rRNA, the primer set pAZ102H - pAZ102E and pAZ102X - pAZY, and the mtSSU rRNA primer set pAZ102 10FRI - pAZ102 10R-RI and pAZ102 13RI - pAZ102 14RI. The most frequent bats were Tadarida brasiliensis (25), Desmodus rotundus (20), and Nyctinomops laticaudatus (19). Pneumocystis was more prevalent in the species Nyctinomops laticaudatus (26.3% = 5/19), Tadarida brasiliensis (24% = 6/25), and Desmodus rotundus (20% = 4/20). Besides these species, Pneumocystis also was detected in lungs from Molossus molossus (1/11, 9.1%), Artibeus fimbriatus (1/1, 100%), Sturnira lilium (1/3, 33.3%), Myotis levis (2/3, 66.7%) and Diphylla ecaudata (1/2, 50%). PCR products which could indicate the presence of Pneumocystis (21.56%) were identified in DNA samples obtained from 8 out of 16 classified species from both states (5 bats were not identified). This is the first report of detection of Pneumocystis in bats from Brazil.

#1014 - Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease in a Brazilian oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus), p.474-478

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Filoni C., Pena H.F.J., Gennari S.M., Cristo D.S., Torres L.N. & Catão-Dias J.L. 2009. Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease in a Brazilian oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):373-478. Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Heartworm disease is caused by the intravascular nematode Dirofilaria immitis, a pathogen of public health importance usually associated to domestic dogs and cats, and to a lesser extend to other mammal species. The oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) is a threatened neotropic felid species that naturally occurs in Brazil. Here, we report the encounter of adult and larval stages of heartworms in a female specimen of L. tigrinus, probable of free-ranging origin, from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, which died showing clinical signals compatible with heartworm disease. This was the first reported case of D. immitis infection and associated disease in L. tigrinus, also suggesting that the oncilla acted as a definitive host for this parasite. The present findings confirmed D. immitis as a pathogenic agent for this felid species, thus supporting the recommendation for the inclusion of diagnostic testing for this pathogen in routine health screening procedures for captive and free-ranging oncillas in Brazil, especially in those localities where climate conditions support the occurrence of the parasite. Potential reservoirs as oncillas are established beyond the reach of veterinary care, thus representing a continuing risk for domestic animals and humans acquiring heartworm infection. We encourage further serologic and molecular studies aiming to establish D. immitis prevalences in L. tigrinus and other wild carnivores in the region of Ubatuba, as well as ecological and veterinary studies to access the role of this pathogen for the survival of this threatened felid species.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Filoni C., Pena H.F.J., Gennari S.M., Cristo D.S., Torres L.N. & Catão-Dias J.L. 2009. Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease in a Brazilian oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):373-478. Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Heartworm disease is caused by the intravascular nematode Dirofilaria immitis, a pathogen of public health importance usually associated to domestic dogs and cats, and to a lesser extend to other mammal species. The oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) is a threatened neotropic felid species that naturally occurs in Brazil. Here, we report the encounter of adult and larval stages of heartworms in a female specimen of L. tigrinus, probable of free-ranging origin, from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, which died showing clinical signals compatible with heartworm disease. This was the first reported case of D. immitis infection and associated disease in L. tigrinus, also suggesting that the oncilla acted as a definitive host for this parasite. The present findings confirmed D. immitis as a pathogenic agent for this felid species, thus supporting the recommendation for the inclusion of diagnostic testing for this pathogen in routine health screening procedures for captive and free-ranging oncillas in Brazil, especially in those localities where climate conditions support the occurrence of the parasite. Potential reservoirs as oncillas are established beyond the reach of veterinary care, thus representing a continuing risk for domestic animals and humans acquiring heartworm infection. We encourage further serologic and molecular studies aiming to establish D. immitis prevalences in L. tigrinus and other wild carnivores in the region of Ubatuba, as well as ecological and veterinary studies to access the role of this pathogen for the survival of this threatened felid species.

#1015 - An outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in Murrah buffaloes in Minas Gerais, Brazil, p.395-400

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Costa E.A., Bastianetto E., Vasconcelos A.C., Bomfim M.R.Q., Fonseca F.G., Gomes A.D., Leite R.C. & Resende M. 2009. An outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in Murrah buffaloes in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):395-400. Departamento de Microbiologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. E-mail: An outbreak of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) resulted in death of five female buffaloes and one domestic cow from the same farm. Four buffaloes died 10-15 days after the appearance of clinical signs, while the fifth was euthanized in extremis, after similar clinical signs. Histopathological lesions included multifocal histiolymphocytic epicarditis, myocarditis and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, which are commonly seen in cases of MCF in buffaloes. Furthermore, lymphocytic vasculitis centered in the adventitia, with occasional fibrinoid necrosis in the muscular layer, was found in the kidneys, liver, spleen, lymph nodes and brain. Nucleotide sequencing of DNA fragments from the central nervous system amplified by PCR revealed 98% similarity with known OHV-2 sequences from Genbank. Additionally, PCR analysis also revealed the presence of OHV-2 DNA in the peripheral mononuclear blood cells of two clinically healthy buffaloes. The diagnosis of MCF was based on epidemiological, clinical, gross and histopathological findings and on the results of a semi-nested PCR followed by nucleotide sequencing.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Costa E.A., Bastianetto E., Vasconcelos A.C., Bomfim M.R.Q., Fonseca F.G., Gomes A.D., Leite R.C. & Resende M. 2009. An outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in Murrah buffaloes in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(5):395-400. Departamento de Microbiologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. E-mail: An outbreak of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) resulted in death of five female buffaloes and one domestic cow from the same farm. Four buffaloes died 10-15 days after the appearance of clinical signs, while the fifth was euthanized in extremis, after similar clinical signs. Histopathological lesions included multifocal histiolymphocytic epicarditis, myocarditis and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, which are commonly seen in cases of MCF in buffaloes. Furthermore, lymphocytic vasculitis centered in the adventitia, with occasional fibrinoid necrosis in the muscular layer, was found in the kidneys, liver, spleen, lymph nodes and brain. Nucleotide sequencing of DNA fragments from the central nervous system amplified by PCR revealed 98% similarity with known OHV-2 sequences from Genbank. Additionally, PCR analysis also revealed the presence of OHV-2 DNA in the peripheral mononuclear blood cells of two clinically healthy buffaloes. The diagnosis of MCF was based on epidemiological, clinical, gross and histopathological findings and on the results of a semi-nested PCR followed by nucleotide sequencing.

#1016 - Aspectos histológicos e morfométricos dos testículos de gatos domésticos (Felis catus), p.312-316

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva C.A.O., Perri S.H.V., Koivisto M.B., Silva A.M., Carvalho R.G. & Monteiro C.M.R. 2009. [Histological and morphometric evaluation of the testes of cats (Felis catus).] Aspectos histológicos e morfométricos dos testículos de gatos domésticos (Felis catus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):312-316. Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rua Clóvis Pestana 793, Araçatuba, SP 16050-680, Brazil. E-mail: This paper deals with a comparative histologic and morphometric study of the testes of domestic cats distributed into two groups: Group 1, cats until 1 year of age, and Group 2, cats over 1 year. It was found that: (1) at 4 months of age the seminiferous tubules were poorly developed, appeared as seminiferous cords without lumen, lined by a low epithelium, and showed undifferentiated Sertoli cells and scarce interstitial tissue; (2) at 5 months the seminiferous tubules began to differentiate with increase in tubular diameter and lumen, the other tubular structures remaining similar to those previous referred; (3) at 6 and 7 months of age spermatocytogenesis began to appear, Leydig cells were large, polyhedral in shape, with vacuolated cytoplasm and clear nuclei, resting on a sparse interstitial tissue with few blood vessels; (4) 1-year-old cats showed testicular histological features of an adult animal, had seminiferous tubules of large diameter and high seminiferous epithelium with small lumen, and Leydig cells of different sizes, with polyhedral shape, vacuolated cytoplasm, clear nuclei and evident nucleoli resting in a sparse interstitial tissue with some blood vessels; (5) in Group 1 the average diameter of the seminiferous tubules was 160.58µm, and 185.94µm in Group 2; (6) the height of the seminiferous epithelium was 49.51µm for Group 1 and 63.29µm for Group 2; (7) the largest measures of the analyzed parameters were found in animals of Group 2, with functional reproductive organs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva C.A.O., Perri S.H.V., Koivisto M.B., Silva A.M., Carvalho R.G. & Monteiro C.M.R. 2009. [Histological and morphometric evaluation of the testes of cats (Felis catus).] Aspectos histológicos e morfométricos dos testículos de gatos domésticos (Felis catus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(4):312-316. Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rua Clóvis Pestana 793, Araçatuba, SP 16050-680, Brazil. E-mail: This paper deals with a comparative histologic and morphometric study of the testes of domestic cats distributed into two groups: Group 1, cats until 1 year of age, and Group 2, cats over 1 year. It was found that: (1) at 4 months of age the seminiferous tubules were poorly developed, appeared as seminiferous cords without lumen, lined by a low epithelium, and showed undifferentiated Sertoli cells and scarce interstitial tissue; (2) at 5 months the seminiferous tubules began to differentiate with increase in tubular diameter and lumen, the other tubular structures remaining similar to those previous referred; (3) at 6 and 7 months of age spermatocytogenesis began to appear, Leydig cells were large, polyhedral in shape, with vacuolated cytoplasm and clear nuclei, resting on a sparse interstitial tissue with few blood vessels; (4) 1-year-old cats showed testicular histological features of an adult animal, had seminiferous tubules of large diameter and high seminiferous epithelium with small lumen, and Leydig cells of different sizes, with polyhedral shape, vacuolated cytoplasm, clear nuclei and evident nucleoli resting in a sparse interstitial tissue with some blood vessels; (5) in Group 1 the average diameter of the seminiferous tubules was 160.58µm, and 185.94µm in Group 2; (6) the height of the seminiferous epithelium was 49.51µm for Group 1 and 63.29µm for Group 2; (7) the largest measures of the analyzed parameters were found in animals of Group 2, with functional reproductive organs.

#1017 - Neurotoxicose em bovinos associada ao consumo de bagaço de malte contaminado por Aspergillus clavatus, p.220-228

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Bezerra Jr P.S., Raymundo D.L., Spanamberg A., Corrêa A.M.R., Bangel Jr J.J., Ferreiro L. & Driemeier D. 2009. [Neurotoxicosis in cattle associated with consumption of beer residues contaminated with Aspergillus clavatus.] Neurotoxicose em bovinos associada ao consumo de bagaço de malte contaminado por Aspergillus clavatus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):220-228. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Two outbreaks of a neurological disease affecting herds of dairy cattle that were fed moldy beer residues contaminated with Aspergillus clavatus in the county of Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are described. The morbidity of both outbreaks was 30% and the lethality 50% and 100%. The clinical course varied from 5 to 64 days. Only one of the animals that recovered from the disease remained with slight locomotor sequels. Clinical signs were predominantly locomotor and included muscle tremors of varied intensity, hyperesthesia and progressive posterior ataxia, paresis and paralysis with knuckling of fetlocks of the hind limbs. Gait abnormalities were more pronounced after exercises which in general led to falling down. There was also reduced milk production, but appetite and water intake were maintained until close to death or euthanasia. From five cattle necropsied, two showed macroscopic lesions characterized by necrotic changes and mineralization in pelvic muscles and thoracic limbs. The main histological findings consisted of chromatolytic neuronal degeneration and necrosis in selected nuclei of the brain stem, the ventral horn of the spinal cord, and of the trigeminal, stellate celiac and spinal ganglions. In two cattle there was wallerian degeneration in dorsal funiculi of the spinal cord and ischiadic and fibular nerves. The diagnosis was based on epidemiological data, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histological lesions and mycological examination. Epidemiologic, clinical and pathologic aspects, pathogenetic mechanisms and differential diagnoses are discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Bezerra Jr P.S., Raymundo D.L., Spanamberg A., Corrêa A.M.R., Bangel Jr J.J., Ferreiro L. & Driemeier D. 2009. [Neurotoxicosis in cattle associated with consumption of beer residues contaminated with Aspergillus clavatus.] Neurotoxicose em bovinos associada ao consumo de bagaço de malte contaminado por Aspergillus clavatus. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):220-228. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. E-mail: Two outbreaks of a neurological disease affecting herds of dairy cattle that were fed moldy beer residues contaminated with Aspergillus clavatus in the county of Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are described. The morbidity of both outbreaks was 30% and the lethality 50% and 100%. The clinical course varied from 5 to 64 days. Only one of the animals that recovered from the disease remained with slight locomotor sequels. Clinical signs were predominantly locomotor and included muscle tremors of varied intensity, hyperesthesia and progressive posterior ataxia, paresis and paralysis with knuckling of fetlocks of the hind limbs. Gait abnormalities were more pronounced after exercises which in general led to falling down. There was also reduced milk production, but appetite and water intake were maintained until close to death or euthanasia. From five cattle necropsied, two showed macroscopic lesions characterized by necrotic changes and mineralization in pelvic muscles and thoracic limbs. The main histological findings consisted of chromatolytic neuronal degeneration and necrosis in selected nuclei of the brain stem, the ventral horn of the spinal cord, and of the trigeminal, stellate celiac and spinal ganglions. In two cattle there was wallerian degeneration in dorsal funiculi of the spinal cord and ischiadic and fibular nerves. The diagnosis was based on epidemiological data, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histological lesions and mycological examination. Epidemiologic, clinical and pathologic aspects, pathogenetic mechanisms and differential diagnoses are discussed.

#1018 - Intoxicação espontânea por vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos em Pernambuco, p.233-240

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Câmara A.C.L., Costa N.A., Riet-Correa F., Afonso J.A.B., Dantas A.F.M., Mendonça C.L. & Souza M.I. 2009. [Spontaneous poisoning in cattle by mesquite beans, Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) in Pernambuco.] Intoxicação espontânea por vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos em Pernambuco. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):233-240. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Mundaú, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Three outbreaks of poisoning by Prosopis juliflora pods are reported in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil, in cattle grazing in fields invaded by the plant or ingesting mesquite beans as a concentrate food. In two farms the disease occurred sporadically. In another, 112 (9.28%) cattle out of 1206 were affected, 84 (6.96%) died due to emaciation, and 28 (2.32%) gained weight after the pods had been withdrawn from the feed. Main clinical signs were progressive weight loss, atrophy of the masseter muscles, dropped jaw, tongue protrusion, difficulties in prehending food, tilting the head during mastigation or rumination, salivation, impaired swallowing, and decreased tone of the tongue. The hematology reveals hypoproteinemia and anemia. Gross lesions were emaciation and reduction in size of the masseter muscles, which appear thinner than normal and grayish due muscular atrophy. Degeneration of neurons of the trigeminal motor nuclei, Wallerian degeneration of the trigeminal nerve roots, and muscular atrophy of the masseter muscles with substitution by fibrous tissue were observed on histologic examination. For the prevention of the poisoning is necessary to limit the amount of mesquite beans in animal nutrition. It is also necessary to develop research to determine the economic and sustainability of the use of Prosopis juliflora for animal food, human food or other uses such as charcoal, wood and fuel wood.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Câmara A.C.L., Costa N.A., Riet-Correa F., Afonso J.A.B., Dantas A.F.M., Mendonça C.L. & Souza M.I. 2009. [Spontaneous poisoning in cattle by mesquite beans, Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) in Pernambuco.] Intoxicação espontânea por vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Leg. Mimosoideae) em bovinos em Pernambuco. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):233-240. Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Cx. Postal 152, Mundaú, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: Three outbreaks of poisoning by Prosopis juliflora pods are reported in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil, in cattle grazing in fields invaded by the plant or ingesting mesquite beans as a concentrate food. In two farms the disease occurred sporadically. In another, 112 (9.28%) cattle out of 1206 were affected, 84 (6.96%) died due to emaciation, and 28 (2.32%) gained weight after the pods had been withdrawn from the feed. Main clinical signs were progressive weight loss, atrophy of the masseter muscles, dropped jaw, tongue protrusion, difficulties in prehending food, tilting the head during mastigation or rumination, salivation, impaired swallowing, and decreased tone of the tongue. The hematology reveals hypoproteinemia and anemia. Gross lesions were emaciation and reduction in size of the masseter muscles, which appear thinner than normal and grayish due muscular atrophy. Degeneration of neurons of the trigeminal motor nuclei, Wallerian degeneration of the trigeminal nerve roots, and muscular atrophy of the masseter muscles with substitution by fibrous tissue were observed on histologic examination. For the prevention of the poisoning is necessary to limit the amount of mesquite beans in animal nutrition. It is also necessary to develop research to determine the economic and sustainability of the use of Prosopis juliflora for animal food, human food or other uses such as charcoal, wood and fuel wood.

#1019 - Implante de cartilagem auricular autóloga no reparo de desvio de pênis de bovinos, p.258-262

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Eurides D., Silva L.A.F., Daleck C.R., Fioravanti M.C., Gonçalves G.F., Silva O.F. & Nadri A.B. 2009. [Implantation of the autologous auricular cartilagem in the repair of penile deviation in cattle.] Implante de cartilagem auricular autóloga no reparo de desvio de pênis de bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):258-262. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, Campus Umuarama, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil. E-mail: Eighteen 18 to 24-month-old mixed breed bullocks were submitted to removal of the apical ligament of the penis to induce penile deviation. After 60 days from the surgery the steers were put together with cows in heat. A ventral and right lateral penis deviation leading to incapacity to copulate was observed. The bullocks were then submitted to an autolgous transplant of a cartilage segment from the ear pinna placed on top of the tunica albuginea, replacing the penile ligament apical tha had been removed. The implanted material was well tolerated; histologically with only infiltration few mononuclear cells, polymorpho nucleated cells and giant cells, and fibrosis, which caused strong adherence and provided ability to sustain the free penile extremity. The bullocks that were cows in heat did not show any degree of penile deviation nor any change in sexual behavior. The surgical method described here was shown to be satisfactory as to be indicated for correction of ventral and right lateral penile deviation in bullocks.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Eurides D., Silva L.A.F., Daleck C.R., Fioravanti M.C., Gonçalves G.F., Silva O.F. & Nadri A.B. 2009. [Implantation of the autologous auricular cartilagem in the repair of penile deviation in cattle.] Implante de cartilagem auricular autóloga no reparo de desvio de pênis de bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):258-262. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, Campus Umuarama, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil. E-mail: Eighteen 18 to 24-month-old mixed breed bullocks were submitted to removal of the apical ligament of the penis to induce penile deviation. After 60 days from the surgery the steers were put together with cows in heat. A ventral and right lateral penis deviation leading to incapacity to copulate was observed. The bullocks were then submitted to an autolgous transplant of a cartilage segment from the ear pinna placed on top of the tunica albuginea, replacing the penile ligament apical tha had been removed. The implanted material was well tolerated; histologically with only infiltration few mononuclear cells, polymorpho nucleated cells and giant cells, and fibrosis, which caused strong adherence and provided ability to sustain the free penile extremity. The bullocks that were cows in heat did not show any degree of penile deviation nor any change in sexual behavior. The surgical method described here was shown to be satisfactory as to be indicated for correction of ventral and right lateral penile deviation in bullocks.

#1020 - Thymic atrophy in cattle poisoned with Solanum glaucophyllum, p.266-274

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Fontana P.A., Zanuzzi C.N., Barbeito C.G., Gimeno E.J. & Portiansky E.L. 2009. Thymic atrophy in cattle poisoned with Solanum glaucophyllum. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):266-274. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Calle 60 y 118, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. E-mail: Solanum glaucophyllum (Sg) [= S. malacoxylon] is a calcinogenic plant inducing “Enzootic Calcinosis” in cattle. The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, its main toxic principle, regulates bone and calcium metabolism and also exerts immunomodulatory effects. Thymocyte precursors from bone marrow-derived progenitor cells differentiate into mature T-cells. Differentiation of most T lymphocytes is characterized not only by the variable expression of CD4/CD8 receptor molecules and increased surface density of the T cell antigen receptor, but also by changes in the glycosylation pattern of cell surface glycolipids or glycoproteins. Thymocytes exert a feedback influence on thymic non-lymphoid cells. Sg-induced modifications on cattle thymus T-lymphocytes and on non-lymphoid cells were analysed. Heifers were divided into 5 groups (control, intoxicated with Sg during 15, 30 or 60 days, and probably recovered group). Histochemical, immunohistochemical, lectinhistochemical and morphometric techniques were used to characterize different cell populations of the experimental heifers. Sg-poisoned heifers showed a progressive cortical atrophy that was characterized using the peanut agglutinin (PNA) lectin that recognizes immature thymocytes. These animals also increased the amount of non-lymphoid cells per unit area detected with the Picrosirius technique, WGA and DBA lectins, and pancytokeratin and S-100 antibodies. The thymus atrophy found in intoxicated animals resembled that of the physiological aging process. A reversal effect on these changes was observed after suppression of the intoxication. These findings suggest that Sg-intoxication induces either directly, through the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 itself, or indirectly through the hypercalcemia, the observed alteration of the thymus.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Fontana P.A., Zanuzzi C.N., Barbeito C.G., Gimeno E.J. & Portiansky E.L. 2009. Thymic atrophy in cattle poisoned with Solanum glaucophyllum. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):266-274. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Calle 60 y 118, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. E-mail: Solanum glaucophyllum (Sg) [= S. malacoxylon] is a calcinogenic plant inducing “Enzootic Calcinosis” in cattle. The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, its main toxic principle, regulates bone and calcium metabolism and also exerts immunomodulatory effects. Thymocyte precursors from bone marrow-derived progenitor cells differentiate into mature T-cells. Differentiation of most T lymphocytes is characterized not only by the variable expression of CD4/CD8 receptor molecules and increased surface density of the T cell antigen receptor, but also by changes in the glycosylation pattern of cell surface glycolipids or glycoproteins. Thymocytes exert a feedback influence on thymic non-lymphoid cells. Sg-induced modifications on cattle thymus T-lymphocytes and on non-lymphoid cells were analysed. Heifers were divided into 5 groups (control, intoxicated with Sg during 15, 30 or 60 days, and probably recovered group). Histochemical, immunohistochemical, lectinhistochemical and morphometric techniques were used to characterize different cell populations of the experimental heifers. Sg-poisoned heifers showed a progressive cortical atrophy that was characterized using the peanut agglutinin (PNA) lectin that recognizes immature thymocytes. These animals also increased the amount of non-lymphoid cells per unit area detected with the Picrosirius technique, WGA and DBA lectins, and pancytokeratin and S-100 antibodies. The thymus atrophy found in intoxicated animals resembled that of the physiological aging process. A reversal effect on these changes was observed after suppression of the intoxication. These findings suggest that Sg-intoxication induces either directly, through the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 itself, or indirectly through the hypercalcemia, the observed alteration of the thymus.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV