Resultado da pesquisa (6)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa myiasis

#1 - Proteolytic activity of excretory/secretory products of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae, 36(8):711-718

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Giglioti R., Guimarães S., Oliveira-Sequeira T.C.G., David E.B., Brito L.G., Huacca M.E.F., Chagas A.C.S. & Oliveira M.C.S. 2016. Proteolytic activity of excretory/secretory products of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(8):711-718. Embrapa Rondônia, Rodovia BR-364 Km 5,5, Porto Velho, RO 76815-800, Brazil. E-mail: The protein profiles and proteolytic activity of the excretory secretory products (E/SP) of the first (L1), second (L2) and third (L3) larval stages of Cochliomyia hominivorax were studied in the laboratory. Analysis on the E/SP protein profile was carried out using polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). The E/SP of each larval stage (L1, L2 and L3) treated with protease inhibitors, containing 30µg, 40µg and 50µg of protein, was applied to the 10% polyacrylamide gel. The proteolytic activity of the crude E/SP was analyzed in gels copolymerized with gelatin and by colorimetric assays using azocasein as a substrate, with the characterization of the proteases using synthetic inhibitors. Different protein profiles were observed for the larval instars, with L1 presenting the most complex profile. Nevertheless, various protein bands were observed that were common to all the larval instars. The E/SP of all the instars showed proteolytic activity on gelatin, evidenced by proteolysis zones, predominantly with apparently higher molecular masses in L1, while for L2 and L3 the proteolysis zones could also be observed in regions with lower masses. Tests with protease inhibitors using gelatin as substrate showed that the E/SP of larvae were mainly composed of serine proteases. Additionally, inhibition was observed in L2 E/SP treated previously with EDTA, an inhibitor of metalloproteases. The assays with azocasein revealed a gradual increase of proteolytic activity on this substrate with larval development progress, with the strongest inhibitions being observed after treatments with 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin (DCI) for E/SP of L1, L2 and L3. These results suggest that C. hominivorax larvae produce different proteases, a fact that can be related to the parasite’s vital processes for survival, such as penetration into the host’s tissues and nutrition during the larval stage.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Giglioti R., Guimarães S., Oliveira-Sequeira T.C.G., David E.B., Brito L.G., Huacca M.E.F., Chagas A.C.S. & Oliveira M.C.S. 2016. Proteolytic activity of excretory/secretory products of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae). [Atividade proteolítica de produtos de excreção/secreção de Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae).] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(8):711-718. Embrapa Rondônia, Rodovia BR-364 Km 5,5, Porto Velho, RO 76815-800, Brazil. E-mail: Os perfis protéicos e a atividade proteolítica dos produtos de excreção/secreção (PE/S) das larvas de primeiro (L1), segundo (L2) e terceiro (L3) estágios de Cochliomyia hominivorax foram estudados em laboratório. Os perfis protéicos foram obtidos por eletroforese em géis de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE). Os PE/S de cada fase larval (L1, L2 e L3), tratados com inibidores de proteases, contendo 30µg, 40µg e 50µg de proteína, foram aplicados em géis de poliacrilamida a 10%. A atividade proteolítica dos PE/S na sua forma nativa, foi analisada em géis co-polimerizados com gelatina e por testes colorimétricos usando a azocaseína como substrato, com a caracterização das proteases feita por meio de inibidores sintéticos. Diferentes perfis protéicos foram observados para os instares larvais, com L1 apresentando o perfil mais complexo. Apesar disso, foram observadas várias bandas protéicas comuns a todos os estágios larvais. Os PE/S de todos os instares mostraram atividade proteolítica sobre a gelatina, evidenciada por zonas de proteólise, com predominância de massas moleculares aparentes mais altas em L1, enquanto que para L2 e L3 as zonas de proteólise puderam ser observadas também em regiões de menores massas. Os testes com inibidores de proteases usando a gelatina como substrato mostraram que os PE/S de L1, L2 e L3 eram compostos principalmente de serina-proteases. Adicionalmente, inibição foi observada nos PE/S de L2 tratada previamente com EDTA, um inibidor de metalo-proteases. Os ensaios com a zocaseína revelaram um aumento gradual da atividade proteolítica sobre este substrato com o progresso do desenvolvimento larval, com a mais forte inibição sendo observada após o tratamento com 3,4 dicloroisocumarina (DCI) para os PE/S de L1, L2 e L3. Estes resultados sugerem que as larvas de C. hominivorax produzem diferentes proteases, fato que pode estar relacionado a processos vitais para a sobrevivência do parasita, tais como a penetração nos tecidos dos hospedeiros e nutrição durante os estágios larvais.

#2 - Oestrus ovis infection of grazing sheep during summer in southern Chile, 35(6):497-500

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Hidalgo A., Palma H., Oberg C. & Fonseca-Salamanca F. 2015. Oestrus ovis infection of grazing sheep during summer in southern Chile. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(6):497-500. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología Molecular, BIOREN-CEGIN, Unidad de Parasitología, Departamento de Ciencias Preclínicas, Universidad de La Frontera, Casilla 54 D, Avda. Alemania 0458, Temuco, Chile. E-mail: Oestrus ovis is a botfly whose larvae cause nasal myiasis, an environmental-dependent disease in small ruminants, generating acute and chronic injuries in the cranial cavities of sheep. Chile is a country of the southernmost worldwide distribution of this parasite, and there is few information about. Whence, the objective of this study was to approximate the epidemiological situation of O. ovis infection in Chilean sheep. From December 2009 to March 2010, a total of 87 samples were obtained by necropsy for skull inspection. The larvae were collected, and microscopically identified. The prevalence in the sampled sheep was 60.9%. From those that were infected, 85.7% (18/21) of sheep were 1 to 3 years old, constituting the stratum with the highest prevalence. The difference of infection in females and males was not significant. The high risk of infection seems to be dependent upon the environmental conditions of this southern region, especially during summer when the first larval stage (L1) could be found as the evidence. Therefore, the disease should be considered as a significant problem for this kind of livestock production.

Abstract in Portuguese:

#3 - Outbreak of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 32(8):754-756

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schenkel D.M., Cavalcante M.K.M., Damasceno E.S., Campos A.K. & Furlan F.H. 2012. [Outbreak of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Surto de Oestrus ovis em ovinos em Mato Grosso. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(8):754-756. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Hospital Veterinário, Campus Universitário de Sinop, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Avenida Alexandre Ferronato 1200, Sinop, MT 78557-287, Brazil. E-mail: Oestrus ovis is a cosmopolitan agent of myiasis in sheep and goats. The parasitic phase begins after adult females deposit first stage larvae into the nostrils of hosts. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological data, clinical signs, gross and microscopical findings of an outbreak of O. ovis myiasis in sheep in state of Mato Grosso. Sneezing and nasal discharges was the major clinical signs in infected sheep. The main gross findings include hyperemia and oedema of the nasal mucosa. At the microscopic exam there was moderate infiltration of mast cells and eosinophils in the nasal mucosa with moderate to severe oedema and hyperemia. Although affecting a large number of sheep, the mortality occurred due to other causes such as Haemonchus contortus infection and pneumonia.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Schenkel D.M., Cavalcante M.K.M., Damasceno E.S., Campos A.K. & Furlan F.H. 2012. [Outbreak of Oestrus ovis in sheep in Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Surto de Oestrus ovis em ovinos em Mato Grosso. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(8):754-756. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Hospital Veterinário, Campus Universitário de Sinop, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Avenida Alexandre Ferronato 1200, Sinop, MT 78557-287, Brazil. E-mail: Oestrus ovis é um parasito cosmopolita que pode acometer ovinos e caprinos. A fase parasitária inicia-se após as fêmeas adultas depositarem suas larvas nas narinas dos hospedeiros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de descrever os aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos, macroscópicos e microscópicos de um surto de oestrose em ovinos no estado de Mato Grosso. Os principais sinais clínicos observados foram espirros e descarga nasal. Macroscopicamente havia hiperemia e edema da mucosa nasal. Os achados microscópicos eram caracterizados por hiperemia e edema moderado a acentuado e difuso, associados a infiltrado leve a moderado predominante de mastócitos e eosinófilos na submucosa. Embora a doença fosse observada em um grande número de animais a mortalidade observada nos surtos ocorreu devido à infestação por Haemonchus contortus e pneumonia.

#4 - Occurrence and treatment of cutaneous myiasis in sheep reared in semi-arid conditions in northern Minas Gerais, 32(6):490-494

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Duarte E.R., Rocha F.T., Teixeira L.M., Silva R.B., Nogueira F.A., Silva N.O. & Almeida A.C. 2012. [Occurrence and treatment of cutaneous myiasis in sheep reared in semi-arid conditions in northern Minas Gerais.] Ocorrência e tratamento de miíases cutâneas em ovinos criados em condições semiáridas no norte de Minas Gerais. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(6):490-494. Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Universitária 1000, Bairro Universitário, Montes Claros, MG 39400-006, Brazil. E-mail: Cutaneous myiasis was investigated in 10 sheep herds during one year in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil, and factors related to its occurrence were analyzed. The sheep were predominantly hybrid Saint Inês, bred in semi-extensive systems. A total of 50 cases were registered and the highest incidence occurred during March (22%) and April (18%), months with high temperatures and high relative humidity of the air. There was no influence of sex and age for the occurrence of myiasis. The lesions were mostly found on the legs (34% of the cases). Pododermatitis (38% of the cases), omphalophlebitis (10%), lymphadenitis (6%) and dermatobiosis (6%) were the predisposing factors more frequently associated with myiasis. The myiasis was not correctly treated by the owners, but after implantation of a correct therapy, 92% of the lesions presented cure within 7 to 30 days. The results show the importance of preventive strategies based on the predisposing factors identified in this study. The constant inspection, identifying wounds and precociously treating the lesions, should be routine especially at the end of rainy season and when predisposing factors are present.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Duarte E.R., Rocha F.T., Teixeira L.M., Silva R.B., Nogueira F.A., Silva N.O. & Almeida A.C. 2012. [Occurrence and treatment of cutaneous myiasis in sheep reared in semi-arid conditions in northern Minas Gerais.] Ocorrência e tratamento de miíases cutâneas em ovinos criados em condições semiáridas no norte de Minas Gerais. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(6):490-494. Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Universitária 1000, Bairro Universitário, Montes Claros, MG 39400-006, Brazil. E-mail: A ocorrência de miíases cutâneas foi verificada em 10 diferentes criatórios de ovinos no norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, durante o período de um ano, onde foram analisados os fatores relacionados a essas parasitoses. Os rebanhos possuíam predominantemente animais mestiços Santa Inês, criados em sistemas semiextensivo. Foram registrados 50 casos e a maior incidência foi observada nos meses de março (22%) e abril (18%), períodos de maiores temperaturas e umidade relativa do ar. As patas foram as regiões mais frequentemente acometidas (34% dos casos). As lesões por pododermatites (38% dos casos), onfaloflebites (10%), linfadenite (6%) e dermatobiose (6%) foram os fatores mais frequentemente relacionados às miíases. As taxas de ocorrência não diferiram quanto ao sexo e idade dos animais. Foi constatado que a maioria dos proprietários não realizava o tratamento das miíases de forma correta, sendo que após a implantação de uma terapia preconizada nesta pesquisa, 92% das lesões apresentaram cura entre sete e trinta dias. Os resultados apontam a importância de estratégias para prevenção baseadas nos fatores relacionados neste estudo. A inspeção constante dos ovinos, identificando-se os ferimentos e tratando-se as lesões precocemente, devem constituir práticas rotineiras, principalmente no período chuvoso e quando estão presentes nas patas dos animais.

#5 - Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro, p.633-642

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Macêdo J.T.S.A., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M. & Simões S.V.D. 2008. [Diseases of the skin in sheep and goats from the Brazilian semiarid.] Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):633-642. Hospital Veterinário, Cento de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: A study of the skin diseases in sheep and goats in the semiarid of the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil was performed. From January 2000 to November 2006, 656 cases in goats and 324 in sheep were presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Patos, Paraíba. Additionally mailed in biopsy or necropsy skin samples from 31 goats and 45 sheep were studied histologically. Skin diseases were diagnosed in 35 goats (5.33% of all cases in this species) and 45 sheep (13.88% of the cases in this species). The most frequent skin disease was myiasis (10 cases in goats and 7 in sheep), followed by contagious echtyma (8 cases in goats and 2 in sheep), squamous cell carcinoma (4 cases in goats and 5 in sheep), dermatophylosis (8 cases in sheep), and allergic dermatitis (1 case in goats and 1 in sheep). Two cases of pythiosis in sheep, two cases of epidermolysis bullosa in goats, one case of poisoning by Brachiaria brizantha (photosensitization) and another by Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) in sheep, and one case of papillomatosis, one of pemphigus foliaceous, one of protothecosis and one of rhabdomyosarcoma in goats were also diagnosed. In 4 cases in sheep and 19 in goats the etiologic diagnosis was not obtained. With the information of the occurrence and epidemiology of the skin diseases is possible to determine efficient control measures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Macêdo J.T.S.A., Riet-Correa F., Dantas A.F.M. & Simões S.V.D. 2008. [Diseases of the skin in sheep and goats from the Brazilian semiarid.] Doenças da pele em ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(12):633-642. Hospital Veterinário, Cento de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos, 58700-000 Patos, PB, Brazil. E-mail: A study of the skin diseases in sheep and goats in the semiarid of the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil was performed. From January 2000 to November 2006, 656 cases in goats and 324 in sheep were presented to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Patos, Paraíba. Additionally mailed in biopsy or necropsy skin samples from 31 goats and 45 sheep were studied histologically. Skin diseases were diagnosed in 35 goats (5.33% of all cases in this species) and 45 sheep (13.88% of the cases in this species). The most frequent skin disease was myiasis (10 cases in goats and 7 in sheep), followed by contagious echtyma (8 cases in goats and 2 in sheep), squamous cell carcinoma (4 cases in goats and 5 in sheep), dermatophylosis (8 cases in sheep), and allergic dermatitis (1 case in goats and 1 in sheep). Two cases of pythiosis in sheep, two cases of epidermolysis bullosa in goats, one case of poisoning by Brachiaria brizantha (photosensitization) and another by Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) in sheep, and one case of papillomatosis, one of pemphigus foliaceous, one of protothecosis and one of rhabdomyosarcoma in goats were also diagnosed. In 4 cases in sheep and 19 in goats the etiologic diagnosis was not obtained. With the information of the occurrence and epidemiology of the skin diseases is possible to determine efficient control measures.

#6 - Population fluctuation of Cochliomyia hominivorax in the county of Itaguai, Rio de Janeiro

Abstract in English:

The population fluctuation of Cochliomyia hominivorax was measured in the County of Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, from September, 1979 through August, 1980, using wind-oriented traps baited with spoiled beef liver. The fly was found every month throughout the year, being less abundant during the months with high rainfall (November-April). The fluctuation of the populations of C. macellaria and other dipterans captured in the sarne traps was similar to that of C. hominivorax. The greatest concentrations of insects were recorded in areas well protected by trees and bushes, containing high numbers of domestic animals. Almost 93% of the C. hominivorax females caught in the traps were inseminated.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Entre setembro de 1979 e agosto de 1980, foi medida a flutuação populacional de Cochliomyia hominivorax, em Itaguaí, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, empregando-se armadilhas orientadas pelo vento, iscadas com fígado deteriorado de bovino. Esta mosca foi encontrada em todos os meses do ano, sendo menos abundante naqueles em que os índices pluviométricos foram maiores (novembro até abril). A flutuação das populações de C. macellaria e de "outras moscas" capturadas nas armadilhas foi similar à de C. hominovorax. As maiores concentrações de insetos foram registradas nos locais protegidos por árvores e arbustos e com a presença de maior número de animais domésticos. Quase 93% das fêmeas de C. hominivorax apanhadas pelas armadilhas estavam fecundadas.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV