Resultado da pesquisa (1)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa albumin cytologic dissociation

#1 - Analysis of cerebral-spinal fluid of three central nervous system diseases of dogs, 38(8):1649-1655

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Polidoro D.N., Santos R.P., Aiello G., Chaves R.O., Ripplinger A., Wrzesinski M.R., Schwab M.L. & Mazzanti A. 2018. [Analysis of cerebral-spinal fluid of three central nervous system diseases of dogs.] Análise do líquido cérebro-espinhal de três doenças do sistema nervoso central de cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1649-1655. Departamento de Clínica de Pequenos Animais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Avenida Roraima 1000, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study including the analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of dogs neurologically affected was conducted by the Neurology Service of the Veterinary Hospital at the Institution, between 2004 and 2015. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of the CSF of dogs with neurological signs, and compare the changes in the CSF in two sampling sites in the same patient and see if this test helped the clinician to strengthen clinical suspicion of the major diseases of the central nervous system. Lymphocytic pleocytosis was present in 78.3% (29/37) of samples from dogs with distemper and in 23.2% (10/43) of samples from dogs with IVDD. The albumin cytologic dissociation (ACD) was found in 73% (19/26) of samples from dogs with IC tumors and in 64.3% (9/14) from dogs with tumors involving the SC. For dogs with IVDD, there was statistical significance (p<0.05) between the degree of neurological dysfunction and the total nucleated cells (TNC) and total protein (TP). In 29 dogs, CSF was collected from the cistern magna and the lumbar and in 12 (41.4%) the results were different between the samples of the same dog, where two cases (6,9%) showed alterations in the sample collected cranial to the injury. It can be concluded that the lymphocytic pleocytosis was the main alteration found in the CSF of dogs with distemper and IVDD and ACD in tumors. Dogs affected by IVDD had more severe neurological signs as TNC and TP increased and the CSF was altered even collected cranial to the lesion site and helped the clinician to strengthen the clinical suspicion, but not confirm, the major neurological diseases in dogs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Polidoro D.N., Santos R.P., Aiello G., Chaves R.O., Ripplinger A., Wrzesinski M.R., Schwab M.L. & Mazzanti A. 2018. [Analysis of cerebral-spinal fluid of three central nervous system diseases of dogs.] Análise do líquido cérebro-espinhal de três doenças do sistema nervoso central de cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(8):1649-1655. Departamento de Clínica de Pequenos Animais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Avenida Roraima 1000, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo do líquido cérebro-espinhal de cães (LCE), atendidos pelo Serviço de Neurologia do Hospital Veterinário da Instituição, de 2004 a 2015, com o objetivo de analisar os resultados de cães com sinais neurológicos, comparar as alterações encontradas em dois locais de colheita no mesmo paciente e verificar se esse exame auxiliou o clínico em reforçar a suspeita clínica das principais doenças do sistema nervoso central. A pleocitose linfocítica esteve presente em 78,3% (29/37) das amostras de cães com cinomose e em 23,2% (10/43) de cães com DDIV. Houve dissociação albuminocitológica (DAC) em 73% (19/26) das amostras de cães com tumores IC e em 64,3% (9/14) de cães com tumores envolvendo a ME. Em cães com DDIV, houve significância estatística (p<0,05) entre o grau de disfunção neurológica e o total de células nucleadas (TCN) e total de proteínas (TP). Em 29 cães, houve a colheita do LCE da cisterna magna e da cisterna lombar e em 12 (41,4%) os resultados foram diferentes entre as duas amostras colhidas do mesmo cão, onde dois (6,9%) apresentaram alteração na amostra colhida cranial à lesão. Pode-se concluir que a pleocitose linfocítica foi a principal alteração encontrada no LCE de cães com cinomose e DDIV e DAC nas neoplasias, IC e ME, cães acometidos pela DDIV apresentaram sinais neurológicos mais severos conforme o TCN e o TP aumentaram e o LCE sofreu alteração, mesmo colhido cranial ao local da lesão e auxiliou o clínico em reforçar a suspeita clínica, mas não confirmou, as principais doenças neurológicas em cães.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV