Resultado da pesquisa (20)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Rech R.R.

#1 - Shapes of pathology

Abstract in English:

The shape is one of the key features of a lesion and a pathologist must be able to identify and interpret these forms in the context of any gross and microscopic changes. One of the principles of adult learning is to engage the learner with previously understood information. If, when presenting material that is new, a connection with something the student already has familiarity with, the learning process is accelerated. As the learners are already familiar with shapes they have encountered throughout their pre-pathology learning, these can be used to hasten the incorporation and understanding of lesions. This paper describes various shapes that are used in describing lesions in veterinary pathology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A forma é uma das principais características de uma lesão. Um patologista deve ser capaz de identificar e interpretar essas formas no contexto de quaisquer alterações macroscópicas ou microscópicas. Um dos princípios da aprendizagem de adultos é envolver o aluno com informações previamente compreendidas. Se, ao apresentar um material novo, se estabelece uma conexão com algo que o aluno já conhece, o processo de aprendizagem torna-se mais rápido e eficiente. Como os alunos já estão familiarizados com as formas que encontraram ao longo de sua aprendizagem pré-patologia, elas podem ser usadas para acelerar a incorporação e a compreensão das lesões. Este artigo descreve várias formas que são usadas na descrição de lesões em patologia veterinária.

#2 - A taste of pathology

Abstract in English:

Adult learning, or andragogy, provides a novel way of appreciating using food analogies as an effective learning tool in veterinary pathology. Facilitation of adult learning requires that new concepts be presented in a way that draws on the learner’s experience. Because veterinary students will have had considerable experience with a plethora of food items prior to enrolling in a pathology course, food analogies can provide an easy conduit for incorporating key learning concepts regarding veterinary pathology. In this paper, many of these analogies are presented, along with the mechanisms responsible for each of the characteristic lesions, in the hopes that their usefulness in the classroom can be highlighted to create a more engaging and facilitated learning environment.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A aprendizagem de adultos, ou andragogia, é uma nova maneira de apreciar o uso de analogias de alimentos como uma ferramenta eficaz no aprendizado em patologia veterinária. A facilitação da aprendizagem de adultos requer que novos conceitos sejam apresentados de uma forma que se baseie na experiência do aluno. Como os estudantes de medicina veterinária já terão sido expostos a um número considerável de tipos de alimentos antes de se matricularem na disciplina de patologia, as analogias de alimentos podem fornecer um ótimo conduto para incorporar os conceitos-chave na aprendizagem da patologia veterinária. Neste artigo, muitos dessas analogias são apresentadas juntamente com os mecanismos responsáveis por cada uma das lesões características, na esperança de que sua utilidade na sala de aula possa ser destacada para criar um ambiente de aprendizado mais envolvente e favorável.

#3 - Gross and histopathological pitfalls found in the examination of 3,338 cattle brains submitted to the BSE surveillance program in Brazil

Abstract in English:

This study stems from the findings during the gross and histopathological exam of 3,338 cattle brains as part of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) active surveillance program of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply from 2001 to 2005. The work was carried out in the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria which at the time (2001-2007) was the national reference laboratory for the diagnosis of BSE and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Both gross and histopathological aspects are described. Several gross aspects were annotated: anatomic normal structures not commonly recognized (non-lesions), lesions of no clinical significance, postmortem changes and artifacts; all these can amount to important pitfalls that distract the pathologist during the routine gross examination of the central nervous system (CNS). Accordingly, equivalent pitfalls were described in the histological examination. Non-lesions observed were the pineal body, embryo remnants such as the external germinal layer of the cerebellum, subependymal plates, and clusters of neuroblasts in the basal ganglia; or circumventricular structures such as area postrema, subcomisural organ, and melanosis in the leptomeninges and vessel walls. Lesions with little or no clinical importance included age-related changes as lipofuscin, hemosiderin, mineralization and hyalinization of vessel walls within the brain and meninges. Corpora amylacea and corpora arenacea were detected respectively in astrocyte processes and the pineal body. Cytoplasmic neuronal vacuolization was observed in the red nucleus and habenular nucleus. Sarcocystis sp. without a correspondent inflammatory reaction was rarely observed. Included within findings with no clinical manifestation were axonal spheroids and perivascular mononuclear cuffings. Changes in the CNS due to killing, sampling and fixation methods can obscure or distract from the more critical lesions. The ones related to the process of killing included hemorrhages caused in cattle destroyed by a captive bolt. Artifacts related to sampling and handling of CNS tissue consisted of inclusion of bone sand in the neural tissue from sawing the calvarium; dark neurons produced by excessive handling of the brain, and micro-organisms that contaminated the tissues during sampling or histological processing. Postmortem autolytic or putrefactive changes observed included vacuolar changes in the myelin sheath, clear halos surrounding neurons and oligodendrocytes, clusters of putrefaction bacilli within vessels or dispersed throughout the brain tissue associated or not to clear halos. One interesting, and somewhat frequent, postmortem autolytic change found in the bovine brain was the partial dissolution of the granule cell layer (GCL) of the cerebellum, also referred to as conglutination of the GCL or as the French denomination “état glace”. Due to the shortage of comprehensive publications in the subject, this review is intended to address the main pitfalls that can be observed in the brain of cattle hoping to help other pathologists avoiding misinterpret them.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Os resultados deste estudo foram obtidos pelo exame macroscópico e histopatológico de 3.338 cérebros de bovinos examinados durante o programa de vigilância ativa da encefalopatia espongiforme bovina (BSE) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), de 2001 a 2005. O trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) que, de 2001 a 2007, foi o laboratório nacional de referência para o diagnóstico da BSE e de outras encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis. Macroscopicamente, foram descritas estruturas anatômicas normais (não-lesões), mas que são, com frequência, interpretadas como lesões; lesões sem significado clínico; alterações pós-mortais e artefatos. Esses achados podem confundir e desviar a atenção do patologista durante o exame de rotina do sistema nervoso central (SNC). Da mesma forma, estruturas equivalentes foram descritas no exame histológico. As não-lesões observadas foram corpo pineal, remanescentes embrionários, como a camada germinativa externa do cerebelo, placas subependimárias e aglomerados de neuroblastos nos gânglios da base; ou estruturas circunventriculares, como área de postrema, órgão subcomissural e melanose em leptomeninges e paredes dos vasos. Lesões com pouca ou nenhuma importância relacionadas ao envelhecimento incluíram lipofuscina, hemossiderina, mineralização, hialinização das paredes dos vasos do encéfalo e das meninges. Corpora amylacea foram detectados em processos astrocíticos e corpora arenacea, no corpo pineal. Adicionalmente, foi observada vacuolização no citoplasma de neurônios do núcleo vermelho e do núcleo habenular. Sarcocystis sp. sem reação inflamatória correspondente foi raramente observado. Incluídos nos achados sem manifestação clínica estavam esferóides axonais e manguitos mononucleares perivasculares. Alterações no SNC causadas pelo método de abate, amostragem e fixação podem simular ou obscurecer lesões mais importantes. Aquelas relacionadas ao método de abate incluíram hemorragias causadas em bovinos dessensibilizados pelo dardo cativo ou por punção por faca da medula na articulação atlanto-occipital. Artefatos relacionados à amostragem e manuseio de tecido do SNC consistiram na inclusão de pó de osso no tecido neural em consequência do uso de serra para abrir a caixa craniana; neurônios escuros produzidos pelo manuseio excessivo do cérebro e micro-organismos que contaminaram os tecidos durante a amostragem ou processamento histológico. Alterações autolíticas pós-mortais ou de putrefação incluíram vacuolizações na bainha de mielina, halos claros em torno dos neurônios e oligodendrócitos, aglomerados de bacilos de putrefação dentro dos vasos ou dispersos em todo o tecido cerebral, relacionados ou não a halos claros. Uma alteração autolítica pós-mortal intrigante e relativamente frequente encontrada foi a dissolução parcial da camada de células granulares (CCG) do cerebelo, também referida como conglutinação da CCG ou “état glacé”. Devido à escassez de publicações abrangentes neste assunto, esta revisão pretende abordar as principais ciladas que possam aparecer no cérebro de bovinos, na esperança de ajudar outros patologistas a evitar interpretá-las erroneamente.

#4 - Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD) outbreak in blue-and-gold macaws (Ara ararauna) in the State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, 7(11):1331-1335

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Araujo J.L., Cristo T.G., Morais R.M., Costa L.S., Biezus G., Müller T.R., Rech R.R. & Casagrande R.A. 2017. Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD) outbreak in blue-and-gold macaws (Ara ararauna) in the State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1331-1335. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Av. Luís de Camões, 2090, Conta Dinheiro, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD) is a lethal and important disease of captive psittacine birds, and affects a wide range of species, including endangered ones, and lacks an effective treatment. This report describes PDD in three blue-and-gold macaws (Ara ararauna) in southern Brazil. All three macaws originated from the same aviary and presented similar clinical signs including anorexia, apathy, emaciation and prostration. At necropsy, one of the macaws presented an enlarged proventriculus. Histologically, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates was observed in the ganglia and nerves of the esophagus, crop, proventriculus, ventriculus, heart, adrenal glands, and adrenal medulla of all three cases. Two macaws had meningoencephalomyelitis and one had myocarditis. Immunohistochemistry identified PaBV antigen in the brain, proventricular, ventricular ganglia, and epicardial ganglia, and cardiomyocytes of all three macaws

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Araujo J.L., Cristo T.G., Morais R.M., Costa L.S., Biezus G., Müller T.R., Rech R.R. & Casagrande R.A. 2017. Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD) outbreak in blue-and-gold macaws (Ara ararauna) in the State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. [Surto de doença da dilatação proventricular em araras-canindé (Ara ararauna) no estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1331-1335. Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Av. Luís de Camões, 2090, Conta Dinheiro, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil. E-mail: A doença da dilatação proventricular (PDD) e uma importante e fatal doença de psitacídeos de cativeiro, que afeta uma grande variedade de espécies e não tem um tratamento efetivo até o momento. Este relato descreve PDD em três araras canindé (Ara ararauna) no sul do Brasil. Todas as três araras eram provenientes do mesmo criatório e apresentaram sinais clínicos semelhantes incluindo anorexia, apatia, emaciação e prostração. Na necropsia, uma das araras apresentou proventrículo dilatado. No exame histopatológico, infiltrados linfoplasmacitários foram observados em gânglios e nervos do esôfago, inglúvio, proventrículo, moela, coração, glândulas adrenais e rins de todos os casos. Adicionalmente, meningoencefalomielite foi observada em duas araras e miocardite em uma. A imuno-histoquímica identificou antígenos de PaBV no encéfalo, coração, proventrículo e moela de todos os casos.

#5 - Not everything is an important lesion: Anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance, and postmortem findings in domestic and feral pigs (Sus scrofa), 33(10):1237-1255

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Langohr I.M., Marques M.G., Pescador C.A., Silva G.S., Dutra M.C., Brum J.S., Kramer B., Bordin L.C. & Silva V.S. 2013. [Not everything is an important lesion: Anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance, and postmortem findings in domestic and feral pigs (Sus scrofa).] Nem tudo que parece ser, é lesão: aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontrados na necropsia de suínos domésticos e selvagens (Sus scrofa). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(10):1237-1255. Embrapa Suínos e Aves, BR-153 Km 110, Vila Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: The interpretation of the changes observed at necropsy is an important step for the success of the final diagnosis. This article aims to describe and illustrate the anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance and postmortem changes observed in domestic and wild pigs. Moreover, the article also recommends collection techniques of organs or structures for the diagnosis of diseases affecting this species. The main anatomical structures and non-lesions described are marginal lingual papillae, pars oesophagea of the stomach, torus pyloricus, and well demarcated lobular pattern of the liver (gastrointestinal system); tonsils of the soft palate, gastric lymphoid tissue, Peyer’s patches of the small intestine, marginal folds of the spleen (hematopoietic system); prominent mediastinum testis and placental areolae (reproductive system); pulmonary atelectasis and periople (fetus); and carpal glands (integumentary system). The discussed artifacts related to euthanasia are petechiae on the surface of the lung and kidney, false anemia due to exsanguination, subdural hemorrhage due to cerebral concussion, pseudoinfarcts of the spleen, and cerebriform appearance of the small intestine. Lesions without clinical significance described are renal cysts, lymph nodes with iron pigment, papillomas and hemangiomas on the scrotum, osseous metaplasia in the mesentery, and hyperemia of the gastric mucosa. Commonly found postmortem changes are livor mortis, pale muscles, pseudomelanosis, and serosanguinous fluid in the thoracic and abdominal cavities of fetuses.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Langohr I.M., Marques M.G., Pescador C.A., Silva G.S., Dutra M.C., Brum J.S., Kramer B., Bordin L.C. & Silva V.S. 2013. [Not everything is an important lesion: Anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance, and postmortem findings in domestic and feral pigs (Sus scrofa).] Nem tudo que parece ser, é lesão: aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontrados na necropsia de suínos domésticos e selvagens (Sus scrofa). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(10):1237-1255. Embrapa Suínos e Aves, BR-153 Km 110, Vila Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: A interpretação das alterações encontradas na necropsia é uma etapa importante para o sucesso do diagnóstico final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e ilustrar os aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontradas em suínos domésticos e selvagens. Além disso, também se recomenda técnicas de colheita de tecidos para o diagnóstico de doenças que acometem essa espécie. Os principais aspectos anatômicos e não lesões descritos são fímbrias linguais, quadrilátero esofágico, toro pilórico e demarcação do padrão lobular do fígado (sistema gastrintestinal); tonsilas do palato mole, tecido linfoide associado ao estômago, placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e dobras da margem do baço (sistema hematopoiético); mediastino proeminente do testículo e aréolas da placenta (sistema reprodutor); atelectasia pulmonar e apêndice decidual (feto); e glândulas carpais (sistema tegumentar). Os artefatos de eutanásia abordados são petéquias na superfície do pulmão e rim, falsa anemia por sangria, hemorragia subdural por concussão cerebral, pseudo-infartos do baço e aspecto cerebriforme do intestino delgado. As lesões de pouco significado clínico descritas são cistos renais, linfonodos com pigmento de ferro, papilomas e hemangiomas no escroto, ossos no mesentério e hiperemia da mucosa gástrica. As alterações post mortem comumente encontradas são livor mortis, músculos pálidos, pseudomelanose e líquido serosanguinolento nas cavidades torácica e abdominal em fetos.

#6 - Guidelines for diagnosis of swine influenza, 33(1):61-73

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schaefer R., Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Gava D. & Ciacci-Zanella J.R. 2013. [Guidelines for diagnosis of swine influenza.] Orientações para o diagnóstico de influenza em suínos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(1):61-73.Embrapa Suínos e Aves, BR 153 Km 110, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: This article is intended to describe the adequate sample collection, the laboratory procedures/techniques, the expected results and their interpretation for diagnosis of influenza infection in swine, serving as a support for field veterinarians. In live pigs, the samples to be taken are nasal secretions, oral fluids and blood. For dead pigs, preference should be given to samples of cranioventral lung consolidation. Nasal discharge and chilled lung fragments are used for detection of virus (virus isolation - VI) or viral nucleic acids (conventional RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR). Samples should not be frozen, because the virus is inactivated at -20°C. Molecular characterization of isolates is performed by phylogenetic analysis of gene sequences obtained by DNA sequencing. Serum is used for the detection of antibodies using hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and ELISA. Oral fluid may be used for either antibody (ELISA) or viral detection. Fragments of lung fixed in 10% formaldehyde are used for histopathological analysis to identify bronchointerstitial pneumonia, and for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for antigens. For a successful diagnosis, sampling should be preferably performed in the acute phase of the disease to improve chances of virus detection. The best options to perform the diagnosis of influenza A in a swine herd are RT-PCR and VI from nasal swabs or oral fluid in live pigs and/or lung tissue for RT-PCR, VI or IHC in dead pigs. Serological tests are of very limited diagnostic value and are useful only to determine the immune status of the herd, not indicating clinical disease, because antibodies are detected after 7-10 days post infection (subacute phase). The diagnosis of influenza is important to evaluate the involvement of this agent in the complex of respiratory diseases in pigs. Furthermore, the isolation of influenza virus is essential for monitoring the main subtypes circulating in a given region or country, as well as for the detection of potential new viral reassortants, because influenza is considered a zoonosis.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Schaefer R., Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Gava D. & Ciacci-Zanella J.R. 2013. [Guidelines for diagnosis of swine influenza.] Orientações para o diagnóstico de influenza em suínos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(1):61-73.Embrapa Suínos e Aves, BR 153 Km 110, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Este trabalho descreve a colheita adequada de amostras, as técnicas/procedimentos disponíveis para o diagnóstico de influenza A em suínos, assim como os resultados e suas respectivas interpretações, para auxiliar médicos veterinários de campo na identificação dessa doença. Em suínos vivos, as amostras adequadas são: secreção nasal, fluido oral e sangue (soro). Para suínos mortos, colher preferencialmente amostras de pulmão com consolidação cranioventral. Secreção nasal e fragmentos de pulmão refrigerado são utilizados para detectar partícula viral viável (isolamento viral - IV) ou ácido nucleico viral (RT-PCR convencional e RT-PCR em tempo real). As amostras não devem ser congeladas, pois o vírus é inativado a -20°C. A caracterização molecular dos isolados é feita pela análise filogenética obtida pelo sequenciamento de DNA. O soro é utilizado para a detecção de anticorpos (Acs) por meio do teste da inibição da hemaglutinação e ELISA. O fluido oral pode ser utilizado para detecção de anticorpo (ELISA) ou de vírus. Fragmentos de pulmão fixados em formol a 10% são examinados microscopicamente para identificar pneumonia broncointersticial e para detecção de antígeno viral pela imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Para o sucesso do diagnóstico, as amostras devem ser colhidas de suínos que estão preferencialmente na fase aguda da doença, para aumentar as chances de detecção viral. As melhores opções para o diagnóstico de influenza A em suínos vivos são RT-PCR e isolamento viral de amostras de swab nasal ou fluido oral. Pulmão para análise por RT-PCR, isolamento viral ou IHQ é a amostra de escolha em suínos mortos. Testes sorológicos têm valor diagnóstico limitado e são utilizados apenas para determinar o estado imune do rebanho, não indicando doença clínica, pois os Acs são detectados 7-10 dias pós-infecção (fase subaguda). O diagnóstico de influenza é importante para avaliar o envolvimento desse agente no complexo de doença respiratória suína. Além disso, o isolamento do vírus influenza é essencial para o monitoramento dos principais subtipos circulantes em uma determinada região ou país, assim como para a detecção de novos rearranjos virais, já que influenza é considerada uma zoonose.

#7 - Achados de necropsia relacionados com a morte de 335 eqüinos: 1968-2007, p.275-280

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pierezan F., Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Fighera R.A. Brum J.S. & Barros C.S.L. 2009. [Necropsy findings related to the cause of death in 335 horses: 1968-2007.] Achados de necropsia relacionados com a morte de 335 eqüinos: 1968-2007. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):275-280. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: The necropsy reports of 335 horses necropsied at the LPV-UFSM between 1968-2007 were reviewed in order to determine the necropsy findings related with cause of death or reason for euthanasia. The distribution of these findings by organ system were as follows: digestive (79/335 [23.6%]), striated muscle and skeleton (47/335 [14.0%]), nervous (37/335 [11.0%]), respiratory (35/335 [10.4%]), integument (31/335 [9.3%]), hematopoietic (24/335 [7.2%]), cardiovascular (13/335 [3.9%]), reproductive (12/335 [3.5%]), urinary (7/335 [2.1%]), and endocrine (3/335 [0.9%]). The cause of death was not possible to be determined in 47 (14.0%) necropsied horses. Displacements of the intestines (17/79 [21.5%]) were the main findings in digestive system, followed by obstruction and impactation (14/79 [17.7%]). Torsion were the type of displacement more frequently observed in the intestines (14/17 [82.4%]). Among those the more prevalent affected the small intestine (7/14 [50%]). Most horses dying from fractured bones were 1-5-year-old. The most prevalent diseases in the nervous system were leukoencephalo-malacia and trypanosomiasis, whereas respiratory depression due to anesthesia was the leading cause of death related to the respiratory system. Equine infectious anemia was the most diagnosed infectious disease and the main reason leading to euthanasia.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Pierezan F., Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Fighera R.A. Brum J.S. & Barros C.S.L. 2009. [Necropsy findings related to the cause of death in 335 horses: 1968-2007.] Achados de necropsia relacionados com a morte de 335 eqüinos: 1968-2007. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):275-280. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: The necropsy reports of 335 horses necropsied at the LPV-UFSM between 1968-2007 were reviewed in order to determine the necropsy findings related with cause of death or reason for euthanasia. The distribution of these findings by organ system were as follows: digestive (79/335 [23.6%]), striated muscle and skeleton (47/335 [14.0%]), nervous (37/335 [11.0%]), respiratory (35/335 [10.4%]), integument (31/335 [9.3%]), hematopoietic (24/335 [7.2%]), cardiovascular (13/335 [3.9%]), reproductive (12/335 [3.5%]), urinary (7/335 [2.1%]), and endocrine (3/335 [0.9%]). The cause of death was not possible to be determined in 47 (14.0%) necropsied horses. Displacements of the intestines (17/79 [21.5%]) were the main findings in digestive system, followed by obstruction and impactation (14/79 [17.7%]). Torsion were the type of displacement more frequently observed in the intestines (14/17 [82.4%]). Among those the more prevalent affected the small intestine (7/14 [50%]). Most horses dying from fractured bones were 1-5-year-old. The most prevalent diseases in the nervous system were leukoencephalo-malacia and trypanosomiasis, whereas respiratory depression due to anesthesia was the leading cause of death related to the respiratory system. Equine infectious anemia was the most diagnosed infectious disease and the main reason leading to euthanasia.

#8 - Meningoencephalitis by bovine herpesvirus-5, p. 251-260

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Flores E.F., Kommers G.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Meningoencephalitis by bovine herpesvirus-5.] Meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):251-260. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Meningoencephalitis caused by bovine herpesvirus-5 (BoHV-5) is an often fatal, acute or subacute infectious disease that affects mainly young cattle under stressing conditions. The disease has been recognized in several Brazilian regions and in other parts of the world. BoHV-5 is a double stranded DNA virus member of the Herpesviridae family and subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae. The virus is characterized by rapid and lytic replication in cell cultures and by the ability to establish lifelong latent infection in sensory nerve ganglia of the host. BoHV-5 is transmitted mainly by direct and indirect contact and replicates acutely in the oral, nasal, oropharingeal or ocular mucosae. After primary replication, the virus invades nerve endings and is transported to the neuron cell bodies of the sensory ganglia where it replicates actively and/or establishes latency. Viral invasion of the brain may result in massive virus replication and production of neurological disease. Virtually all cattle developing neurological disease die of meningoencephalitis; yet the infection may be subclinical in some animals. These animals recover and become latently infected. Viral dissemination within a herd is facilitated by conditions such as crowding, introduction of cattle from other herds and weaning of calves in ages that coincide with decrease of passive immunity. Certain natural or induced conditions may reactivate the latent virus and favor its transmission and dissemination to other susceptible individuals. The disease may occur as outbreaks or as sporadic cases, with morbidity rates ranging of 0.05%-5%; lethality is almost always 100%. Clinical signs include depression, nasal and ocular discharge, grinding of teeth, circling, blindness, fever, paddling movements, disphagia, abdominal pain, nystagmus, muscle tremors, drooling, incoordinated gait, opisthotonus, head pressing, falls and convulsions. Clinical course is usually 1-15 days. Necropsy findings may be absent but often there is swollen of the rostral portions of the cerebral cortex and flattening of gyri, with softening and segmental yellow discoloration (malacia). As the disease progresses the affected areas become gelatinous and grey and, in advanced cases, there is segmental loss of the cerebral cortex of the frontal lobe of the brain (residual lesion). In several cases there is malacia of the basal nuclei and of the thalamus. Histologically, there is necrotizing non-suppurative meningoencephalitis affecting mainly the cerebral cortex of the frontal lobe associated with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in neurons and astrocytes, although the frequency of the inclusion bodies is inconsistent. The diagnosis of meningoencephalitis by BoHV-5 should be based on epidemiology, clinical signs, necropsy and histological findings. The diagnosis should be confirmed by viral isolation in cell culture and/or by detection of viral antigens in brain sections or in exfoliated cells from nasal secretions. The identification and characterization of BoHV-5 can be done by the use of monoclonal antibodies, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or by restriction enzyme analysis of the viral genome. There is no specific treatment for the disease. As BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 are antigenically related, vaccination using BoHV-1 vaccines may be recommended as a means of reducing the losses caused by BoHV-5 infection, mainly during outbreaks of neurologic disease. Additionally, measures such as serologic testing of new additions to the herd; and management practices to prevent stress and to reduce conditions for virus dissemination among animals may help in reducing the incidence and the consequences of BoHV-5 infection and disease.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Flores E.F., Kommers G.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Meningoencephalitis by bovine herpesvirus-5.] Meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):251-260. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Meningoencephalitis caused by bovine herpesvirus-5 (BoHV-5) is an often fatal, acute or subacute infectious disease that affects mainly young cattle under stressing conditions. The disease has been recognized in several Brazilian regions and in other parts of the world. BoHV-5 is a double stranded DNA virus member of the Herpesviridae family and subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae. The virus is characterized by rapid and lytic replication in cell cultures and by the ability to establish lifelong latent infection in sensory nerve ganglia of the host. BoHV-5 is transmitted mainly by direct and indirect contact and replicates acutely in the oral, nasal, oropharingeal or ocular mucosae. After primary replication, the virus invades nerve endings and is transported to the neuron cell bodies of the sensory ganglia where it replicates actively and/or establishes latency. Viral invasion of the brain may result in massive virus replication and production of neurological disease. Virtually all cattle developing neurological disease die of meningoencephalitis; yet the infection may be subclinical in some animals. These animals recover and become latently infected. Viral dissemination within a herd is facilitated by conditions such as crowding, introduction of cattle from other herds and weaning of calves in ages that coincide with decrease of passive immunity. Certain natural or induced conditions may reactivate the latent virus and favor its transmission and dissemination to other susceptible individuals. The disease may occur as outbreaks or as sporadic cases, with morbidity rates ranging of 0.05%-5%; lethality is almost always 100%. Clinical signs include depression, nasal and ocular discharge, grinding of teeth, circling, blindness, fever, paddling movements, disphagia, abdominal pain, nystagmus, muscle tremors, drooling, incoordinated gait, opisthotonus, head pressing, falls and convulsions. Clinical course is usually 1-15 days. Necropsy findings may be absent but often there is swollen of the rostral portions of the cerebral cortex and flattening of gyri, with softening and segmental yellow discoloration (malacia). As the disease progresses the affected areas become gelatinous and grey and, in advanced cases, there is segmental loss of the cerebral cortex of the frontal lobe of the brain (residual lesion). In several cases there is malacia of the basal nuclei and of the thalamus. Histologically, there is necrotizing non-suppurative meningoencephalitis affecting mainly the cerebral cortex of the frontal lobe associated with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in neurons and astrocytes, although the frequency of the inclusion bodies is inconsistent. The diagnosis of meningoencephalitis by BoHV-5 should be based on epidemiology, clinical signs, necropsy and histological findings. The diagnosis should be confirmed by viral isolation in cell culture and/or by detection of viral antigens in brain sections or in exfoliated cells from nasal secretions. The identification and characterization of BoHV-5 can be done by the use of monoclonal antibodies, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or by restriction enzyme analysis of the viral genome. There is no specific treatment for the disease. As BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 are antigenically related, vaccination using BoHV-1 vaccines may be recommended as a means of reducing the losses caused by BoHV-5 infection, mainly during outbreaks of neurologic disease. Additionally, measures such as serologic testing of new additions to the herd; and management practices to prevent stress and to reduce conditions for virus dissemination among animals may help in reducing the incidence and the consequences of BoHV-5 infection and disease.

#9 - Intoxicações por plantas e micotoxinas associadas a plantas em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: 461 casos, p.261-268

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Pierezan F., Gabriel A.L., Trost M.E., Brum J.S., Kommers G.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Plant and plant-associated mycotoxins poisoning in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 461 cases.] Intoxicações por plantas e micotoxinas associadas a plantas em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: 461 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):261-268. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: From 1990 to 2005, tissues from 2,912 cattle necropsies were examined at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology (LPV) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil. These tissues came from necropsies performed by faculty members of the LPV or were mailed-in samples from necropsy performed by veterinarian practitioners. In 461 (15.83%) of these necropsies the cause of death was attributed to the ingestion of poisonous plants. In decreasing order of frequency poisoning by the following plants were registered: Senecio spp (56.14%), Pteridium aquilinum (12.06%), Ateleia glazioviana (10.31%), Solanum fastigiatum (5.04%), Baccharis coridifolia (3.29%), Xanthium cavanillesii (3.07%), Senna occidentalis (2.63%), Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (2.41%), Amaranthus spp (2.19%), Vicia villosa (1.54%), Ipomoea batatas, Prunus sellowii, cytrus pulp (0.44% each), Cestrum parqui, Claviceps paspali, Claviceps purpurea, Brachiaria spp and Lantana sp (0.22% each). In a given outbreak the number of affected cattle was substantially higher than the number of necropsies performed. The following aspects are discussed for each plant: geographical distribution; factors inducing ingestion; morbidity, mortality and lethality rates, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histopathology. For those plants in which information on the active principle and pathogenesis are available, these aspects are included in the discussion.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Rissi D.R., Rech R.R., Pierezan F., Gabriel A.L., Trost M.E., Brum J.S., Kommers G.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Plant and plant-associated mycotoxins poisoning in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 461 cases.] Intoxicações por plantas e micotoxinas associadas a plantas em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: 461 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(7):261-268. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: From 1990 to 2005, tissues from 2,912 cattle necropsies were examined at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology (LPV) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil. These tissues came from necropsies performed by faculty members of the LPV or were mailed-in samples from necropsy performed by veterinarian practitioners. In 461 (15.83%) of these necropsies the cause of death was attributed to the ingestion of poisonous plants. In decreasing order of frequency poisoning by the following plants were registered: Senecio spp (56.14%), Pteridium aquilinum (12.06%), Ateleia glazioviana (10.31%), Solanum fastigiatum (5.04%), Baccharis coridifolia (3.29%), Xanthium cavanillesii (3.07%), Senna occidentalis (2.63%), Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (2.41%), Amaranthus spp (2.19%), Vicia villosa (1.54%), Ipomoea batatas, Prunus sellowii, cytrus pulp (0.44% each), Cestrum parqui, Claviceps paspali, Claviceps purpurea, Brachiaria spp and Lantana sp (0.22% each). In a given outbreak the number of affected cattle was substantially higher than the number of necropsies performed. The following aspects are discussed for each plant: geographical distribution; factors inducing ingestion; morbidity, mortality and lethality rates, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histopathology. For those plants in which information on the active principle and pathogenesis are available, these aspects are included in the discussion.

#10 - Biópsia hepática no diagnóstico da intoxicação por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em bovinos, p.53-60

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barros C.S.L., Castilhos L.M.L., Rissi D.R., Kommers G.D. & Rech R.R. 2007. [Liver biopsy for the diagnosis of Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) poisoning in cattle.] Biópsia hepática no diagnóstico da intoxicação por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):53-60. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Liver lesions caused by Senecio spp. poisoning in cattle are progressive and deaths may occur many months after the plant is ingested. Laboratory tests of liver function are not always reliable indicators of subclinical affected animals. Liver biopsy could be useful to identify cattle with hepatic lesions but without clinical signs and would have also a prognostic value since it is generally believed that hepatic lesions will eventually cause liver failure and death. Such animals could be picked out by liver biopsy before clinical signs develop and be sent to slaughter, minimizing economic losses. This study was aimed to evaluate the liver biopsy as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in cases of Senecio spp. poisoning in cattle. An outbreak of Senecio brasiliensis was diagnosed in dairy calves which ingested hay contaminated by 5-10% of this Senecio species. Liver biopsy using a Menghini needle by right transthoracic approach was carried out in 135 calves that ingested the contaminated hay. Biopsed calves were followed up for 26 months after the biopsy. Seventeen biopsied calves had typical lesions of Senecio spp. poisoning (positive calves) and 118 had histologically normal livers (negative calves). Hepatic lesions of positive calves included fibrosis, hepatomeglocytosis, and biliary hyperplasia. Fifteen out of the 17 positive calves died with typical clinical signs of Senecio spp. poisoning within 17-149 days after the biopsy; 13 of those were necropsied and had typical gross and histopathological lesions of Senecio spp. poisoning. Two positive calves were clinically normal at the end of the post-biopsy observation period. The prognostic value (sensibility) of the test was considered high since 88.23% of the positive calves died. The specificity of the test was considered very high (99.16%) since only one of the 118 negative calves died in the observation period. In none of the biopsed calves a negative effect related to the biopsy technique was observed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barros C.S.L., Castilhos L.M.L., Rissi D.R., Kommers G.D. & Rech R.R. 2007. [Liver biopsy for the diagnosis of Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) poisoning in cattle.] Biópsia hepática no diagnóstico da intoxicação por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(1):53-60. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Liver lesions caused by Senecio spp. poisoning in cattle are progressive and deaths may occur many months after the plant is ingested. Laboratory tests of liver function are not always reliable indicators of subclinical affected animals. Liver biopsy could be useful to identify cattle with hepatic lesions but without clinical signs and would have also a prognostic value since it is generally believed that hepatic lesions will eventually cause liver failure and death. Such animals could be picked out by liver biopsy before clinical signs develop and be sent to slaughter, minimizing economic losses. This study was aimed to evaluate the liver biopsy as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in cases of Senecio spp. poisoning in cattle. An outbreak of Senecio brasiliensis was diagnosed in dairy calves which ingested hay contaminated by 5-10% of this Senecio species. Liver biopsy using a Menghini needle by right transthoracic approach was carried out in 135 calves that ingested the contaminated hay. Biopsed calves were followed up for 26 months after the biopsy. Seventeen biopsied calves had typical lesions of Senecio spp. poisoning (positive calves) and 118 had histologically normal livers (negative calves). Hepatic lesions of positive calves included fibrosis, hepatomeglocytosis, and biliary hyperplasia. Fifteen out of the 17 positive calves died with typical clinical signs of Senecio spp. poisoning within 17-149 days after the biopsy; 13 of those were necropsied and had typical gross and histopathological lesions of Senecio spp. poisoning. Two positive calves were clinically normal at the end of the post-biopsy observation period. The prognostic value (sensibility) of the test was considered high since 88.23% of the positive calves died. The specificity of the test was considered very high (99.16%) since only one of the 118 negative calves died in the observation period. In none of the biopsed calves a negative effect related to the biopsy technique was observed.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV